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 Topic: 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's

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  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     OP - August 13, 2014, 12:53 PM

    I rarely post, but shit like this pisses me off.

    "The saudi appeal court has supported the penal court's judgment in Braida (central saudi) of incarcerating 5 young saudi men (some of whom are military men) with sentences that accumulate to 39 years and 8000 lashes. They were caught in the company of 6 women by the hai'a (sharia police) while celebrating valentine's and refused their appeal.

    The accused were caught in celebration that included red candles. The have all confessed to dancing and meeting in khilwa (no mahram). Two men have resisted the hai'a.

    The court has given a sentence of 5 years in prison and 1000 lashes in public for the first defendant. The 2nd and 3rd were sentenced to 7 years  and 1500 lashes each. The 4th and 5th received 10 years and 2000 lashes each and a 5 years travel ban after release. The 6 women were transferred to be trialled by another judge."

    I might've skipped a few words but i tried to be as close translation as possible.
    What world is this where dancing and love is a crime to be confessed?
    There is much worse crimes and atrocities happening all over the world I admit but this ticked me off today.

    "Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to."
    هذا من فضل جدي
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #1 - August 13, 2014, 01:02 PM

    No, the worst crime is shirk and imitating the kuffar. On second place, or perhaps even sharing first place, is everything connected to women and life's pleasures. This henious crime has all of this....

    I am more afraid for the women. I wonder what tortures they're enduring. Heard by another "judge"... yeah, I've heard all about the women's prison in Saudi...

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #2 - August 13, 2014, 01:05 PM

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    I rarely post, but shit like this pisses me off.

    "The saudi appeal court has supported the penal court's judgment in Braida (central saudi) of incarcerating 5 young saudi men (some of who are military men) with sentences that accumulate to 39 years and 8000 lashes. They were caught in the company of 6 women by the hai'a (sharia police) while celebrating valentine's and refused their appeal.

     I rarely post, but shit like this pisses me off.   kulay  says.,  

    Hello   kulay my good wishes to you., well every one has to get rid of that shit &  piss., otherwise there will be trouble in stomach as well as in brain. Lol..   So post more get rid of the shit & piss

    anyways let us put PROPER link on that instead of that kulayeb/MobileUploads


    صادقت محكمة الاستئناف على الأحكام التي اصدرها قاضي المحكمة الجزائية في بريدة بحق 5 مواطنين بينهم ثلاثة يعملون في القطاع العسكري، بعد أن قبض عليهم يحتفلون بليلة ما يسمى عيد الحب "الفالنتاين"، بالسجن مددا بلغت 39 عاما و8000 جلدة.

    وبحسب صحيفة "عكاظ" فأن تأييد الاستئناف جاء بعد أن رفع المدانون استئنافهم على الاحكام بعد صدور الحكم، وكانت هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر ضبطت الخمسة وبرفقتهم ست نساء في استراحة تخصهم بالإيجار المستمر وضبطت بحوزتهم خمور مستوردة وخمور مصنعة محليا.

    وحسب صك الحكم الابتدائي فإن المدعى عليهم اعترفوا بالرقص والالتقاء والخلوة المحرمة والاحتفال بالفالنتاين، حيث ضبطت في جلستهم الشموع والورود الحمراء ونماذج القلوب.

    وجاءت الأحكام الصادرة من القاضي والتي أيدها الاستئناف على النحو التالي؛ السجن للمتهم الأول 5 سنوات والجلد ألف جلدة على 10 دفعات أمام أسواق عامة، السجن للمتهمين الثاني والثالث 7 سنوات لكل منهما وجلد كل منهما 1500 على 15 دفعة أمام نفس الأسواق، السجن للمتهمين الرابع والخامس لمدة 10 سنوات لكل منهما وجلد كل منهما ألفي جلدة على 20 دفعة، ومنعهما من السفر لخمس سنوات بعد نهاية محكوميتهما، وإلغاء عقد إيجار الاستراحة مع تصفية حقوق المالك من قبلهم.

    3 Saudi cops jailed for Valentine's party
    Cops, two others will also be lashed after they were caught at party with women
     A Saudi court sentenced three policemen and two other Saudis to between five and 10 years in prison and ordered them lashed thousands of times after they were caught at a Valentine’s Day party with women and liquor. Saudi Arabia’s religious police — the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice — had raided their house in the central town of Buraydah and arrested the five following a tip-off.

    The court sentenced them to between five and 10 years in prison and ordered them lashed 1,000-1,500 times each. “The judge also issued an order banning the five from travelling abroad for five years after completing their prison terms,” Sada daily said.

    Sentence on Saudi valentines upheld _Khalid Al-Adl Saudi Gazette[/quote]
    that is straight from horse mouth and it says
    BURAIDAH — The appeals court in Buraidah has upheld the decision of a criminal court to sentence five Saudis who celebrated Valentine's Day to a total of 39 years in prison.

    The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia) had detained the suspects on Feb. 14 after they stormed a rented private resort in the outskirts of the city where the men were partying in the company of six unrelated women. The Haia members had also seized red roses and a huge quantity of imported and locally-made liquor from the resort.

    Three of the convicted men were employed in the military. The suspects had admitted to dancing and illegally meeting women while celebrating Valentine's Day.

    The first defendant was sentenced to five years in prison and 1,000 lashes at a public place, and the second and third defendants were each sentenced to seven years in prison and 1,500 lashes, while the fourth and fifth defendants received 10 years in prison and 2,000 lashes. All five defendants were also banned from traveling abroad for a period of five years after serving their prison sentences.

    Three of the women who took part in the celebration were sisters. Two other women also were sisters but from a different family and the sixth woman was not related to any of them...

    well that is the news from SAND LAND..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #3 - August 13, 2014, 01:07 PM

    Being human is haram.
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #4 - August 13, 2014, 01:09 PM

    Psychopaths. I would want them to be inflicted such pain.
    Stupid judges. Brainless people.  
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #5 - August 13, 2014, 01:13 PM

    So the penalty is higher than for 'fornication' seems these are the laws of Sharia, tazir, that are based on the whims of the judges. Strange isn't, applying all the cruel laws + cruel judges, and then not applying other parts of Sharia, like allowing a muslim to settle in Saudiarabia an get same rights as a native.
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #6 - August 13, 2014, 01:29 PM

    Be Islamic zombies and you will be fine in Saudi Arabia.
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #7 - August 13, 2014, 01:46 PM

    So the penalty is higher than for 'fornication' seems these are the laws of Sharia, tazir, that are based on the whims of the judges. Strange isn't, applying all the cruel laws + cruel judges, and then not applying other parts of Sharia, like allowing a muslim to settle in Saudiarabia an get same rights as a native.

    Pretty much. Usually when you cherry pick Islam, you're omitting the 'bad' parts. For the Saudi government, it's the opposite.

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
     Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
     Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
     Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God." - Epicurus
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #8 - August 13, 2014, 02:20 PM

    Some sick stuff this, bunch of psychopaths, why don't the judges just look up Charles Mansen so they can all get together and finger paint with each other's blood?
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #9 - August 13, 2014, 02:58 PM

    Fuck these fucking cunt motherfuckers...
    These guys are being punished more harshly than some murderers, pedophiles, and rapists in Western countries. And their crime?! Consensual interactions with the opposite sex on a day that was made specifically for that... They didn't even affect anyone around them for fucks sake!!

    "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #10 - August 13, 2014, 03:03 PM

    These sort of stories of punishments out of KSA are just too fantastically awful to think about for long. If I were one of these people or one of their loved ones, I'd be unspeakably furious.
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #11 - August 13, 2014, 03:27 PM

        The men were arrested by the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice

        All five have admitted to the charges of illicit seclusion with unrelated women, dancing and drinking

        A judge will decide the fate of the six women caught with the men

    well that is the latest news on that ., So we will wait for the JUDGE.. and News also says from that Sand land

    Saudi man said to divorce wife for driving

    well read the news from

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #12 - August 13, 2014, 03:41 PM

    Are not that number of lashes death sentences?  Is this a way of hiding how many death sentences are actually carried out?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #13 - August 13, 2014, 03:48 PM

    They do it in batches. I read somewhere that they're planning on doing Raif's every Friday until they've done it as many times as he was sentenced for.
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #14 - August 13, 2014, 03:55 PM

    They do it in batches. I read somewhere that they're planning on doing Raif's every Friday until they've done it as many times as he was sentenced for.

    You mean Raif Badawi?? .. where is the link? lua link please..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #15 - August 13, 2014, 05:08 PM

    That is definitely cruel and unusual punishment.  I assume Saudi Arabia is a member of the UN isn't it?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #16 - August 13, 2014, 05:47 PM

    Yeezevee, I had to look for a bit, you had me thinking that I totally made it up, but I guess I must have seen it on Elham Manea's twitter here:

    Not sure where she got that information, though.

  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #17 - August 13, 2014, 07:31 PM

    Being human is haram.

    Sums it up.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #18 - August 14, 2014, 09:46 AM

    Fucking sickos.

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #19 - August 14, 2014, 09:55 AM

    Well when you know what informs the basis for Sharia...maybe using reason will be difficult
  • 39 years and 8000 lashes for valentine's
     Reply #20 - August 14, 2014, 01:15 PM

    The better question is, do unicorns even exist?


    أشهد أن لا إله
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