Tell me if I need a reality check here
OP - August 19, 2014, 03:53 PM
I'm getting more and more uncomfortable with where my views are heading. I was a fairly typical leftish secular Muslim all my life, not religious but pretty respectful towards the religion and generally defending both Islam and Muslims when under attack. But these last couple of years I've shifted quite a lot and I'd appreciate your views on if/how I'm going wrong here. I'll try to summarize my thinking, let's just limit it to UK/ Europe for now:
- There's a massive problem with Muslims minorities in pretty much every sphere: education, crime of every kind, terrorism, separatism, supremacism, anti-secularism, anti-liberalism, anti-intellectualism and almost any other problem you could mention
- This problem was NOT mainly caused by racism or intolerance. Almost every other minority is fine or moving the right way. In fact, the problem is to do with Muslims themselves - their attitudes, beliefs, culture and, most importantly, religion
- I'm not saying Muslims are intrinsically bad people - they are the same as anyone else of course - but that the religion and culture surrounding it makes it almost impossible for them to integrate or develop as humans and as communities beyond a very low ceiling.
- Even worse, it puts them on a direct collision course with the host country if it is a secular liberal country, since Islam seeks dominance and will not stop until it has attained it
- All the trends in Muslim attitudes are in the WRONG direction - they are getting worse in every way, not least even failing to admit there is any problem at all
- On top of that we have demographic trends which mean Muslims will be 20% of the population within 15 years, and the majority in a number of cities, and that trend will continue. What will it be like in 2050, 2070?
- Muslims are already starting to take political power. I doubt Bradford, for instance, will ever be controlled again by a non-Muslim-appeasing MP, and this trend will continue. Add to that separate schools, legal systems, media sources, 'white flight' from ghettoes and all the rest of it
- At some point the very basis of secularism and liberalism will be under threat, in fact that point is arguably already been reached
- The question for the UK and Europe is when and how to stop this if they want to keep secular liberalism. And with the way things are going, I am seeing us move further and further way from that
- I can not think of one country that has integrated a large and growing population of Muslims successfully without either a) an insurgency of some kind (Thailand, Nigeria etc), b) separation of a region (Pakistan, Kosovo etc) or c) Outright Muslim takeover
- I see no evidence that Muslims have changed their overall objective and see no sign that any of the negative trends are reversing; rather, they are accelerating
- I see or hear virtually no-one discussing this. If a white person does they usually are labelled 'extreme right', and in many cases are often ignorant racists, but in others I am beginning to think they have a point and, more than that, are correct
- As a brown leftish Muslim its very uncomfortable to find yourself agreeing with Geert Wilders and Robert Spencer....but actually I think I do, more and more, and all i can think about is what the non-Muslims should do to resist this.
So...can anyone tell me if I've got all this completely wrong? And if so how? Of course I generalise a lot when I use terms like 'Muslims' - I know there are many shades, but the large (and growing) majority fit my broad generalisation. And i know all kinds of trends can change and reverse, so extrapolation is an inexact science. But from where we are today, if things continue as they are, am I broadly correct? What do you guys think?