So true, yes another great quote from him, how could anyone not remember the 'mash potato' bit.
I recall a while ago some poor muslim was giving reasons for existence of Allah and 'proof' that Islam was true or something like that in any rate. You know the usual stuff we get from time to time when like clock work 'Old man faithful' comes out with another classic along the lines off,
'Pay no attention to them Muslim guy, the people on CEMB are
brainwashed, they don't know what they're talking about."
Honestly I nearly spat my tea, it was a genuine LOL moment which I don't get very often.
Now to finish off with a few of my favourite Yeezeevism's for the time being,
We by this stage are familiar with, 'Land of Sand' and 'Land of Pure' but some of my personal preferences are
Zebra: Child of inter religious marriage
Juice: A group of very bad people based in the Middle East more or less responsible for all the worlds problems.
Heroes of Islam: Blood thirsty lynch mobs/general crowds baying for blood in the name of protecting Islam's honour.
Bearded Baboon: Oppresive and possibly violent, Salafi
Gibbon: Oppresive and only slightly less violent Salafi's wife
Now 10 point for anyone who can tell me what S.O.D.O.M in Yeezevee speak stands for?