First, welcome to the forum, VI
Sounds like your views are, understandably, still very much influenced by your Buddhist upbringing and, I'm guessing, environment. This will fade with time, as you'll see from the experience of others on this forum.
Just because you see one person as physically attractive, and another as physically unattractive, doesn't make you a bad person in any way whatsoever! Please don't think like that. We're human, and one of the attributes of being human is finding certain physical features and characteristics attractive, and others not so attractive. Indeed, if everyone was immediately sexually attracted to everyone else, we would be in trouble!
Two points: 1) if someone is looking for sex, then of course they will be looking for a partner who is physically attractive. Otherwise what's the point? 2) if someone is looking for a relationship, then sex won't be the first thing on their mind. Relationships develop over time, as you get to know one another. Alongside this, mutual respect and understanding grow, and the attraction becomes focussed on who the person is, not necessarily what they look like. You'll also find that, as you develop feelings for someone, you'll find them more and more attractive in every way, including physically. So no need to worry about looks to start with!
Regarding the fetish you mention, this is interesting. I think most people have thoughts like these, to varying degrees. Whether you act upon them or not, depends how close and open your relationship is with your partner.
Easier said than done, but try not to dwell on these thoughts as you'll only make yourself feel more guilty, thus making it harder to attract the type of partner and/or relationship your are seeking. As I said before, these feelings will subside as you grow more comfortable with your new outlook on life. You have to,
have to love yourself, before others will truly love you: if you don't really know or understand your own self, how can anyone else? Once anyone masters this, it will be like they've been re-born.