Schizo, would you agree that strands of Islam exists if not Islam itself?
Terminologically no, but in terms of praxis yes, definitely.
If so can you be an apostate from a strand but not from Islam per say?
Well, I think I'm getting at a slightly different point here. I'm saying that the idea of apostasy itself is a problematic notion, not that it doesn't happen. Of course, speaking from a dialectical methodology it doesn't, but this is a very specialised way of viewing the world.
Would you also agree that though ex-Muslim might not be terminologically correct, it is a good label to apply to people who have left strains of Islam? This is in order to provide the best care to these people due to similarities in the oppression they have from their communities?
In that sense unequivocally yes. I think, however, the identity of ex-muslim, as adopted by the subject is an inherently damaging adaptation considering that islam is a non-concept. It further leads to disciplining of bio-power in the existing societal matrix.