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 Topic: The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam

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  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #180 - October 14, 2014, 04:05 PM

    No offence but your posts are incredibly hard to read. Nothing was said about her being freed so no such result should be assumed, and I disagree, though a sort of revenge might provide some psychological relief(?), but she is still a slave, and she still got raped, and she didn't get compensated in anyway.

    FACT: Humans were NOT 'created', we evolved. If you want to argue that anything was created, you'd have a much better time arguing that the first primal form of life was the one created(an argument that your Qur'an doesn't allow you to initiate, as a Muslim).

    Not that I personally even agree with killing rapers, but a huge chunk of adulterers are NOT rapers.

    I don't own an iphone 6. I've ever had two phones stolen, one was stolen at knife-point. For a couple of days I'd wanted the 2 people who threatened me to burn in hell forever, but I am no longer that hateful, I simply hope that things work out for them somehow so that they no longer feel the need to rob people.

    verses please again the burden of proof is on you

    Surely, Mohamed is the most righteous of men?
    I am not misrepresenting your argument, I am simply stating that your 'righteousness' argument doesn't mean jack shit.

    I don't know the exact verses mentioned but the simple existence of a different verse which seems to hold a different opinion doesn't nullify the other verses. If anything, it only makes matters worse.

    Although I can't personally vouch for the following links, I am not linking these in an argumentative context; I am simply linking them for you to read:

    Best of luck.

    (No offence but your posts are incredibly hard to read. Nothing was said about her being freed so no such result should be assumed, and I disagree, though a sort of revenge might provide some psychological relief(?), but she is still a slave, and she still got raped, and she didn't get compensated in anyway.)

    this is not getting anyware the sole porpuse of my post is to show the raper got his punishmet which IS what evry woman want let me tell you what is the wors nighmare for a woman and i know that because i have a sister worse nightmare for a woman is to be RAPED not labled as slave RAPE is Million times Much worse than calling someone slave I would rather be a slave than being raped it;s humliating and you said she still got raped but why do you blame it on islam if i was a ruler and a woman was raped under my country that i didn't know about I'm i to be blamed for that because i didn't know?Huh?Huh? i only get blamed if i didn;t to anything about it

    (Narrated Anas: The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, "Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned." Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet . The Prophet made her manumission as her 'Mahr'.

    Surely, Mohamed is the most righteous of men?)

    OK let's take that the hadith is problematic and get the conflict approach but now WAIT LOOK "whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight)" see? now don't say I'm defending the hadith i already agreed it's problematic i agreed with you but let's look at the hadit and dissect it carefully you see it's says hostile nation MEANS the prophet didn't kill women and children and these people were hostiles to the muslims that shows they were hostiles as for saffiyah i already provided quotes and sources of why Muhammad attack her family please check the comments

    (the verse that i stated says (we created you as pairs male and female ) what is wrong with that?Huh?Huh?? there is male a female

    FACT: Humans were NOT 'created', we evolved. If you want to argue that anything was created, you'd have a much better time arguitng that the first primal form of life was the one created(an argument that your Qur'an doesn't allow you to initiate, as a Muslim).

    i apologize it about adam and hawwa not what a direct creation here however YOU CAN'T say we evolved like this because evolution doesn't say alot about human gender but rather says we are evolved i'm sorry but your argument defines all laws of logic if we are not male and female how did we survived then??? evolution is not against gender creation but rather about the changes that we acquired through years also the word here we created you can also means we MADE you it can be a metaphorical speech i see no error here in order for you to prove the verse is scientifically wrong you must show that islam says we created you and through years you haven't change again evolution is about the changes the happen to us through years NOT if we had a pair or not

    A straw man is a common type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on the misrepresentation of an opponent's argument

    I am not misrepresenting your argument, I am simply stating that your 'righteousness' argument doesn't mean jack shit.)

    please read my argument a compare it to yours you basically drifted suddenly to theft and adultry while i was talking about social statis NOTHING has to do with it that is a strawman you made the people think i was talking about adultry and theft when that was not the case at all

    (Quote from: AhmedZaid9119 on Today at 02:21 PM
    Verses Please

    plus read 4:19 and 24:33 and many others i can quote

    I don't know the exact verses mentioned but the simple existence of a different verse which seems to hold a different opinion doesn't nullify the other verses. If anything, it only makes matters worse.

    Although I can't personally vouch for the following links, I am not linking these in an argumentative context; I am simply linking them for you to read:

    WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD does this have to do with rape?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh? you give me links about contradiction?Huh??? that is a red harring logical fallacy it has nothing to do with rape allowance in islam but anyway the link you provided has already been refuted HERE:
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #181 - October 14, 2014, 04:07 PM

    I don't have the patience of reading non-sense.

    You say that you don't hate anyone of us on here, but at the same time you are comfortable with the idea that apostates should be sentenced to death.

    I dont know how that is different from hate?

    INcePtion.,  You are such an impatient "Italiapakitaenglando",   you are very hard on fellows like Zaid or people like me..  Cry

    Ha! that is a good protein to replace sugar . Damn that is some 1000 times sweeter than sugar?  good stuff good stuff.. Allah gave to us..   INcePtion eat that it will make you sweeter

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #182 - October 14, 2014, 04:10 PM

    I don't have the patience of reading non-sense.

    You say that you don't hate anyone of us on here, but at the same time you are comfortable with the idea that apostates should be sentenced to death.

    I dont know how that is different from hate?

    strawman please show me where did i said apostasy Most die?Huh?Huh?
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #183 - October 14, 2014, 04:14 PM

    strawman please show me where did i said apostasy Most die?Huh?Huh?

      cool down AhmedZaid9119., though you say you are not ., you sound very upset .., 

    "strawman., please show me where did I say apostates Must die?Huh?Huh?"

    "strawman., please show me where did I say  apostasy means death penalty?Huh?Huh?"

    that sounds better..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #184 - October 14, 2014, 04:21 PM

    Ahmed, don’t take attacks on your ideas as attacks on your person. Quite frankly, you’ve been here spewing apologetics for one of the most heinous human rights abuses known to man, whether you realize it or not. These bad ideas have real life consequences. When viewed from a historical standpoint, it is true that the ancient world was a far different and much less pleasant place than what we are used to today. But we human beings can only progress if we learn from the mistakes of our past and move beyond them, not seek to justify them. That is why you have received such a strong reaction from the members here. The situation in our planet today shows why it is so important for bad ideas to be vehemently challenged.

    i did if you will look at me and my ideas you will i run contrary to many muslim ideas today so you can't call me apologetic because:
    A-it's academically false in order for someone to be an apologetic he must be graduate of islamic studies
    b-he must not come up with ideas opposite to sunnah which i did and i agreed on many things you guys said like problematic hadiths but still you failed to grasp in that
    c-apologetic are people who show up on websites and TV and do debates i do NON of these things
    d-apologetic devout there life to defend islam I don't do that
    e-apologetic must be old enough to have this responsibility on there hands I'm 23 years old

    so your ad hominum by calling me an apologetic isn't right and if i was an apologetic I would have accepted this claim with no hesitation

    but you if i apply your logic on you you are also an apologetic
    a-you are defending atheism with all your heart
    b-you are not considering the opposed argument as valid at all no matter what
    c-you are not considering the good side of islam and focus on the bad one without it's context
    e-you are making accusation on me being apologetic just because when i saw some invalid argument i tried to refute it

    and the list goes on of course i don't believe you are an apologetic but your accusation to be as being apologetic is basless
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #185 - October 14, 2014, 04:23 PM

      cool down AhmedZaid9119., though you say you are not ., you sound very upset .., 

    "strawman., please show me where did I say apostates Must die?Huh?Huh?"

    "strawman., please show me where did I say  apostasy means death penalty?Huh?Huh?"

    that sounds better..

    I'm not upset i never was here that is why i said Skype is better because not only it's shorted but text can make me look angry when i'm not while in Skype you can directly see my emotions ok i'll accept your currection
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #186 - October 14, 2014, 04:24 PM

    reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #187 - October 14, 2014, 04:27 PM

    INcePtion.,  You are such an impatient "Italiapakitaenglando",   you are very hard on fellows like Zaid or people like me..  Cry

    Ha! that is a good protein to replace sugar . Damn that is some 1000 times sweeter than sugar?  good stuff good stuff.. Allah gave to us..   INcePtion eat that it will make you sweeter


    I meant religious non-sense.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #188 - October 14, 2014, 04:28 PM

    strawman please show me where did i said apostasy Most die?Huh?Huh?

    I don't know which Islam you follow.
  • Re: The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #189 - October 14, 2014, 04:28 PM

    this is not getting anyware the sole porpuse of my post is to show the raper got his punishmet which IS what evry woman want let me tell you what is the wors nighmare for a woman and i know that because i have a sister worse nightmare for a woman is to be RAPED not labled as slave RAPE is Million times Much worse than calling someone slave I would rather be a slave than being raped it;s humliating and you said she still got raped but why do you blame it on islam if i was a ruler and a woman was raped under my country that i didn't know about I'm i to be blamed for that because i didn't know?Huh?Huh? i only get blamed if i didn;t to anything about it

    First off, In your story, you're to blame if you let the man keep her as a slave. It's really cute of you to generalize all women and then generalize all human beings. Even though I have never experienced rape or slavery, I would much rather be raped once than be a slave for a lifetime, but that's off-topic; she was both a slave, and got raped, but thank Allah the Islamic state got some money out of it.

    OK let's take that the hadith is problematic and get the conflict approach but now WAIT LOOK "whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight)" see? now don't say I'm defending the hadith i already agreed it's problematic i agreed with you but let's look at the hadit and dissect it carefully you see it's says hostile nation MEANS the prophet didn't kill women and children and these people were hostiles to the muslims that shows they were hostiles as for saffiyah i already provided quotes and sources of why Muhammad attack her family please check the comments

    Not only are the things in bracket added for context(i.e. not actually said), that is still war booty. One of the most disgusting things in Islam, committed openly by its prophet.

    i apologize it about adam and hawwa not what a direct creation here however YOU CAN'T say we evolved like this because evolution doesn't say alot about human gender but rather says we are evolved i'm sorry but your argument defines all laws of logic if we are not male and female how did we survived then??? evolution is not against gender creation but rather about the changes that we acquired through years also the word here we created you can also means we MADE you it can be a metaphorical speech i see no error here in order for you to prove the verse is scientifically wrong you must show that islam says we created you and through years you haven't change again evolution is about the changes the happen to us through years NOT if we had a pair or not

    Did you actually read the link? It clearly states that the very first primal forms of life were asexual, there were no 'genders'. Genders evolved to allow for the reasons mentioned in your link.
    please read my argument a compare it to yours you basically drifted suddenly to theft and adultry while i was talking about social statis NOTHING has to do with it that is a strawman you made the people think i was talking about adultry and theft when that was not the case at all

    You were talking about Islamic righteousness, those are examples of Islamic righteousness.

    أشهد أن لا إله
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #190 - October 14, 2014, 04:29 PM

    A-it's academically false in order for someone to be an apologetic he must be graduate of islamic studies ..

    Hmm " graduate of Islamic studies" good point.,  So which university do you suggest to get that graduate degree in Islamic studies AhmedZ?   So what are you doing now a days?  Post Graduation on  Islamic Scriptures?
    I'm not upset i never was here that is why i said Skype is better because not only it's shorted but text can make me look angry when i'm not while in Skype you can directly see my emotions ok i'll accept your currection

    Oh I see.. Just curious AhmedZ   are you using PC or some i-phone to post in to the forum??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #191 - October 14, 2014, 04:33 PM


    I meant religious non-sense.

    well  Reading nonsense, religious nonsense.... They are all same..  .... lol...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #192 - October 14, 2014, 04:35 PM

     grin12 it was ironic.

  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #193 - October 14, 2014, 04:37 PM

    a-you are defending atheism with all your heart

    And sorry, I chuckled about this. I don’t defend atheism with all my heart. I don’t consider myself to be a firm or fervent atheist. Without much  evidence to go on, I have no way of knowing if something that might loosely fit the definition of a “god” might exist somewhere. I am, however, pretty confident that all of the gods imagined by man over the ages are not real – not in the way they have been described, at least. If there is something like a god out there, it clearly doesn’t impact things very much. I give it about as much attention as it gives us. I prefer th term agnostic humanist.

    What I do defend, with all my heart, are human values. Slavery is one of those things that is firmly against human values. I am a descendent of people who were held as slaves, by the way.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #194 - October 14, 2014, 04:48 PM

    i'm not angry but lua associated rape with my hypothesis which my hypothesis has nothing to do with it i didn't plan for this thread to turn into this heated fight

    1. I was not the one who brought up rape. You have me confused with another user.

    You did write some posts asking for hadith that showed evidence of slaves being able to be raped, and I just so happened to have a nice thing in mind to show you, and then I got swept up in the rape part of the discussion. It was never ever the argument that I was actually concerned with. I told you my main criticism of your hypothesis in the beginning, and you did not produce a satisfactory answer for it. And, still, you've produced no satisfactory answers for any of those big criticisms I've mentioned before.

    2. No one here is fighting with you. You seem to just be assuming that everyone is attacking you and out to get you, that I am trying to lie about you, and that we're all getting as heated as you are. It's not the case.

    You're the only one getting upset, so, like I said some posts before, Ahmed: relax. Take a deep breath and relax.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #195 - October 14, 2014, 04:59 PM

    First off, In your story, you're to blame if you let the man keep her as a slave. It's really cute of you to generalize all women and then generalize all human beings. Even though I have never experienced rape or slavery, I would much rather be raped once than be a slave for a lifetime, but that's off-topic; she was both a slave, and got raped, but thank Allah the Islamic state got some money out of it.

    Not only are the things in bracket added for context(i.e. not actually said), that is still war booty. One of the most disgusting things in Islam, committed openly by its prophet.

    Did you actually read the link? It clearly states that the very first primal forms of life were asexual, there were no 'genders'. Genders evolved to allow for the reasons mentioned in your link.
    You were talking about Islamic righteousness, those are examples of Islamic righteousness.

    (Quote from: AhmedZaid9119 on Today at 04:05 PM
    this is not getting anyware the sole porpuse of my post is to show the raper got his punishmet which IS what evry woman want let me tell you what is the wors nighmare for a woman and i know that because i have a sister worse nightmare for a woman is to be RAPED not labled as slave RAPE is Million times Much worse than calling someone slave I would rather be a slave than being raped it;s humliating and you said she still got raped but why do you blame it on islam if i was a ruler and a woman was raped under my country that i didn't know about I'm i to be blamed for that because i didn't know?Huh?Huh? i only get blamed if i didn;t to anything about it

    First off, In your story, you're to blame if you let the man keep her as a slave. It's really cute of you to generalize all women and then generalize all human beings. Even though I have never experienced rape or slavery, I would much rather be raped once than be a slave for a lifetime, but that's off-topic; she was both a slave, and got raped, but thank Allah the Islamic state got some money out of it.)

    no i didn't generalized you seamed to have a gross idea that sex and rape are the same (which they are not) if women who don't want to be raped (sex without consent) they that is a nighmare for them but if they want to have sex (sex WITH consent) even that they are whores then it's not rape if you pay money for a woman for sex (NOW today not back then) and she gave you her permission to have sex then this is not rape because she gave you her consent but when i say all woman who doesn't want to be raped is a nightmare for them measn they don't want sex without consent asfar as your comment that you prefer being raped than be a lifetime slave first that is a strawman of the hadith where does the hadith says she was slave for life time like i said and like i provided the verse 24:33 a slave can ask for his/her right to be free WHAT else do you want that is like the greatest gift islam gave to slaves that right to requist there freedome BY themselves not when the master says so so your argument that she remaind a slave for life time fals apart

    OK let's take that the hadith is problematic and get the conflict approach but now WAIT LOOK "whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight)" see? now don't say I'm defending the hadith i already agreed it's problematic i agreed with you but let's look at the hadit and dissect it carefully you see it's says hostile nation MEANS the prophet didn't kill women and children and these people were hostiles to the muslims that shows they were hostiles as for saffiyah i already provided quotes and sources of why Muhammad attack her family please check the comments

    Not only are the things in bracket added for context(i.e. not actually said), that is still war booty. One of the most disgusting things in Islam, committed openly by its prophet.)

    you seamed to have taken the conversation way to far and made it heated anyway let me ask you if you face a hostile nation (a nation that want's to kill you and your people toughs the word"hostile") are you just gonna leave them cutting you and killing you and your people and the fact that soffaiyah as i showed her father never stopped attacking the prophet and turning the Arabs against him shows who hostile they are I'm sorry but if accepting logic and reason that shows his enemies were hostile to him leaving him no choice is bad to you then i can't help you with anything

    i apologize it about adam and hawwa not what a direct creation here however YOU CAN'T say we evolved like this because evolution doesn't say alot about human gender but rather says we are evolved i'm sorry but your argument defines all laws of logic if we are not male and female how did we survived then??? evolution is not against gender creation but rather about the changes that we acquired through years also the word here we created you can also means we MADE you it can be a metaphorical speech i see no error here in order for you to prove the verse is scientifically wrong you must show that islam says we created you and through years you haven't change again evolution is about the changes the happen to us through years NOT if we had a pair or not

    Did you actually read the link? It clearly states that the very first primal forms of life were asexual, there were no 'genders'. Genders evolved to allow for the reasons mentioned in your link.)

    did you even lesson to what i said?Huh??? i said evolution has nothing against sexual reproduction NOT that there was sexual reproduction at the begging this is another strawman that was the core of my point and i gave you the link to prove that sexual reproduction did existed at the time of evolution and also you are the one who didn't read it where does it says "very first primal forms of life were asexual"

    here is one of it:
    "asexual population would be lower is because evolution would select individuals with the lowest mutation rate in order to reduce the accumulation of harmful mutations."

    you see quite the opposite it says sexual reproduction is more common than asexual read it carfully no where where i said evolution proves that the first cell was sexual again MY POINT IS which you made another strawman is that evloution has no problem with sexual reproduction quite the opposite:
    "After the widespread acceptance of the theory of evolution, scientists began to ask ... if sexual reproduction is so complex and biologically expensive, then why is it so much more common than asexual reproduction?"

    "A larger population has a higher chance of producing a beneficial mutation, but for asexually reproducing organisms, a considerable amount of time may need to pass before the mutant population grows large enough to have any chance of producing a second beneficial mutation."

    "With asexual reproduction, each ancestry is likely to accumulate many more harmful mutations than beneficial ones. And so for asexual organisms, natural selection will generally favor those with the lowest mutation rate."

    Where does it say that the first cell was asexual infact we don't even know what the first cell is all what it's saying is that sexual reproduction is more common and beneficial than asexual

    I'm sorry but we don't seamed to have eye to eye and you seamed upset and angry at me shall we call it end here?
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #196 - October 14, 2014, 05:01 PM

    DUDE COME ON FOR GOD SAKE  finmad finmad finmad finmad finmad read the post i made READ it lua misquoted me i sited a fatwa (not me) and the main theme of it is that a man can't practice azl without the woman permission WHICH is the main point i focused on it's just happened that the sheck made and error in biological statement that might sound funny lua picked on it and misquoted the part about consent that i used in this fatwa and made it like it's my statement WHEN everyone can scroll up and see this is not my statement but rather FATWA

    Chill pill mate, I wasn't even addressing you.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #197 - October 14, 2014, 05:12 PM

    1. I was not the one who brought up rape. You have me confused with another user.

    You did write some posts asking for hadith that showed evidence of slaves being able to be raped, and I just so happened to have a nice thing in mind to show you, and then I got swept up in the rape part of the discussion. It was never ever the argument that I was actually concerned with. I told you my main criticism of your hypothesis in the beginning, and you did not produce a satisfactory answer for it. And, still, you've produced no satisfactory answers for any of those big criticisms I've mentioned before.

    2. No one here is fighting with you. You seem to just be assuming that everyone is attacking you and out to get you, that I am trying to lie about you, and that we're all getting as heated as you are. It's not the case.

    You're the only one getting upset, so, like I said some posts before, Ahmed: relax. Take a deep breath and relax.

    wow strawman after strawman (no offence)

    1- I never said you are the first one who brought the subject of rape please read my respond carefully i said you associated rape with my hypothesis which has nothing to do with it
    (hypothesis in the beginning, and you did not produce a satisfactory answer for it. And, still, you've produced no satisfactory answers for any of those big criticisms I've mentioned before. )

    it's a hypothesis lua do you understand what hypothesis is?Huh?? means it's not proven yet and you want me to answer you on something that i myself admit that it's not proven i only asked for opinion like if you think it's possible or not THAT IS ALL i didn't ask for you to bring evidence against it because it has no evidence behind it in the first place
    but the things you said about rape why do i have to bring an answer it's you who is making the claim that islam allow rape therfore you must bring an answer for it so far you haven't and niether does anyone here have been seccusfull in that you bring the verses that says men are allowed to have sex with female slaves I'm sorry but allowance of sex doesn't equal rape i gave you the options to prove rape and you haven't successfully brought a single one just allowance of sex That is all  Believe that crap
    2-I'm not angry just chilling  Chilling
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #198 - October 14, 2014, 05:14 PM

    this goes back to something called language barrier from my country and my language and where i understand if some say your argument is week then your mind is week if that is diffrent in where you live then fine forget about it

    I understand that there is a language barrier. That's why I'm willing to say the same things over and over like this and rephrase them for you. So work with me, Ahmed.

    look at what i said i said (the main point of the fatwa i sited is that a man can't have azl with a woman unless she gives him his permission) that is the sole and the CORE of my argument here but why you didn't take it for considration??? and just focused on the funny part secound your statment about his biological conclusion to me was irralivant AGAIN My main point is his statment that a man can;t do azl with a woman unless he get her permission if he made a biological error at the end that is not my fault everyone can see that and yes i do want to make it civilized but what you did made more than 3 people laugh at me for a statement that i didn't said

    Uh, who was laughing at you? Asbie wasn't even talking to you in his post. We're laughing at that idea. Laughing at something funny that you showed us does not equal laughing at you. You get me?

    Again, just relax, Ahmed. You're the only one getting heated here. I've run out of ways to explain to you that you were not misquoted. If you want to keep playing the victim and forcing this conversation to become antagonistic and uncivil, that's up to you, I can't stop you. I've explained to you again and again that you made a mistake. I can't help you any more than that.

    I did said it's a biology error and his biology conclusion is irrelevant to my argument when some one says the car has four wheels and doesn't have glass I'll guote him to support the idea that the car has four wheels but i will leave out his error quote that it doesn't have glass when i gout him people will say LOL what are you talking about the car DOES have glass i'll say that is not my point i quoted him for his statement that the car has four wheels that is all you see how that will be wrong from the people who will judge me???  AGAIN my main reason to quote him is his statment that a man can't practise azil withput woman permission (consent) pleas understand that

    Listen, Ahmed. I read you loud and clear. I understand what you are saying. But you are still wrong, and this fatwa is still nonsense. Let me try to explain why again. And really pay attention, Ahmed. Let's see if we can get past the communication barrier this time.

    Imagine that you told me, "Hey, my friend owes me $9.00. He owes me $9.00, because I bought him two sandwiches, and each sandwich costs $4.00. 4+4=9, so he owes me 9 dollars!"

    Now. Could your friend actually owe you $9.00 for something? Maybe. That's possible. However, I will not accept your explanation, because your facts are wrong. It doesn't matter if your conclusion happens to be right somehow in the end, although I am not convinced the scholar's conclusion is, anyway. I reject your statement because you came to it with false information.

    I reject your scholar's statement because it is false information. It doesn't matter that the only part you wanted us to look at was the part where the scholar agreed with you. We're looking at why the scholar agreed with you. And in this case, the scholar's reasons are laughable mistakes. Therefore, you cannot use this fatwa as evidence for anything except that he may have some long-suffering wives.

    Do you understand this?

    AGAIN back to my point i asked you for verses to prove rape in islam so far no one was successful in that but your logic doesn't work here just because islam said it's ok for a man to have sex with a slave woman [...] I'm waiting again the burden of proof is on you

    Like I said, you mixed me up with another user. Rape isn't the reason I have a problem with your hypothesis. I've told you my real reasons, and, again, you're not addressing them.

    Only reason I got involved in the rape part of this discussion is that I responded when you asked for hadith, and then you focused all your efforts on the rape issue and on me. And now, here we are.

    Also, no, the burden of proof is now on you, since we did have a hadith that we were speaking of, and we did have Quranic verses. I'm not asking you to find any more. I'm talking about the ones you provided, and asking you to support your claim that the word chastity in the Quran means virginity. So it is, in fact, your turn to man up.

    (Either way, I offered you an out on the rape thing. [...]

    no you didn't and [...]

    When I say "I offered you an out," I am saying "I told you that we don't need to talk about the rape thing any more, because I can tell you're not understanding it. So let's talk about the other issues."

    I said that plainly a few comments ago. Do you understand it now?
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #199 - October 14, 2014, 05:14 PM

    Chill pill mate, I wasn't even addressing you.

    oh lol clap signnvm
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #200 - October 14, 2014, 05:17 PM

    it's a hypothesis lua do you understand what hypothesis is?Huh?? means it's not proven yet and you want me to answer you on something that i myself admit that it's not proven i only asked for opinion like if you think it's possible or not THAT IS ALL i didn't ask for you to bring evidence against it because it has no evidence behind it in the first place

    I have a feeling you might not know what a hypothesis is.
    a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

    You have made your hypothesis based on certain evidence, but your evidence is incorrect, that is all.

    أشهد أن لا إله
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #201 - October 14, 2014, 05:19 PM

    Grin Oh my, Ahmed. For someone who, we will agree, is not excellent in English, you sure feel confident telling me that I'm the one using the English words incorrectly.

    When you single me out and say that I associated rape with your hypothesis, you are, as a matter of fact, saying that I'm the one who brought rape up to begin with. Or even one that even cared about it. My arguments against your hypothesis had nothing to do with rape. I just started responding when the conversation got to that subject. It's all still on the thread if you want to go have a look, Ahmed.

    As for the rest, you keep using the words "strawman" and "hypothesis," but I'm not convinced you know what they mean. Take a second, Ahmed, to google "hypothesis." Or, go find my post where I explained to you what a hypothesis is, and read it again. Because you're still not understanding the basic concept of it.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #202 - October 14, 2014, 05:27 PM

    I have a feeling you might not know what a hypothesis is.
    a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

    You have made your hypothesis based on certain evidence, but your evidence is incorrect, that is all.

    Ok that is all what i was asking for but unfortunately it turned into a heated debate
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #203 - October 14, 2014, 05:27 PM

    oh lol clap signnvm

     See that AhmedZaid is a fun guy ., but my goodness gracious .. let me count some words
    ....................... and rape ................ raped (sex without consent) ............. sex (sex WITH consent) ................ rape.............. sex...........have sex ................ rape....................raped...........don't want sex without............raped ..............

    ...........did you even lesson to what i said???

    ................. theory of evolution, scientists began to ask ...  
    "With asexual reproduction, each ancestry is likely to accumulate many more harmful mutations than beneficial ones. And so for asexual organisms, natural selection will generally favor those with the lowest mutation rate."

    well what Zaid says makes sense...

    Zaid you appears to be expert of  "Sex, Science and Scriptures.. "  ....SSS....

    Yes Yes .   Idraak-   Abnormal kids born in Gujrat Pakistan because of INCEST cousin marriage

    well let me read some Quran

    004.022: And marry not woman whom your fathers married, except what has already passed; this surely is indecent and hateful, and it is an evil way.

    004.023: Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts and brothers' daughters and sisters' daughters and your mothers that have suckled you and your foster-sisters and mothers of your wives and your step-daughters who are in your guardianship, (born) of your wives to whom you have gone in, but if you have not gone in to them, there is no blame on you (in marrying them), and the wives of your sons who are of your own loins and that you should have two sisters together, except what has already passed; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

    004.024: And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah's ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.

    Well that sounds very good to me .. Rat children and Rules for marriage..   well there were more than 10 sex/rapes in that post.. Ha! I know how  to read and how to count..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #204 - October 14, 2014, 05:30 PM

    Ok that is all what i was asking for but unfortunately it turned into a heated debate

    No, it did not. You're the only one heated here, Ahmed. Besides which, if you just wanted someone to explain hypothesis to you, I did some pages back in detail.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #205 - October 14, 2014, 05:30 PM

    Ahmed, I don't think lua would ever misrepresent your words, she is a very good egg. There must be a misunderstanding somewhere... get beyond that mate?

  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #206 - October 14, 2014, 05:39 PM

    Read it please and understand it I'm putting you on Muhammad place so you can see how illogical the statement you guys make that islam allow rape just because there is verses and hadiths that says a man can have sex with his slave (which doesn't mean rape)

    If a person can say no to something they do not want to do, then we are not talking about slavery.

    If a person does not have the power to consent, it is not sex. It is rape.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #207 - October 14, 2014, 05:43 PM

    Grin Oh my, Ahmed. For someone who, we will agree, is not excellent in English, you sure feel confident telling me that I'm the one using the English words incorrectly.

    When you single me out and say that I associated rape with your hypothesis, you are, as a matter of fact, saying that I'm the one who brought rape up to begin with. Or even one that even cared about it. My arguments against your hypothesis had nothing to do with rape. I just started responding when the conversation got to that subject. It's all still on the thread if you want to go have a look, Ahmed.

    As for the rest, you keep using the words "strawman" and "hypothesis," but I'm not convinced you know what they mean. Take a second, Ahmed, to google "hypothesis." Or, go find my post where I explained to you what a hypothesis is, and read it again. Because you're still not understanding the basic concept of it.

    Lua plaes read my comment i never stated that YOU are the one who started the rape thing I NEVER SAID THAT all what I'm saying is that you associated rape with my hypothesis which is not true i can coute you but it's on the other page
    (As for the rest, you keep using the words "strawman" and "hypothesis," but I'm not convinced you know what they mean. Take a second, Ahmed, to google "hypothesis.")

    I know what hypothesis is like i said it's not proven yet and yes you did made some strawman like saying i said that you are the one who brought the subject if rape in the first place which is a misrepresentation of what i said a strawman
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #208 - October 14, 2014, 05:44 PM

    Ahmed, I don't think lua would ever misrepresent your words, she is a very good egg. There must be a misunderstanding somewhere... get beyond that mate?

    i did it's just i was just trying to explain to her but I'm still chilling Chilling
  • The Hypothesis or slavery allowance (if that is how it called) in Islam
     Reply #209 - October 14, 2014, 05:46 PM

    If a person can say no to something they do not want to do, then we are not talking about slavery.

    i was talking about rape not slavery you brought the accusation that islam allow rape and i was putting you on Muhammad place and gave you the idea that if you said to your brother that he can have sex with these women but when people respond with Ishina is allowing her brother to rape these women don't you think these people are being illogical?
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