I am not doing well DT....
well look at him., If he is not Jewish then he must be in that Indian Hare Krishna mantra and on drugs

Lol Yeez, you may well be right but go easy on him, have you any idea what it's like to an Islam apologist?
He is a completely self absorbed dimwit. I would put him in the same category as Kanye West: celebrities who know next to nothing about what they are talking about but are so self absorbed that they think their banal whinings are a message of some deep benefit to humanity.
I think comparing him to Kanye West is a little unfair while Kanye is more concerned about building shrines to his large rumped wife, Brand is actually trying to draw peoples attention to media spin and wealth inequality. He points out the ever widening wealth disparity between the rich and the poor and as a wage slave like 90+% (there we go with the stats again) of the rest of the people on this planet, I have no problems with him doing so.