Describe us the Quranic writers.
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what is happening here? Q & A session??

Well either you believe in this
.............. that the Quran was orally revealed by Allah to the final Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), through the archangel ibril over a period of some 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Prophet of Islam was 40 year old guy the alleged day of first revelation[/u] , and ended on 8 June 632 CE, the alleged day of his death.[/i]...............
And to do that., you can start with either with that King Fahd Complex that prints the present Holy dolly Quran in Medina which you can get it ONLINE or buy it or go to those historical manuscripts ..those 7 Oldest Qurans in the World that we know ..
Here are those seven Qurans that we know 1. Birmingham Quran Manuscript alleged Year of Writing : c.568 AD – 645 AD
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Hijazi Current Location: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England
2. Tübingen Fragment alleged Year of Writing : c. 649 AD – 675 AD
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Hijazi Current Location: University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
3. Sana’a Manuscript alleged Year of Writing : c. 671 AD
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Hijazi Current Location: Great Mosque of Sana’a, Yemen
4. Codex Parisino-Petropolitanus alleged Year of Writing : late 7th to early 8th century
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Hijazi Current Location: 70 folios at Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; 26 folios at the National Library of Russia in Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 1 folio in the Vatican Library; and 1 folio in Khalili Collection in London

5. Topkapi Manuscript
Year Written: c. early to mid 8th century
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Kufic
Current Location: Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
5. Topkapi Manuscript alleged Year of Writing : early to mid 8th century
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Kufici Current Location: Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
6. Samarkand Kufic Quran (Uthman Quran) alleged Year of Writing : c.765 AD – 855 AD
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Kufici Current Location: Hast Imam Library, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
7. Blue Quran (Uthman Quran) alleged Year of Writing : c. late 9th century to early 10th century
Language: Arabic
Script Type: Kufici Current Location: Most of it is located in the National Institute of Art and Archaeology Bardo National Museum in Tunis, Tunisia; 67 folios in the Musée de la Civilisation et des Arts Islamiques in Raqqada, Tunisia; 1 folio at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California, USA; and the other folios are scattered worldwide at various museums

So it is up to you guys .. The readers .. WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IN
ORALITY OF QURAN or you painfully inquire about who wrote those 7 Qurans and where & when ..