Codex Mashhad has been transcribed based on the official. ʿUthmānic version but according to Ibn Masʿūd’s arrangement of the sūras .
Based on the above evidence, I arrive at the conclusion that Codex Mashhad
is an early version combining the official text of the Qurʾān with Ibn Masʿūd’s
arrangement of the sūras from the first/seventh century, later subjected to a
broad cut-and-paste operation to conform to the prevailing ʿUthmānic arrangement.
Although it remains impossible to accurately determine when and how
the Codex was produced, based on intertextual evidence, the Codex should
be considered one of the oldest, even one of the first-century compilations
probably in Medina/Ḥijāz, since the extent of utilization of incomplete orthography
(scriptio defectiva) as well as the amount of spelling peculiarities, variant
readings, and copyist’s errors are far more impressive and divergent than what
is found in the known ḥijāzī and Kufic manuscripts of the second/eighth to
fourth/tenth centuries. More accurate answers as to the origin of this Codex
will hopefully be available upon radiocarbon dating of its two manuscript volumes
after the agreement of the authorities from the Āstān-i Quds Library in Mashhad.
The link between the ʿUthmānic rasm and the order/arrangement of sura is artificial. "ʿUthmānic codex" does not mean its order/arrangement of the sura, only the rasm.The two are decoupled.
All of this confirms what I think. No Mecca/Zem zem/Kaba/Muhammad. It deals with texts and nothing else which must conform to an invented model, the ʿUthmānic one, built from parts (sura) which were not at the origin gathered and whose the genuine/first order/arrangement done by the authors was not known by those who have the corpus and who make it publicly emerged.
The Arabs who has done this public emergence have nothing to see with the authors, they did not know them, were not with them in a great city of commerce in the Western peninsula. All of this is fantasy elaborated after the events and retro projected to depict the past to explain the existence of the Quranic corpus (Mecca/Zem zem/Kaba/Muhammad/ Ali with his daughter, Muawiya and Abu Sufian the "enemy" of the Prophet/ etc) and legitimate the rulers.