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 Topic: Qur'anic studies today

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  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6000 - March 12, 2019, 12:07 AM

    This I got from Bonnet-Eymard. He mentioned a Jewish tradition to that effect.

    Link ? Involving Isaac or Ishmael ?
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6001 - March 12, 2019, 12:09 AM

    Link ? Involving Isaac or Ishmael ?

    Abraham and Ismael/Isaac laying the down the foundations of the house. Unfortunately, the video were the relevant part was shown is no longer available, but the original lecture is. Will try to find it.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6002 - March 12, 2019, 12:57 AM

    What faiths, what invaders?


    1/ What West, Spain? Who?


    Same arguments as Penn for John. (ter)
    I have already sufficiently developed here why I considered  the framework Mecca/Medina/Kaba/Muhammad was a fiction. Sufficiently. Against all (to my knowledge...) texts, including the Doctrina Jacobi. Including Crone's "northern sanctuary" etc.
    You want the arguments, go read them.

    You keep dodging the topic ; I don't care about your whole framework nor Penn thoughts about John and the Amir as this is off-topic ; I am asking sourced and/or clear rationale why Sebeos is a late text, and a rationale/source that do explain why 3 different armenian sources from 3 different people in 3 different time eras did tell weird tales about the origins of Islam. If you don't know, no problem.

    But it was no longer relevant in 600. You get me, or NOT?
    I think you do not. Because you trust Nevo and the Chjronical of Khuzistan does mention "they worship there to the honor Abraham", Jacob of Edessa speaks about "the patriarchal place of their race aka the kaba", Anastasius speak about "he place where those who hold us in slavery have the stone and the object of their worship" so namely places in the Sinai/Neguev region, 

    Well you provide no alternative explanation to 3 different sources in 3 different locations at around the same time mentionning something that, because of the reference to Abraham, makes me think about the Arabs Sozomen was mentionning 2 centuries before.

    And when a text mention some data about the religion of (some) of the "conquerors" by refering to Judaism but separating it from Jews or Samaritans,

    - either scholars like Penn don't adress the issue,
    - or revisionnist will say they were Judeo-Arabs, Abrahamists or hanif and they link it with the Quran that is not mentionned here,
    - or you say this is anti-semitism and the Torah is mentionned because it is a source of guidance in the Quran, but the Quran is not mentionned here nor do we have any hint from where this information comes from

    As you've never read others scholars on that topic. Because you would have known that Arabs were Christianized in Palestine in 600.

    I know what the scholars say.

    Between 600 and 630 they lose their jobs, and they lose Constantinople.

    Yeah Koren/Nevo said it 30 years ago.

    Why not : what tradition (s)?

    Get back to basics.

    It does : in an arid valley etc.

    Very precise  Cheesy

    You believe the Quran? Lol!
    He mention Ishamel and Abraham re building something. The only Temple who have to be rebuild is the Jerusalem one.

    Now you change the translation of the Quranic verse to fit your narrative  Cheesy Cheesy unless, like Sean Anthony did once when he translated an inscription refering to the Kaba building (or rebuilding) after the death of Ibn Az Zubayr, you will say that the arabic is ambiguous there  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    "And [mention] when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House "  2:127

    By the way, if we look at the previous verses : 

    And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [ Allah ] said, "Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people." [Abraham] said, "And of my descendants?" [ Allah ] said, "My covenant does not include the wrongdoers."  2:124

    And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], "Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer]."  2:125

    And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day." [ Allah ] said. "And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination." 2:126

    Doing a cross analysis of 2:124 and of the Bible do tell us when those verses did happen and 2:125 kind of confirm where it was but this look akward though ; it doesn't 100% tie up with the biblical narrative  ; but this is another issue.

    It makes it clear it cannnot be Jerusalem nor Mount Moriah for obvious reasons in the text.

    The Quran is ambiguous about whom has been sacrificed on Mount Moriah (haha!)

    Another member of the Gallez/Lafontaine galaxy but on the opposite side ; he has other videos on the topic. (just for fun though)

    1/He mention Ishamel and Abraham re building something. The only Temple who have to be rebuild is the Jerusalem one. Who is crumbled? You.

    Second forgery of the Quranic text  Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

    2/ The Quran is ambiguous about whom (read the text) has been sacrificed on Mount Moriah. 

    Who cares ; the Quranic text cannot mention Jerusalem as already stated above.

  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6003 - March 12, 2019, 07:27 AM

    Bonnet-Emyard    Bonnet-Emyard      Bonnet-Emyard     Bonnet-Emyard Bonnet-Emyard   

    reading of 2:126

    And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day." [ Allah ] said. "And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination." 2:126

    My Lord, make this a faithful boy and provide these people with palm trees- whoever of them believes in God and the Day that will come. But whoever apostatizes, I will plant him for a short time. And I will keep him for the fire and bad is the affliction.

    Further I see that according to Gn 12 6, Abraham builds an altar for Yahweh at an oak in Sichem and in Mambré (Gn  13 18) but it is Jacob who erects a stele and calls this place house of God ( beit-el) (Gn 29 19)
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6004 - March 12, 2019, 12:48 PM


    As usual nothing to respond.


    You keep dodging the topic

    Go read.
    Well you provide no alternative explanation

    It is your topic, not mine. And what you have proposed is not convincing , whatever it was : 1)Sebeos  2)John and the Amir attesting of a religion linked to Abraham via :

    Chjronical of Khuzistan does mention "they worship there to the honor Abraham", Jacob of Edessa speaks about "the patriarchal place of their race aka the kaba", Anastasius speak about "he place where those who hold us in slavery have the stone and the object of their worship" so namely places in the Sinai/Neguev region, 

    Nobody asked a question about your theory to specify some point of it. I devoted myself, to try to understand it. I remarked that you take sources at face value, that you do not criticise them, etc. Penn did the job at you place holding that John and the Amir was (probably)  a fake ; therefore the text attests that nothing of all of this has happened in 640 . Nothing, Including the all episode. I consider that the sole interesting thing of the text from the author is  to point Jewish role as adviser and friends of the Arabs. That is all.

    And when a text mention some data about the religion of (some) of the "conquerors" by refering to Judaism but separating it from Jews or Samaritans,
    - either scholars like Penn don't adress the issue,

    Somehow he allude in one phrase. So it is not really addressed. For one good reason you did not get.
    Because the main topic for scholarship is not YOUR issue. It is the date.
    You even did not realize why. You're pathetic. Really. It's a profession Marc. You're an amateur. (yawn).
    Could possibly YOUR issue be in an scholarly article one day? Why not, and not From what? Is the episode is true? No.  then you ask scholar to work on something they know (very probable) is a FAKE? the data "mention some data about the religion of (some) of the "conquerors" by refering to Judaism but separating it from Jews" is a FAKE MARC, a fake,  it is what have invented the 8th c. author : pointing the Jews as  as adviser and friends of the Arabs. It is not a historical episode. You get me, or not ? I think you're not.

    "Arguments such as these depend on John and the Emir being a historically accurate rendering of events, otherwise issues such as the lack of explicit Qur’anic citations or the overlap between Islam and Judaism simply reflect the ignorance or the polemical choices of a later Christian author and do not require an early date for the text’s composition. As with most other disputation texts, John and the Emir does not reflect an attempt at objective historiography as much as an act.of apologetics, polemics, and meaning-making70. This conclusion does not lessen the importance of John and the Emir for the study of early Christian/Muslim interactions, but it does highlight the need for particular reading strategies to effectively analyze this document, strategies that focus more on questions of ideology and representation than on historical reconstruction."

    or the overlap between Islam and Judaism simply reflect the ignorance or the polemical choices of a later Christian author

    I will say it in French, as you are French : tu sais lire Marc ? I do not think so. I translate in French : ou bien le chevauchement [toute ta théorie] entre l'islam et le judaisme reflète l'ignorance [autrement dit, il invente] ou la POLEMIQUE. Against who the polemic?
    Ask Penn on Academia. (yawn...)

    - or revisionnist will say they were Judeo-Arabs, Abrahamists or hanif and they link it with the Quran that is not mentioned here,

    Hanif is a Quranic category. Abrahamists is a Nevo one. These guys existed? Yes in 400/450. Then the Christianization has come. Petra got a bishop in c. 450. A bishop for Abrahamists /Hanif ?

    - or you say this is anti-semitism and the Torah is mentionned because it is a source of guidance in the Quran, but the Quran is not mentionned here nor do we have any hint from where this information comes from

    I say it is a anti Jewish polemic text. The more interesting for me is that. The rest has no real interest as such.

    I know what the scholars say.

    Nope, you do not. You continue with Abrahamists whereas they are Christianized. You cannot make sense of all the sources. You're totally lost. Why? Because you are not trained. That is the only reason. You struggle with theses source with which you're lost (you said it). Abandon Marc, you're not made to continue. Go to your garden with Lafontaine and you will go to your dialogue thing (very fun in fact there is a curious guy there (hahaha!) I wont say more (hahaha) From what I see here, you have not the simply basics to make history. Sometimes, things have to be said.

    Very precise  Cheesy

    Yes, wherever in the wilderness. Arabs believed it, and they built Mecca/Kaba/Zem/Zem  in the wilderness. As there was no Mecca. Get the Hawting paper.

    Now you change the translation of the Quranic verse to fit your narrative

    "And [mention] when Abraham  " with Ishmael" (haha) was raising the foundations of the House "  2:127

    As usual you modify sources ; lack " with Ishmael". Ah yes, "Muslim writers!" Hahaha!
    And yes it is sufficiently ambiguous, about the arabic word "RAISED".  But why not, you may be  right. But  it has no importance ; what count is what you have cancelled (as usual...) namely " with Ishmael". It fits better my logical deduction. The Arabs build House of prayer as they are son of Ishmael. Gallez is perfectly right here. Then when they are in Jerusalem, they build because as the sons of Ishmael they have an example that their ancestor [ISHMAEL] build. And the example is in Q 2,127.
    No Jews, no alien, no Japanese build in 637 :Arabs  whose ultimate origin of the decision is (probably, I'm not H.G Wells) is the reading of Q 2,127 and not were doing that because of the Jews like Sebeos said.

    By the way, if we look at the previous verses : 

    And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [ Allah ] said, "Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people." [Abraham] said, "And of my descendants?" [ Allah ] said, "My covenant does not include the wrongdoers."  2:124

    And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], "Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer]."  2:125

    And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day." [ Allah ] said. "And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination." 2:126


    Doing a cross analysis of 2:124 and of the Bible do tell us when those verses did happen and 2:125 kind of confirm where it was but this look awkward though ; it doesn't 100% tie up with the biblical narrative  ; but this is another issue.

    News : the Quran do not tie up  with the biblical narrative. Thanks Marc.

    It makes it clear it cannnot be Jerusalem nor Mount Moriah for obvious reasons in the text.

    Mecca then? Mars?

    Second forgery of the Quranic text 

    Hahaha you're the master of forgery "the NEW Jews" hahaha but "seriously " for "raised" Gallez has an interesting and a plausible explication (p.471-72-73, vol I). But it is not the main argument for me, the main is what you cancel (hahaha!) "with Ishmael!" Nothing to see with the Bible (of course, if the Quran was the Bible one would knows it ! Hahaha!)

    Me : The Quran is ambiguous about whom has been sacrificed on Mount Moriah (haha!)
    Who cares? ; the Quranic text cannot mention Jerusalem as already stated above.

    1/Scholars. Thanks to remind us that you are not one.
    2/the Quranic narrative  necessarily allude to Jerusalem as Mount Moriah/Jerusalem is the place where Abraham sacrifices Isaac in the Bible. It is ambiguous about whom has been sacrificed  and it do not talk of a specific place, therefore it is the Mount Moriah/Jerusalem place. He cannot change/question this place as it was a well established and that it serves its interest to not change/question it. The Quran changes or questions only what is serves it.
    But as you're not a scholar, it's perfectly normal that you don't see anything.
    You are afraid to ask Penn, showing again that the way what you want to appear here, a gentle amateur scholar,  as soon as he is deeply questioned, is crumbling, wanting not to be grounded by an accessible scholar in Academia. Therefore I consider you as a fraud.  (yawn...)
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6005 - March 12, 2019, 12:53 PM


    How much "alive" was Abraham in the Christian tradition? We know Moses was very alive and an intensive pilgrimage was organised to Mount Sinai. (Nessana was apparently on the route)

    Moses is an OT figure, why not have Abraham too being venerated here or there? We know he was in the 5th C...
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6006 - March 12, 2019, 01:05 PM


    1.) He mention Ishamel and Abraham re building something. The only Temple who have to be rebuild is the Jerusalem one. Who is crumbled? You.

    2). The Quran is ambiguous about whom (read the text) has been sacrificed on Mount Moriah.  Why is it ambiguous? Why it need that ambiguity? Why he does not say what all the world knows? Simply that it is Isaac? (hahaha!)
    Who is crumbled? You. Why? Because you're an amateur.

    Second forgery of the Quranic text  Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

    Who cares ; the Quranic text cannot mention Jerusalem as already stated above.

     What forgery are we talking dear Marc?  .. I understand folks who became Muslims at later times way after the death of 1st preacher of Islam added JUNK IN TO QURAN ...  but there is no forgery

    well as far as "Who cares" is concerned .. you care..  i care and all those who are trying to get to the bottom of Origins of Islam and Origins of Quran care ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6007 - March 12, 2019, 01:15 PM

    .....................Hahaha you're the master of forgery "the NEW Jews" hahaha but "seriously " for "raised" Gallez has an interesting and a plausible explication (p.471-72-73, vol I). But it is not the main argument for me, the main is what you cancel (hahaha!) "with Ishmael!" Nothing to see with the Bible (of course, if the Quran was the Bible one would knows it ! Hahaha!)

    1/Scholars. Thanks to remind us that you are not one......

    ...... Therefore I consider you as a fraud. .

    dear Altara .. there is too much to read and think about what you are saying in your response to Marc..,   and the post  sounds better & more rational after i took liberty to  delete  few words of  your post ..

    But I more interested in these words..   
    "of course, if the Quran was the Bible one would knows it !"

    I am not sure what you meant by that but did you say that? and would you agree with it ? if you do agree., could you write bit more of your opinion on that statement ?

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6008 - March 12, 2019, 02:26 PM

    well as far as "Who cares" is concerned .. you care..  i care and all those who are trying to get to the bottom of Origins of Islam and Origins of Quran care ..

    I responded to his  "Who cares" about what I said by : Scholars. Then, not him since he does not care.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6009 - March 12, 2019, 02:41 PM

    But I more interested in these words..   
    "of course, if the Quran was the Bible one would knows it !"

    I am not sure what you meant by that but did you say that? and would you agree with it ? if you do agree., could you write bit more of your opinion on that statement ?

    The Quran is not the Bible. He is rewritten it according to its own ideology.  Not in Syriac, not in Greek, in its own Arabic.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6010 - March 12, 2019, 02:42 PM

    Do you not think parts of the earliest Quran were written in Syriac and subsequently translated into Arabic?
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6011 - March 12, 2019, 03:29 PM

    I think that the mother tongue of the Quranic author(s) is not Arabic. Probably Syriac with a strong literati culture ; knowledge of  Biblical concept words and formulas from foreign languages (Greek, Latin, Geez, Biblical Hebrew) and of course basic Arabic of its time. Arabic arranged by the author(s) themselves, as they are free of doing what they want of the Arabic language they have, because there is no literary works before. They can borrow words from foreign language and arabized them. ’ajr is not arabic, nor semitic, etc.
    That is why van Putten  et al. cannot get what and from where is the Quranic rasm.  Their works attest that they are totally lost to identify it as it gathers, it seems, contradictory features, unknown features, that are not present in the same place/time, inscriptions. The question would be that one traces 99% of the language of the planet. How van Putten (for example) can say this is Sabaic, this is Thamudic, etc and is not able to identify the Quranic rasm. I specify, I'm not linguist. But as they think that Muslim narratives about the Quranic language, Arabic in general, and the examples they present such as ante Islamic poetry are historical, they are bounded, like historians by it. They trust the Muslim narrative considering that they know better than them. My opinion is that they're wrong;  the Muslim narratives know in fact, nothing, and what it says is naturally building what they think inside the Mecca/Medina/Kaba framework which is the only paradigm they have as the origin of the Quranic corpus.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6012 - March 12, 2019, 03:38 PM

    As usual nothing to respond.

    You mean like you still haven't explained why one should read Rachel Stroumsa or why Sebeos is a later than thought text  Wink

    I devoted myself, to try to understand it.

    You are too kind  Smiley

    Penn did the job at you place holding that John and the Amir was (probably)  a fake ; therefore the text attests that nothing of all of this has happened in 640 .

    This is not my issue once again but this is because your ideology blind your eyes. By the way, scholars have been presenting opposite conclusions on this text so your choice of arguments is non valid.

    Nothing, Including the all episode. I consider that the sole interesting thing of the text from the author is  to point Jewish role as adviser and friends of the Arabs. That is all.

    It doesn't exist in the text but each one is entitled to have his own opinion.

    or the overlap between Islam and Judaism simply reflect the ignorance or the polemical choices of a later Christian author
    Ask Penn on Academia. (yawn...)

    So does the name Islam show up in the text ? No. But Penn believes those people are muslims ; he project his own bias into the text ; he might be right, they might be muslims but the text doesn't say it ; the text only say 2 things : "they interpret the Torah differently than the Jews, the Samaritans and the Christians and they have their own law.  

    As usual you modify sources ; lack " with Ishmael".

    Nope I was just highlighting your forgery of the text ; I never disputed Ismael being on that verse.

    And yes it is sufficiently ambiguous, about the arabic word "RAISED".  


    But why not, you may be  right. But  it has no importance ; what count is what you have cancelled (as usual...) namely " with Ishmael". It fits better my logical deduction.

    It was your argument hence the reason why I highlighted what you amended in the original verse.  

    You believe the Quran? Lol!
    He mention Ishamel and Abraham re building something. The only Temple who have to be rebuild is the Jerusalem one.

    The Arabs build House of prayer as they are son of Ishmael. Gallez is perfectly right here.
    ................... is the reading of Q 2,127 and not were doing that because of the Jews like Sebeos said.

    This part is very funny ; I will explain later.

    2/the Quranic narrative  necessarily allude to Jerusalem as Mount Moriah/Jerusalem is the place where Abraham sacrifices Isaac in the Bible.

    If you had read the text, you would understand why it doesn't necessarely allude to Jerusalem/Mount Moriah, but you haven't.

    Is our discussion about a place of sacrifice ? No. I don't know why you raise an off-topic subject.

    You are afraid to ask Penn,

    Like you asked him about the fact he is a believer of the muslim narrative  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    Therefore I consider you as a fraud.

    So having one's own opinion is being a fraud ; I would accept that if I were pretending (like you) to be the greatest scholar in Allah's universe and the only to have uncovered the secret about the origins of Islam Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6013 - March 12, 2019, 03:44 PM

    Because the main topic for scholarship is not YOUR issue. It is the date.
    You even did not realize why. You're pathetic. Really. It's a profession Marc.
    Could possibly YOUR issue be in an scholarly article one day? Why not, and not From what? Is the episode is true? No.  then you ask scholar to work on something they know (very probable) is a FAKE?

    An interesting article about the genre of Christian-Arabs disputation  by Syriac Christians and that explain the interest of those so-called debates  Wink

    Disputes with Muslims in Syriac Christian Texts: From Patriarch John (d. 648) to Bar Hebreus (d. 1286) Prof. SIDNEY H. GRIFFITH

  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6014 - March 12, 2019, 04:19 PM

    The Arabs build House of prayer as they are son of Ishmael. Gallez is perfectly right here. Then when they are in Jerusalem, they build because as the sons of Ishmael they have an example that their ancestor [ISHMAEL] build. And the example is in Q 2,127.


    you asked me the main reasons I think there are some incoherence in Gallez's book ; here is one and let me explain.

    - Gallez has a theory : Judeo-nazarene sect used Arabs for their eschatological goals,
    - one of his proof Sebeos who quote when Arabs enter Jerusalem and the fact Jews built a place of prayer before the Arabs do chase them away and use the place for themselves,
    - in order to showthe Quran,does backup this "temple rebuilding", Gallez quote 2:127 but he quotes 2:127 like this    Abraham and Ishmael will re build the foundations of the House,
    - so it sounds like a prophecy to tie up with his Judeo-nazarene theory and explain that this is how the arabic text should be read,
    - he also says 2:127 should be read in conjunction with 2:114 ; why 2:114 ? because according to him, 2:114 alludes to the temples previously destroyed and it does enforce his reading of 2:127 as a prophecy,
    - he also quotes events from a Jewish source like it describes events in the 630+ while this source talks about events in 614,
    - he also says the Chronicle of Khuzistan says Umar built the Dome of Abraham but reading the text shows that he is wrong ; the text talks about Arabs not Umar and one understand that this Dome is in the desert not in Jerusalem

    Issue is :

    - 2:114 has nothing to do with 2:127 , reading the text demonstrate that ; they happen in a different era
    - 2:127 is not a prophecy, reading the text just shows this as it belongs to the narrative of the 3 previous verses that happended before 2:114 as the Bible confirm

    Therefore, his whole demonstration just crumbles.

    However he quotes a 10th century source that seems to confirm Sebeos when he says Jews were praying on the Temple Mount before the Arabs took over  Huh?.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6015 - March 12, 2019, 05:15 PM


    I think a maximum of lines should be introduced in the posts. The way it is now impedes the discussion outside of the ones directly debating. Shorter posts containing only a few ideas will make the discussion more enjoyable to all.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6016 - March 12, 2019, 06:16 PM

    You mean like you still haven't explained why one should read Rachel Stroumsa or why Sebeos is a later than thought text  Wink


    This is not my issue once again but this is because your ideology blind your eyes. By the way, scholars have been presenting opposite conclusions on this text so your choice of arguments is non valid.

    Penn text is the last article. I'm waiting for the next. Your issue won't be addressed as it never was. Except, Gallez! But like you, Gallez does not do the job that Penn does, nor for John  nor for Sebeos nor for the Jacobi. He takes at face value these texts. For John, Gallez is very happy to outline the same thing as you. For him it is the Judaeo Nazareans Ebionites messianists under the guise of the Jews who indoctrinate Arabs! You, the Arabs are Abrahamists because of the Sozomen Jews, 200 years earlier.

    It doesn't exist in the text but each one is entitled to have his own opinion.

    Haha ! Japaneses are staged as advisors of the Arabs!!! Cheesy Not Jews!!!
    Hahaha!  Haha! Please again!
    And the Late Antique Christians have nothing against the Jews haha!  Cheesy Please again!!! There is no reasons to staged Jews apart Abrahamism/Hanifism !!! Hahaha! the hidden religion of the Arabs that nobody know since Sozomen!!! Which comes from heavens with Anastasius! 200 years and the Dome of Abraham of the Khuzistan Chronicle  the Kaba of Jacob of Edessa!!! =  Abrahamism/Hanifism from Sozomen, 200 years, hidden, unknown and Bang! Hahaha again please! Please again!!! Cheesy

    So does the name Islam show up in the text ? No.

    Nope. Hahah it's so fun, the John author of the end 7th/ 8th c who retro projects the text in 640 about Arabs who have disappeared!!! They are not there any more!!!  But YES they are still there they are the Abrahamists! in the 690/710 !!! Hahaha! Again!!!
    Yet the John author of the end 7th/ 8th c. knows well the what say the Quranic text :

    And he also inquired, “What do you say Christ is? Is he God or not?”[/quote]
    Ah yes it is Abrahamists who have written it!

    “When Christ, who you say is God, was in Mary’s womb, who bore and governed the heavens and the earth?”“As for Abraham and Moses, what sort of belief and faith did they have?”
    And the emir said, “And why then did they not write openly and make (it) known concerning Christ?”
    And after the emir also heard these things he inquired only that if Christ is God and was born from Mary and if God has a son that it be shown to him immediately
    And the glorious emir did not accept these things from the prophets but wanted it to be shown to him (from) Moses that Christ is God
    From here the emir moved to asking about the laws of the Christians what and what sort (of laws) they are and if they are written in the gospel or not.

    Ah yes it is Abrahamists topoi hahaha  the Dome of Abraham of the Khuzistan Chronicle  the Kaba of Jacob of Edessa!!! =  Abrahamism/Hanifism from Sozomen, 200 years, hidden, unknown and Bang! hahaha again please!

    But Penn believes those people are muslims ; he project his own bias into the text ; he might be right, they might be muslims but the text doesn't say it


    You're totally crazy Marc. Hahaha! Does the text says these guys are Abrahamists?  Nope but the syriac transliteration of the Quranic word muhajirun!!!  Ah yes, invented by a military Abrahamist scribe in Egypt (643) and from him copied in the Abrahamist Quran!!!  Sozomen's muhajirun=Abrahamists= muhajirun then? Excuse me!!! the Dome of Abraham of the Khuzistan Chronicle  the Kaba of Jacob of Edessa!!! =  Abrahamism/Hanifism/muhajirun  from Sozomen, 200 years, hidden, unknown and Bang! hahaha again please!

    the text only say 2 things : "they interpret the Torah differently than the Jews, the Samaritans and the Christians and they have their own law.


    The text say what the John author knows about Arabs in 690/710 and retro projects it in 640.

    If you had read the text, you would understand why it doesn't necessarely allude to Jerusalem/Mount Moriah, but you haven't.

    Yes you're right, I did not read texts!
    All the 6/7th c. Orient knows that the sacrifice of Isaac is the place of the Temple When someone read/hear  the Quranic passage in Q 37 as there is no other place of the sacrifice mentioned,  he remains on what he knows : Jerusalem /Mount Moriah. But not you!!! Hahaha! Please again, not you!


    So having one's own opinion is being a fraud ; I would accept that if I were pretending (like you) to be the greatest scholar in Allah's universe and the only to have uncovered the secret about the origins of Islam

    I pretend to have a thesis Wink as usual you modify and add what fit your perceptions.

  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6017 - March 13, 2019, 10:27 AM

    An interesting article about the genre of Christian-Arabs disputation  by Syriac Christians and that explain the interest of those so-called debates  Wink

    Disputes with Muslims in Syriac Christian Texts: From Patriarch John (d. 648) to Bar Hebreus (d. 1286) ..... by PROF. SIDNEY H. GRIFFITH

    that must be an interesting  STORY from prof. SidneyG......

    Well ..Christians of that time MUST HAVE GOT BORED WITH CHRISTIAN RITUALS in the name of Christ

    When the Muslims came to power in Mesopotamia (al-Jazirah and al-Iraq) in the heart of the territories of the Syriac-speaking Christian communities of the patriarchate of Antioch, and established at Basrah and Kufa the Arab communities that would be the centers of Islamic power in the vast territories of the former Persian empire, the stage was set for [b]confrontations over religion to erupt between Christian and Muslim intellectuals[/b] . For Basrah and Kufa, together with Baghdad somewhat later, were to become intellectual centers of the first order in the academic awakening of Islam, especially during the first Abbasid century.

    And  i  do not think  that there was any confrontations over religion that  erupted between Christian and Muslim intellectuals....... if there was any confrontation it must be between  between Christian RITUALISTS(not intellectuals)  and   converted Muslim intellectuals    and their kids., whose parents must have been either Christian/Jewish or Zoroastrianism  ..

    indeed it is worth reading..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6018 - March 13, 2019, 10:39 AM

    All GRIFFITH is worth reading especially his articles from 2007 until now.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6019 - March 13, 2019, 10:51 AM

    All GRIFFITH is worth reading especially his articles from 2007 to now.

    the sad truth and reality in the history of faiths of middle east  is "  most of the time Jews, Muslims and Christians have remained ignorant about each other. Or worse, especially in the case of Christians and Muslim, they attacked each other."  and on the way Muslims became MORONS and ......Christians/Jews/Zoroastrians/pagans disappeared from middle east...

    anyways dear Altara    did you read his book

    The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Muslims and Christians in the World of Islam

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6020 - March 13, 2019, 12:21 PM

    I read the first 2 chapters.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6021 - March 13, 2019, 12:52 PM

    I read the first 2 chapters.

    Sidney G does not/do not explore origins of Quran ...but tries to drum up interfaith interactive books/publications ..  without doubt they are important and have their own identity .. but this will not solve the real problem dear Altara ..  any ways question to you .. here is a statement from   that  book
    "Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians were no doubt in the audience to whom the Qur’ān first addressed the word of God in “a clear Arabic tongue” (16:103 and 26:105), as the Qur’ān itself says of its message."

     forgetting those Quran verses such as 16:103 and 26:105..((as Quran tells very little or NO HISTORY of that time ., )) do you have any idea  who these   ..Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians..  were  during the time of alleged revelation of Quran ??  .. that is between  the years ...say 550 to 650  ...

    571: Birth of the Holy Prophet. Year of the Elephant. Invasion of Makkah by 
    595: The Holy Prophet marries Hadrat Khadija. ..
    632: Death of the Holy Prophet.Election of Hadrat Abu Bakr as the Caliph.

    as that is supposed to be timeline of Prophet of Islam's life.....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6022 - March 13, 2019, 01:06 PM

    "Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians were no doubt in the audience to whom the Qur’ān first addressed the word of God in “a clear Arabic tongue” (16:103 and 26:105), as the Qur’ān itself says of its message."

    Of course.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6023 - March 13, 2019, 01:14 PM

    .......... do you have any idea  who these   ..Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians..  were  during the time of alleged revelation of Quran ?? .. that is between  the years ...say 550 to 650  ... as that is supposed to be timeline of Prophet of Islam's life.....

    ................Of course....

    well   I need  more words from you apart from  "..Of course..." dear Altara.....  anyways  let me read this   The Mosque as a Political, Economic, and Social   Institution year  622 –  to  Present  by Hope Collins.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6024 - March 13, 2019, 01:14 PM

    I think that the mother tongue of the Quranic author(s) is not Arabic. Probably Syriac with a strong literati culture ; knowledge of  Biblical concept words and formulas from foreign languages (Greek, Latin, Geez, Biblical Hebrew) and of course basic Arabic of its time. Arabic arranged by the author(s) themselves, as they are free of doing what they want of the Arabic language they have, because there is no literary works before. They can borrow words from foreign language and arabized them. ’ajr is not arabic, nor semitic, etc.
    That is why van Putten  et al. cannot get what and from where is the Quranic rasm.  Their works attest that they are totally lost to identify it as it gathers, it seems, contradictory features, unknown features, that are not present in the same place/time, inscriptions. The question would be that one traces 99% of the language of the planet. How van Putten (for example) can say this is Sabaic, this is Thamudic, etc and is not able to identify the Quranic rasm. I specify, I'm not linguist. But as they think that Muslim narratives about the Quranic language, Arabic in general, and the examples they present such as ante Islamic poetry are historical, they are bounded, like historians by it. They trust the Muslim narrative considering that they know better than them. My opinion is that they're wrong;  the Muslim narratives know in fact, nothing, and what it says is naturally building what they think inside the Mecca/Medina/Kaba framework which is the only paradigm they have as the origin of the Quranic corpus.

    So, the mother tongue of the author(s) was Syriac? Interesting. Reminds me of Luxenberg, Gilliot, etc., etc. [I really like Gilliot; he, too, is French, haha]. Have you read Gilliot's studies? Do you find them convincing?

    As to Van Putten et al., I disagree with your assessment about them following the narrative. They follow some things, sure, but they also diverge from it one numerous occasion when they see compelling reasons to do so. Just follow them on Twitter or Facebook to see what I mean.

    What should I read on this particular topic? Arabic surely existed prior to the Quran? But the Quran still is in Arabic? Or is it a mixed-language? And where did the Arabic script come from? Syria? Is it not attested elswhere?
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6025 - March 13, 2019, 01:31 PM

    well....... in these modern times., tit bits from .........Tits ...Twitters.......Facebooks ..........junk books   seems to be more important than carefully written publications  and manuscripts ..

    there is something seriously wrong with university educations and faculties.,   that is very unfortunate......anyways Mahgraye  post says
    ..........As to Van Putten et al.,
    I disagree with your assessment about them following the narrative. They follow some things, sure, but they also diverge from it one numerous occasion when they see compelling reasons to do so.

    st follow them on Twitter or Facebook to see what I mean.  

    ...."They follow some things, sure, but they also diverge from it one numerous occasion when they see compelling reasons to do so."....
    that is a hand waving statement without proper inquiry / references  .. What they followed same things??  .. what divergence??  where  on Bible?? on OT or NT   and what compelling reasons dear Mahgraye.. Some one should ask that good friend...

    Arabic surely existed prior to the Quran? But the Quran still is in Arabic? Or is it a mixed-language? And where did the Arabic script come from? Syria? Is it not attested elswhere?..........

    Hmm those are good questions to explore...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6026 - March 13, 2019, 03:00 PM

    So, the mother tongue of the author(s) was Syriac?

    Probably. But not necessarily; one can be fluent in Syriac and have Arabic as mother tongue  Wink then, have  Arabic as mother tongue, what does that mean when all what is important arrive in Syriac? Was the case from the Gulf to Edessa.

    Interesting. Reminds me of Luxenberg, Gilliot, etc., etc. [I really like Gilliot; he, too, is French, haha]. Have you read Gilliot's studies? Do you find them convincing?

    I'm not agree with Luxenberg. The Quran could have been all written in Syriac and translated in  an arranged  ad hoc Arabic. It is for me possible. I think that the Syriac world (mental or not) is where was written the Quran, one way or another. Griffith shows it convincingly.

    What should I read on this particular topic?

    Start by Griffith, and read the notes!

    Arabic surely existed prior to the Quran?

    Not as a literary language.
    But the Quran still is in Arabic?


    An arranged  ad hoc Arabic.

    Or is it a mixed-language?

    A mixed-language maybe . Rather an ad hoc Arabic language for a precise task like the writing of a Biblical text (the Quranic one) whose the generic key words already exists in Hebrew/Syriac, yes.

    And where did the Arabic script come from? Syria? Is it not attested elswhere?

    Haha! I had a big discussion about that here, 4 or five months ago. The posts are here. When you have time you can search it. It is a great battle.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6027 - March 13, 2019, 09:36 PM

    What is you guys assessment of the following re-readings of Luxenberg (

    1. Say: God the One, 2. (that is) God the “United/Allied” (Ṣamad) (into a unity) (= the “Triune”26), 3. (who) has not begotten and was not begotten 4. And who has no equal.”

    This interpretation can be corroborated in the Qur’ān. Surah 17:85 reads:

    ويسلونك عن الروح قل الروح من امر ربي وما اوتيتم من العلم الا قليلا

    “If they ask you about the Spirit, then answer: The Spirit (is = proceeds) from the Logos of my Lord” (cf. the Creed of Nicaea-Constantinople: “et in Spiritum Sanctum qui ex Patre Filioque procedit”).

    The rejection of this doctrine in Sura 5:73 لقد كفر الذين قالوا ان الله ثالث ثلثة (“They are heretics who say that God is the third of three”) shows that the author of this anathema overlooked or did not comprehend the theological statement in Sura 17:85. The conclusion of this verse reads: وما اوتيتم من العلم الا قليلا “Of course you have little notion of theology!” (literally: “and no ‘knowledge’ [= divine knowledge / theology] has been conveyed to you, except a little”).

    Impressive how Luxenberg managed to turn what is considered to be an unambiguous anti-Trinitarian chapter into an affirmation of the Trinity.
  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6028 - March 13, 2019, 11:08 PM

    “If they ask you about the Spirit, then answer: The Spirit (is = proceeds) from the Logos of my Lord” (cf. the Creed of Nicaea-Constantinople: “et in Spiritum Sanctum qui ex Patre Filioque procedit”).
    From what book of Luxenberg  is that?

    I translate Blachère : "answer :" The Spirit proceeds of the Order of my Lord"
    In Arabic there is no "proceed" but min amri rabbī
    But it is resembling to the "Spiritum Sanctum qui ex Patre procedit"
    Luxenberg event if he does no translate like me, seems right. Both are resembling.

    "The rejection of this doctrine in Sura 5:73 shows that the author of this anathema overlooked or did not comprehend the theological statement in Sura 17:85."
    Dye, Segovia et al. would say that 5,73 is a different layer of scripture from 17,85.

  • Qur'anic studies today
     Reply #6029 - March 13, 2019, 11:48 PM

    "A. Yusuf Ali admits that the Qur’anic word “samad” could be translated by one word. He has interpreted “samad” as ‘eternal’. Aramaic , “smd” meaning ‘bind, join’ (Num. 25: 3); 3rd.p.m.plu. “wysmd” they attached themselves to (Psa. 106: 28), etc.
    The correct interpretation is: ‘Allah, the binder’."

    The Qur'an: Misinterpreted, Mistranslated, and Misread. The Aramaic Language of the Qur'an by Gabriel Sawma
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