Oh my goodness., how should I respond to this ?
It is irrelevant that here or there you find in the OT a sentence that you could interprete this way or that way. Dont forget that the late Antique erudite did not have internet do do a search and launch a new interpretation of an obscure verse. Fact is that mainstream Christianity considered Jesus the son of God and thought it was perfectly compatible with the OT.
well — John Ray said —
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”May be I should rephrase your statement dear mundi ....
"It is irrelevant that here or there you find in the Quran a sentence that you could interpret this way or that way. Don't forget that the late Antique erudite did not have internet do do a search and launch a new interpretation of an obscure verse. Fact is the mainstream Christianity of that time who lived around Christ considered "Jesus the son of God IS WRONG" AND SOME CHRISTIANS OF THAT TIME QUESTIONED THAT "Jesus the son of God" and thought it was perfectly compatible with the OT."Does that sound right dear mundi?
I would like you to change that the way you like to read it .....
The Quranic author stating the opposite is an attack against Christianity.
Yeez, Mundi is right.
THAT GUY.. CAN NOT BE QURANIC AUTHOR...... so I delete that.,
May be that so-called Qur'anic author copied that from some Christian/Jewish sect preacher who may have preached that
"Jesus was a man, not God"Yes Altara., mundi is right in the sense of so-called mainstream ROMAN CATHOLIC
CHURCHIANITY., CHURCHIANITY may have interpreted that way., but So what?? May be that guy who wrote/said that statements such as these
Jesus was a man, not God
Jesus was not physically resurrected
Jesus was a Jewish prophet with a mission of reconciliation
Jesus was filled with divine inspiration
Jesus is a supreme example of living with integrity and compassion
Jesus' life is reflective of the divine potential in all of us
was some Unitarian Christian /Christ follower/preacher ..