Gabriel S. Reynolds
"Robert Kerr's article on the Zuhayr inscription (in German), arguing that "in the year 24" is a later addition:""I tend to think that the field of Islamic Studies is distinct - critical discourse tends to be welcomed even celebrated (among academics) in other fields of Religious Studies. Less so in Islamic Studies." Said Reynolds and Emran El-Badawi founded IQSA in 2012. Now is Hythem Sidky the new leader (what does he stand for??) Some years ago, both Reynolds and El-Badawi, supported that it could be something in Dan Gibson's view, that Petra was the original Mecca. I don't know what they would say today, but El-Badawi wrote a while ago (as I remember) that the time for "extreme views" has ended. Was that a refutation of "revisionism" for his part? When Reynolds posts critical views on Twitter, he gets almost no support from other scholars, like here, where he posted Kerr's article. After Dye quit Twitter, there is almost no more "revisionist" scholars left on the internet. I have a great respect for the researchers sharing their views on internet, but when you hear them talking, it is almost like listening to an imam preaching, and I just wait for an "Allahu akbar". Their goal seems to be as close to the muslim traditions as possible. Where are the new "Patrica Crones", that dare to challenge the traditions?
As I wrote earlier,
I am worried that Reynolds is becoming more and more isolated among the researchers and that IQSA is becoming less critical (I don't know what they were talking about in their recent meeting).
What is your impression of the development in the field of Quranic studies and the traditions?
it appears you have not read this that you see below at that link dear Asbjoern1958

and as far as the "SAID" Gabriel lol... not being active is concerned it means many things..
1) Could be terrible busy
2). Idiots in Academic positions did stifle his thoughts as well as
3). simplest thing to stop fellows like Gabriel is. some idiot threatening/blackmailing him through some e-mail... you may not know this., but they actually have done it to that wonderful lady Patricia Crones" ((and many others))) that you mentioned in your post ..
All such things have effect on what people do/say or write in this field...