Hi guys. Sorry, I've been very inactive, but life's been keeping me super busy :/. Anyway, thought I might try to spark another debate. I personally don't have a physics background outside of high school, but I've been watching a lot of lectures by Lawrence Krauss lately. According to him, people have discovered gravitational waves originating from the big bang. Apparently, that's a strong indication that our universe underwent inflation (which I have a very tenuous grasp of). And if that's proven, it's indirect evidence that the big bang could have originated when a pocket of empty space fell out of the inflation zone of another universe.
It's mind boggling isn't it? The fact that this entire universe could have originated from a speck of empty space. No energy input required, and our universe could spontaneously come into existence. No need for religion
. Anyway, I was just wondering whether anyone had any opinions on this, or a better understanding of it than me. Cheers!