Do you think the debate format is good at discovering the truth? Hamza Tzortzis has had many debates with atheists, but I always end up confused and I probably miss a lot. Tzortzis is debating Dr. Arif Ahmed, senior lecturer of Philosophy at Cambridge on the 19th on November, i'll definitely be watching that. I notice that a lot of the debates are hosted by Islamic societies, do you think they try to make the debate an unfair playing field (unqualified speaker, majority Muslim audience, sneaky editing etc)?
Truth is rarely discovered in debates, unless it is the truth that one at the debate is a hack. Hence why science and philosophy both at least has some sort of peer-review process. Debates are about convincing the audience, nothing more. The Islamic groups sponsor such events as Islam is a proselytizing religion. These events gain new religious members or shore up the "troops" so to speak.