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 Topic: Dawahman banned for homophobic views

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  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #30 - December 02, 2014, 10:54 AM

    I wish dawah man every success in his videos, from his videos you can see he is a intelligent


    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #31 - December 02, 2014, 11:41 AM

    I like him and I studied at one of the top 3 public colleges in England, also I am a highly educated graduate.

    What's a public college?
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #32 - December 02, 2014, 11:44 AM

    George W. Bush graduated from both Yale and Harvard. Just sayin'.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #33 - December 02, 2014, 03:10 PM

    whats with the daddy's sperm business? how utterly bizarre…how do you even come up with such grossness. no surprise that hes a homophobe, you cant really be a devout muslim and be okay with homosexuality.  
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #34 - December 02, 2014, 04:18 PM

    It is an argument of ignorance often from a religious point of view. Religions often forbid certain acts. From a religious point of view if one does not believe God these acts are acceptable. However this is just a failure of those putting forward this argument to evaluate if an act is acceptable or not using logic and reason. Without the authority of God telling one what to do and not do theists become confused. Religion is at it's core the ultimate argument from authority, an authority no one can validate. DW just highlights that he has underdeveloped critical thinking skills and relies on authority for his view of right and wrong.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #35 - December 02, 2014, 05:51 PM

    One of the reasons I think Dawahman is a hypocritical asshole is the way he goes on and on about people having to learn arabic to criticize the Quran and have all these absurd prerequisites to engage in a dialogue about the faith, and then he turns around and completely misrepresents other religions texts and claims in the most reckless of ways

    At around the 17:45 mark, he references a Bible verse:

    The verse he is referring to is this one:
    Deuteronomy 25:11-12
    If two men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her.

    Granted the verse is pretty horrible and absurd, but Dawahman couldn't even bother to verify what he said was the least bit accurate and ended up making the verse sound slightly worse than it actually is. And if you ever bring up one of the Quran's horrible verses he would probably cry bloody murder since you "took it out of context" or you "don't read classical Arabic."

    The rest of the debate goes even worse for Dawahman as the sikh tries to engage in a meaningful discussion, while Dawahman threatens him with hell and waffles on about "rhetorical devices" the whole time.

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #36 - December 02, 2014, 07:05 PM

    When did Adnan Rashid and Saleem Chagtai leave IERA? Was it an official thing?

    "Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #37 - December 02, 2014, 09:55 PM

    whats with the daddy's sperm business? how utterly bizarre…how do you even come up with such grossness. no surprise that hes a homophobe, you cant really be a devout muslim and be okay with homosexuality.  


    It might be dawahman's repressed sexual fetish.

    In his head he was probaly thinking " hmm if I left islam and wasn't restricted by allah's rules of course I would go out and start drinking bottle of sperm ! "


    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #38 - December 02, 2014, 10:23 PM

    I know this point has been beaten to death, but that is seriously the unintentional vibe that these objective morality arguments send. If it weren't for Islam, apparently there'd be a sharp spike in murders (ha), inbreeding (ha), and bestiality. Also, everyone would be cheating on their partners and no one would have basic hygiene.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #39 - December 02, 2014, 10:42 PM

    meh, I like him, I genuinely think he's awesome and btw he did change his viewpoint on the last video you posted, so that was understandable to remove

    You like Dawahman?
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #40 - December 02, 2014, 11:05 PM

    I like Dawahman. He's proof that there is such a thing as competition for the title of world's shittest superhero.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #41 - December 02, 2014, 11:14 PM

    Dawahman is so extraordinarily comical that it's really hard to be offended by him at all. He's like a clumsy villain in a kids' movie.

    I will say that I don't get the feeling that Dawahman is a bad guy. He's just not the brightest. Tzortzis, though much more intelligent in my opinion, is very often a snake in the grass who knows what he's doing. I think Dawahman is just a simple man who is just as painfully embarrassing as his name alone would have you suspect.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #42 - December 03, 2014, 03:39 AM

    I'm sorry but something about him really makes my skin crawl. I think it is more than the lack of intelligence, some of his comments about homosexuality and other religions make me think he is an intolerant asshole.

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #43 - December 03, 2014, 04:18 AM

    Yeah, I guess you're right. Bigoted, definitely, intolerant, sure, but I guess I've just been dismissing that as a given for anyone with a slight amount of honesty who is practicing a literal interpretation of Islam. So many things he's said or done in the past makes me pretty confident that he's not Islam's best and brightest, so I suppose I regard him as just a fool swept up in the waves of it with not enough of an intellect to ever paddle towards shore and realize his error.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #44 - December 03, 2014, 04:57 AM

    Maybe I haven't seen all that much of him, but I've never thought Tzortzis is that bad. He seems more polite and less crazy than DM. I really don't see him as someone who completely sees through his own bullshit either. He actually seems to think his arguments are far better than they actually are and I don't see him as a clever dude trying to deceive the masses.

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #45 - December 03, 2014, 02:50 PM

    HT is a malicious twat for the comment he made in his "debate" with Professor Hoodbhoy. There is no way he could be ignorant about the context in Pakistan in which calling him someone who "hates Muslims" would not be seen as anything but the worst kind  of insult, and a dangerous one too.

    Dude can go fuck himself with the wrong end of a rake.

    Edit: Also coconut cake gift to a desi brit who doesn't share his backward ass views, before a debate in front of a largely desi muslim audience. Basically his arguments aren't clever, but he knows what he's doing with this kind of bullshit, his intent is completely fucked, and he argues in bad faith.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #46 - December 03, 2014, 10:51 PM

    I'm guessing if you're not a regular or a new person receiving bunnies you are totally ignored. 

    "Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #47 - December 03, 2014, 11:39 PM


    Also, justperusing, I don't know. Tzortzis is a weird subject for me, because I might actually be projecting, and it was like right on the heels of binge watching his videos that I threw up my hands and said fuck it all, this Islam thing isn't working out. So I may be imagining it, but I do feel like I see a lot of my old self in Tzortzis, and just the language he uses and some of the shit he says makes me bristle--I recognize those tricks, that's my move. I guess it's a "it takes one to know one" ordeal. Or I might really just be imposing my issues on him. Grin

    But beyond that, he's definitely a tricky guy. Almost everything he and iERA does is just dripping with dishonesty. Two instances relevant to CEMB, actually, that I can recall: on a webinar, he admits that he's been going around selling snake oil disguised as scientific miracles, and starts whining that they've been caught in their laziness and that it started to backfire and saying that now we're going to have to have a better narrative, now we're going to have to be more intellectually honest, et cetera. The other time was with the CEMB report on iERA where, instead of owning the terrible things he and his cohorts have said in the past and amending them should there be a reason to, he calls the report authors liars for not contacting him to check and see if his opinions happened to change recently, or if he'd like to provide a more innocuous statement than the incriminating ones.

    So many quotes of his are delicately worded damage control statements that only other fools can fall for, and they barely disguise something ugly and dangerous. He's made a lot of statements that basically boil down to stuff like this: No, I'm not homophobic, how dare you, I just adopt the mainstream view that gays are immoral and are going to hell, what's so bad about that? No, I didn't compare gays to cannibals, I just said, like cannibalism, being gay will always be wrong. Or no, I've never said apostates should be killed, because we're not living in a sharia state right now but if we ever were, good news, beheading is a painless way to exterminate the apostates, how dare you say that I've ever promoted violence against apostates?

    It's just Tzortzis in a nutshell. A writhing, slippery snake. Take it from someone who has been there before. Grin
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #48 - December 04, 2014, 12:55 AM

    They are all just average dawah guys. If it wasn't them in the limelight, it would only be some other chumps equally painful to pay attention to.
    It is not possible to do dawah without coming across as, or having to actually be, dimwitted, desperate, and dishonest.

    Whoever can be bothered to produce a significant number of 'islam is the truth' videos on youtube, can become a superhero of dawah. The barrier to entry doesn't exist.  You don't need any qualifications or honesty. You don't even need a computer. You just get somebody to pay zakat for one.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #49 - December 05, 2014, 07:02 PM


    Also, justperusing, I don't know. Tzortzis is a weird subject for me, because I might actually be projecting, and it was like right on the heels of binge watching his videos that I threw up my hands and said fuck it all, this Islam thing isn't working out. So I may be imagining it, but I do feel like I see a lot of my old self in Tzortzis, and just the language he uses and some of the shit he says makes me bristle--I recognize those tricks, that's my move. I guess it's a "it takes one to know one" ordeal. Or I might really just be imposing my issues on him. Grin

    But beyond that, he's definitely a tricky guy. Almost everything he and iERA does is just dripping with dishonesty. Two instances relevant to CEMB, actually, that I can recall: on a webinar, he admits that he's been going around selling snake oil disguised as scientific miracles, and starts whining that they've been caught in their laziness and that it started to backfire and saying that now we're going to have to have a better narrative, now we're going to have to be more intellectually honest, et cetera. The other time was with the CEMB report on iERA where, instead of owning the terrible things he and his cohorts have said in the past and amending them should there be a reason to, he calls the report authors liars for not contacting him to check and see if his opinions happened to change recently, or if he'd like to provide a more innocuous statement than the incriminating ones.

    So many quotes of his are delicately worded damage control statements that only other fools can fall for, and they barely disguise something ugly and dangerous. He's made a lot of statements that basically boil down to stuff like this: No, I'm not homophobic, how dare you, I just adopt the mainstream view that gays are immoral and are going to hell, what's so bad about that? No, I didn't compare gays to cannibals, I just said, like cannibalism, being gay will always be wrong. Or no, I've never said apostates should be killed, because we're not living in a sharia state right now but if we ever were, good news, beheading is a painless way to exterminate the apostates, how dare you say that I've ever promoted violence against apostates?

    It's just Tzortzis in a nutshell. A writhing, slippery snake. Take it from someone who has been there before. Grin

    Spot on, on some level they need to resort to such dodgy tactics to spread their ideas, how can one endorse their backward ideas in a liberal society without being sly and two faced. Dawahman would never describe homosexuality as "filth" openly on camera because of consequences such as these in article, therefore, he and others like him are careful about how they phrase their bigotry.

    Unfortunately for Dawahman, he has been caught red handed.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #50 - December 08, 2014, 05:00 AM

    The first time I saw Hamza was his encounter with PZ Myers and the scientific miracle garbage he was spouting honestly just made me laugh. He just seemed like another very ignorant, zealous dawah dude. I guess he's tried to become more intellectually respectable, but I've just always seen him in the ilk of zakir naik and harun yahya who are just hard to take seriously. The difference is he seems like you could have a civilized and polite conversation with him in a way that you couldn't with dawahman.

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #51 - December 09, 2014, 07:13 AM

    The first time I saw Hamza was his encounter with PZ Myers and the scientific miracle garbage he was spouting honestly just made me laugh. He just seemed like another very ignorant, zealous dawah dude. I guess he's tried to become more intellectually respectable, but I've just always seen him in the ilk of zakir naik and harun yahya who are just hard to take seriously. The difference is he seems like you could have a civilized and polite conversation with him in a way that you couldn't with dawahman.

    Nah he'd just ignore what you're saying, but first and foremost we must understand that the Quran must be read both intertextually and intratextually... blah blah blah.  Roll Eyes

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #52 - December 09, 2014, 03:11 PM Dawah man response
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #53 - December 09, 2014, 03:29 PM

    Fucking hell, is he drunk??
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #54 - December 09, 2014, 03:35 PM

    28 minutes? Get the fuck outta here. He should make a TL;DR version for people with paint they want to watch dry. Cutting out his annoying intro drawl would shave off half of it.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #55 - December 09, 2014, 03:49 PM

    I sat through all of that (somehow), Dawahman was upset because the radio show host asked him to confess if he said those words without letting dawahman talk a load of mumbojumbo first.

    Essentially he has been caught on camera saying something he would only say in front of his Muslim brother and sisters and so does not want repeat publically his beliefs (despite saying he still stands by it).

    He also thinks for some reason that the radio station is out to get him, Islam and Muslims simply because he asked Imran what he thinks about the topic the radio station was talking about at the time.

    He does seem like he is on something lol, His London badman gangsta talk reached the point where it seemed to be a self-parody.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #56 - December 09, 2014, 05:37 PM

    I remember one of his vids where he got the camera man to do a close up on a man flirting with some muslim girl.

    Dawah man was talking about how shameless that man was for flirting with a muslim girl at the concert and then proceeded to get the camera man to do a close up of his face and started making comments like " look at that guy he looks like a pervert. I know that type of perverted smile on his face. You can tell he is into those nasty, kinky sex acts.

    Now, what kind of straight guy looks at other men and starts trying to guess what sex acts they like in the bedroom.

    It's only a matter of time before someone catches Dawahman getting blown by a male prostitute in a public  bathroom.

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #57 - December 09, 2014, 06:07 PM

    I think we should all be happy that Dawah man believes in islam; otherwise he would be a rapist, drink his dad's sperm and do the most horrible things.... Phew.
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #58 - December 09, 2014, 08:08 PM

    By the way, apparently he promised this on the 29th of November. Interested to see his video, if he ever planned to actually make one in the first place.

    "Imran Dawah Man @ImranibnMansur  ·  Nov 29
    Today I had a discussion with a FAKE 'ex-Muslim'. lots of them around. It truly is Embarrassing 4 them when they get caught out. Video soon"
  • Dawahman banned for homophobic views
     Reply #59 - December 09, 2014, 09:02 PM

    I remember one of his vids where he got the camera man to do a close up on a man flirting with some muslim girl.

    Dawah man was talking about how shameless that man was for flirting with a muslim girl at the concert and then proceeded to get the camera man to do a close up of his face and started making comments like " look at that guy he looks like a pervert. I know that type of perverted smile on his face. You can tell he is into those nasty, kinky sex acts.

    Now, what kind of straight guy looks at other men and starts trying to guess what sex acts they like in the bedroom.

    It's only a matter of time before someone catches Dawahman getting blown by a male prostitute in a public  bathroom.

    I know right! If he has a sexy imagination, he should let rip and be fabulous darling!
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