So since I told my mother I don't believe in Allah and whatever she's been telling me stories and trying to convince me Allah exists. (I regret telling her how I felt now, because she just makes me feel worse and confused) She told me if I could provide her points she would believe that there is no Allah. I've hardly ever studied Islam so much to point out flaws or errors. The only reason I stopped believing was because I couldn't find the connection as a kid and didn't understand why dating and being homosexual was haram etc, but I can't tell her that or else she'll get the wrong impression. Do you guys have any points that Islam is false?
Her points where,
❀ Khana Qaba is in the center of the world. (Allah made his house in the center of the world!)
❀ Muhammed splitting the moon.
❀ Muhammed predicting airplanes were going to be created in the future.
❀ Muhammed predicting gay marriages.
❀ Allah controls the time of day. (Controls the moon and sun, who else controls it?)
❀ Science can't save people from dying. (If you're 60, science can't make you 61.)
❀ Science has proved things that are already in the quran. (Sky is made of seven layers, etc)
❀ Past holy books all connect to each other. (Bible mentions another prophet, blah blah and so on)
❀ Muhammed stated he was the last prophet to come and after several years no one has claimed to be a prophet.
❀ I forgot what person said this in Islam, but according to my mother, they said that in every house in the world will have a 'Satan' and that 'Satan' will be called 'Antenna' (Yes, the thing you use to watch Television) She said every language in the world, the word Antenna is the same/similar.
I forgot what else she said, she told me so many stories (that did actually get me kind of thinking) but they sound so dumb.
I told her it's not a phase and she says when I get older I'll understand and that she's educated enough not to believe fake things.
❀ Khana Qaba is in the center of the world. (Allah made his house in the center of the world!
On what basis? Latitude+Longitude , GPS co-ordinates (Britain made Lat and Long, GPS (USA).
Centre of the World planet wise is the core of the Earth.
❀ Muhammed splitting the moon.
Evidence from people that have landed on the moon/studied it for it having been split? Physics explainations for this, crashing asteroids and gravitational pulls during the making of the Moon.
❀ Muhammed predicting airplanes were going to be created in the future.
Which verses or hadiths used for this?
❀ Muhammed predicting gay marriages.
Which verses or hadiths used for this too!?
❀ Allah controls the time of day. (Controls the moon and sun, who else controls it?)
Laws of physics, different day lengths on other planets, the Earth being in the goldilocks zone for life therefore we evolved here and feel the time here. Evidence of evolution of humans and also of life formation from basic organic matter building blocks.
❀ Science can't save people from dying. (If you're 60, science can't make you 61.)
Can to a degree, cancer treatments, advice for living better so do not age so quickly, but we are subject to the laws of physics and entropy.
❀ Science has proved things that are already in the quran. (Sky is made of seven layers, etc)
Verses used?

These are the atmospheric layers - I count only 6, 7 if outer space is included. The sky is however subject to the layers with both a night and a day sky due to refraction in the 6 layers etc.
Also TheRationalisers work contacting scientists that have been quote-mined in support of this view where they categorically deny any miraculous stuff to do with qu'ranic predictions. ❀ Past holy books all connect to each other. (Bible mentions another prophet, blah blah and so on)
Easy to make a prediction of another 'prophet' - just depends who becomes accepted and the political climate surrounding it - wanting to create an empire based around something - right time in the right place
❀ Muhammed stated he was the last prophet to come and after several years no one has claimed to be a prophet.
Joseph Smith, Ba'hai'ullah, Hubbard.
❀ I forgot what person said this in Islam, but according to my mother, they said that in every house in the world will have a 'Satan' and that 'Satan' will be called 'Antenna' (Yes, the thing you use to watch Television) She said every language in the world, the word Antenna is the same/similar.
Just down to the popularity of English as a universal language due to colonial history. If was not the Brits it could have been the Spanish and you would be using a different word for the same thing.