Near Death Experiences
OP - December 18, 2014, 06:45 PM
As a former Christian, I am used to hearing propaganda claims about people having Near Death Experiences and going to heaven and seeing Jesus and stuff. I have looked into this phenomenon further to find that in a lot of these cases, there is no religious imagery or religious figures in peoples experiences and, in fact, there experience is usually determined by their culture and religious beliefs at the time. Hindus have seen Yama, the God of the dead. Some people think that NDEs are a preview of the afterlife, but due to their contradicting nature that would be difficult to reconcile.
Some of the cases are interesting such as Pam Reynolds and another women who floated out of her body and found a shoe on the ledge of the hospital which was later verified. Some people seem to receive information that they could not have known otherwise such as that they had siblings that died before they were born. Anyway, they are an interesting phenomena and they are the strongest challenge (for me) to a purely materialistic, reductionist view of human consciousness.
As a lot of these people are absolutely convinced they talked to God and/or Jesus and claim they were given a message to share with humanity, these people's claims are essentially indistinguishable from "prophets" in the past. If Muhammad claimed to have a message from God, then how can you say that Howard Storm (a NDEer who claims that Jesus saved him from hell) isn't a valid prophet too? Could people who have claimed prophethood in the past be people who have had these experiences? Perhaps religion was born out these experiences rather just merely a fear of death and the unknown.
"I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
-Thomas Paine