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 Topic: An apology from a Man

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  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #90 - March 08, 2015, 10:00 AM

    ^i never looked that deep into it,  presumed he was just giving an emotive rant about the ill treatment of women lol, but they do say that it does take a guy to notice another guys bs and vice versa.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #91 - March 08, 2015, 10:26 AM

    I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    One of the ways we put down feminism is by mocking the men who try to support it, calling them white knights or otherwise insinuating they must have an angle. We are in a system where men have an advantage over women, and although it's not the fault of any one individual,  it's also not crazy to think one might feel compelled to apologize.

    Zero never came back, just left that message, so in the absence of any particular reason to call him out on his gesture, I appreciate what he tried to do.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #92 - March 08, 2015, 10:57 AM

    Although I did find his idea of apologising a bit revolting, I don't think he had any ulterior motives and genuinely felt for the struggles and prejudices many women face.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #93 - March 08, 2015, 11:01 AM

    Aw, thanks. Smiley

    You're welcome, m'lady.  Cheesy
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #94 - March 08, 2015, 11:06 AM

    Although I did find his idea of apologising a bit revolting, I don't think he had any ulterior motives and genuinely felt for the struggles and prejudices many women face.

    Yeah, exactly,  some of his compliments weren't my cup of tea, either, but whatever. Does not make him some kind of predator, better to give the benefit of the doubt.

    You're welcome, m'lady.  Cheesy

  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #95 - March 08, 2015, 06:09 PM

    One of the ways we put down feminism is by mocking the men who try to support it, calling them white knights or otherwise insinuating they must have an angle

    It's not a feminist issue or a feminist post though.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #96 - March 08, 2015, 07:01 PM

    It isn't? He's addressing the issue that feminism is meant to address. And a lot of the time, men who try to support us get mocked or vilified.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #97 - March 08, 2015, 07:24 PM

    Part of the original post:

    Don't misunderstand, I don't think men and women are equal. No, we both possess different virtues, yet it's very clear that women are frequently  streets ahead of men in so many ways

    I'm no feminism expert, but doesn't the above run counter to the feminist manifesto?

    Or am I confusing feminists with those who are egalitarian?

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #98 - March 08, 2015, 07:36 PM

    It isn't? He's addressing the issue that feminism is meant to address. And a lot of the time, men who try to support us get mocked or vilified.

    In no way whatsoever is his post feminist. I felt like banging my head against a wall after reading it and seeing some of the replies. But to be fair I shall reread it and get back to you.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #99 - March 08, 2015, 07:43 PM

    Didn't mean that part, more these:

    I just want to express how sorry I feel when I see my fellow men treating you women in the ways we do. It's really horrible and offensive.  Obviously its not JUST  Muslims,  that beat oppress and grossly misunderstand their women ,there are horrible men everywhere, but having read the Koran, its very very clear, that women are regarded as objects and worse.
    What is really sad (in an ironic way though  richly deserved) is the fact that these ignorant fear provoking morons that lay down the law to woman  all over the world, loose BIG TIME.
    What do they loose? They loose the incredible privilege of knowing a woman as a friend and life journey partner.


    I just want to say SORRY speaking as a man  - part of the sex that exercises this oppression

    Whether or not he's the best representative of an ally for feminism, the issue he's addressing is obviously one feminism seeks to address, and I regret that men who try to show support are looked at as just trying to get something from women or are written off as white knights. Sure, it happens, but unless I'm missing something, Zero did exactly nothing to make him someone we couldn't give the benefit of the doubt to. He's not here anymore. He never responded to any comments. I don't see why we need to accuse him of anything when this could very well have been just a show of support.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #100 - March 08, 2015, 07:45 PM

    Feminist post wasn't the point, it's a feminist issue.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #101 - March 09, 2015, 01:20 AM

    Part of the original post:

    I'm no feminism expert, but doesn't the above run counter to the feminist manifesto?

    Or am I confusing feminists with those who are egalitarian?

    ^this is a thing that confuses me. Humans are subject to sexual dimorphism, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Yes, there always have been and always will be people who do not fit neatly into one of two boxes, but the vast majority of people do, and as long as sexual reproduction is the most common method of maintaining or expanding population size, that will continue to be true. And yet, both acknowledging that sexual dimrophism exists and denying that sexual dimorphism exists are anti-feminist. Yes, women are less strong than men physically; no, Anita Sarkeesian, that isn't just anti-womyn lies spread by THE MAN, it's something you can test with science. But if you deny that sexual dimorphism exists and say that, for example, women should have the same physical endurance tests as men in the military, or that we should eliminate genderized categorizations of women and men in the Olympics, which would eliminate nearly all women from competing, that's anti-woman too.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #102 - March 09, 2015, 01:24 AM

    I'm pretty sure that most people will agree that men tend to be physically stronger than women. Is this the only claim to equality that confuses you?
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #103 - March 09, 2015, 01:39 AM

    Some men are stronger than other men. So what?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #104 - March 09, 2015, 01:46 AM

    Also, I wasn't aware of Anita Sarkeesian until I saw you using her name like that, and just looked her up. I actually did not come across anything crazy she's said, but she does seem to be one of the popular feminists to hate and send death and rape threats to these days after she talked about sexist tropes in video games.

    I gather from the connotation of her comment that you must know much more about her than I do from my ~2 minutes of googling. Can you tell me something she's said in the past that you disagree with for you to be using her name as an example of typical silly feminists overreacting?
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #105 - March 09, 2015, 02:10 AM

    Anita Sarkeesian is a woman with a very sordid history indeed. First, she "worked" as a con artist, no literally, she got involved in an MLM scheme that wasn't even one of the ones that sells products, the one she was involved in was how to convince people in MLMs that sell products that they're in a great career and all they need is more energy and enthusiasm and networking. Then she went into a career of peddling lies about psychology, gender, sexual dimorphism, and other stuff. So she raised $158,922 on kickstarter to do a video series about women in video games, which was due to be released in 2012 and hasn't been yet, even tho she's kept on raising money for it.

    Then she found the even more lucrative career of scheduling talks on the subject of feminism with non-refundable booking fees, and then lying about threats to her safety and cancelling them, pocketing the cash. And yes, they are lies about the threats, none of the threats have been real enough to have warranted a police or FBI investigation. And she "reports" the threats to twitter before the police anyway, which shows how seriously she herself takes them. I worked in a place that had a bomb threat protocol. The protocol was not "update your social network status, complain about people disliking you, pretend that people talking about their opinions of you is equivalent to the hatred of all people similar to you, set up a charity to help you deal with these threats, then call the police." That's not, under normal circumstances, what people who are legit afraid for their lives do.

    It's not claims to equality that confuse me, it's claims to equality when that equality is physically impossible, especially when such claims are self-contradictory. It's not sexist that most men can pee while standing while most women can't without a contraption to make that possible. It's not sexist that most men cannot experience childbirth. Not all women can either, what's the point of that line of argument?

    Another thing that makes me facepalm is the denial of data and facts that inconvenient to the narrative, especially when this helps no one; and when people forgo helping real people because they're too busy crying about the treatment of imaginary ones. Look how much money Anita Sarkeesian has gotten to fight against how women are portrayed in video games, even tho the link between video game violence and real world violence was debunked ages ago. Also look at how she is NOT using that money to help real women who are forced into slavery or are being abused or are forced into child marriages or are being subjected to mutilation, rape, torture, etc. How much permanent housing and clean water and food supplies do you think she could have gotten for refugees and orphanages and other REAL PEOPLE who legitimately need help? But instead she whines about how video games, even video games with strong female characters, are sexist.

    Same thing with critics of portrayals of women on TV. If you want to complain about the writing in the movie not being significant when it's between female characters, ask yourself, "Is the dialogue between the rest of the characters any good, or at all substantial?" Chances are no, it's probably a movie that is focused on something other than talking. Like fighting. Explosions are quite popular. If you want to complain about women being the victims of violence on TV, ask yourself this: do you think things would be better for women if women were portrayed as rapists, serial killers, etc? Would that help real world women? And anyways, what does it matter? TV, like video games, has no predictive value for real-world violence.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #106 - March 09, 2015, 02:29 AM

    Where are you getting all of this information? Another ~5 second google search showed me that she did in fact make those videos and the first one was released in 2013? I haven't gone through fact checking everything you said, since that was the first and was spectacularly inaccurate.

    Some of it seems like pure speculation on your part, particularly about the bomb threats. Remember that, if you're saying she's calling in bomb threats to her own venues, you're accusing her of a pretty serious crime, and if you're so experienced, I don't need to tell you that the FBI and local law enforcement tend not to find bomb threats too cute and generally will try to find and charge the person responsible, and I'm sure she'd be awfully easy to catch if she was behind the emails and so on. Where are you seeing that there has never been an investigation? I also don't understand what her background in advertising for that company has to do with her being an overreacting feminist. It's not the coolest thing in the world, but it's also not relevant.

    The video game industry has largely catered to men, so yeah, obviously there's a lot of depictions of women that are sexist or demeaning or whatever. No, it's not the most pressing issue in the world on its own. I, for one, have been running over bikini-clad women and stealing their rotating money stacks in GTA since tender youth. The significance of these studies and projects, be it women's studies in literature or in video games or any other media, is as a reflection of the society or the culture it came from. And awareness of how we view and depict women absolutely helps us to be more aware of what societal pressures or expectations women can be subjected to.

    Again, not groundbreaking stuff. But it's of interest to her. She wanted to do a project on it. There is undeniably material for it. So why is it a problem that she asked for donations for her idea and got more than she asked for? Apparently she only asked for $6000.00 to make the series, and the rest was freely given. That's what Kickstarter is. You don't get to decide how many donations you receive, obviously. That's why a guy on kickstarter got $60k to make potato salad. I don't see anyone outraged about him.

    I'm still not understanding what it is you're confused about re sexual dimorphism, to be honest. No one's really contesting that women are generally weaker and that men aren't shooting out babies. What is the claim that's really bothering you?

  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #107 - March 09, 2015, 02:41 AM

    Oh, come on, gal. Clearly you've been reading too much uninformed anti-feminist garbage. Again, quickly googled, found dozens of articles talking about how the FBI was investigating the threats to her and the venue.

    Fact check, my friend, fact check. Edit: Actually, I think you know the importance of fact checking and for some reason you just don't do it with whatever unsavory sources you get this stuff from. So I guess I mean always fact check.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #108 - March 11, 2015, 03:54 AM

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #109 - March 11, 2015, 03:56 AM

    Grin Am I to take that to mean you don't want to continue this conversation?
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #110 - March 11, 2015, 04:04 AM

    I'll probably come back to it in the future, lua, but right now I don't have the emotional resources to deal with it. I have too much stuff on my mind already. I can't deal with this right now.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #111 - March 11, 2015, 04:09 AM

    No problem, take your time. Hope you're all good.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #112 - March 11, 2015, 12:45 PM

    ..Anita Sarkeesian is a woman with a very sordid history
    ..indeed.  con artist, no literally,
    ... involved in an MLM scheme
    ... went into a career of peddling
    ... lies about psychology, gender, sexual dimorphism, and other stuff.
    ...she raised $158,922 on kickstarter to do a video series about women in video games, ...
    ....she found the even more lucrative career of scheduling talks  
    ... lying about threats to her safety and cancelling them, pocketing the cash.
     And yes, they are lies about the threats,

    It's not claims to equality that confuse me, it's claims to equality when that equality is physically impossible, especially when such claims are self-contradictory. It's not sexist that most men can pee while standing while most women can't without a contraption to make that possible. It's not sexist that most men cannot experience childbirth. Not all women can either, what's the point of that line of argument?

    ........ Look how much money Anita Sarkeesian has gotten to fight against how women are portrayed in video games, even tho the link between video game violence and real world violence was debunked ages ago. ..............

    what happened  galfromusa ?? You sound really upset and angry .. what did that Canadian Anita  do to you??

     You know well., in the past the social., political, economical, religious issues of women and men were treated differently with different standards relegating women folks  to the lower strata of human society. I am also certain that you know well  that peeing man ..peeing woman. child bearing on on bottom...... feminine gender., feminism .. are different subjects from gender equality in  economic, social, political sphere..  

    I am sure and I know with your vast background/knowledge on different subjects   that you understand this subject of  feminine gender., feminism .. and the meaning of gender equality but for some other reason you appear  to be very angry and upset..

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #113 - March 11, 2015, 01:16 PM

    ^Wasn't Gal going to write her life story on here or on a blog, it would be interesting to hear about what you went through as a kid etc.. 

  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #114 - March 11, 2015, 11:47 PM

    Oh yeah, sorry bout that suki, meant to post that and forgot. Anyway, here it is:

    It's set to "anyone with the link can view." but it's not searchable on the web, because I don't want to deal with that, and I'll probably do something more with it, but I haven't yet.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • An apology from a Man
     Reply #115 - March 12, 2015, 06:36 AM

     Ah there it is, cheers..
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