As far as I can see I only called out the fact that people say that memorization of the Koran was good as it 1) promotes memory skills and 2) it helps develop an appreciation for linguistics and phonology.
I argued that 1) there are better methods to improving your memory and 2) that's all good and fine if you want to do it an advanced stage of your education (which is what it would be in the West) and most importantly 3) It is a hideous text that is best kept away from young, impressionable minds.
In reality, for most children in the West (perhaps the world) it is a useless and wasteful exercise in which the time and energy exerted in memorising and reciting an ancient racist and debauched script can be better spent elsewhere.
I never called out an individuals personal experiences though I understand how what I stated may cause some discomfort to some who 1) use Arabic as their primary language or 2) raised in a culture/educational environment in which Arabic is promoted as an intellectual exercise. If I have then I'm sorry. I'm sure Arabic is a lovely language.
But I prefer to teach my kids Cornish because Unicorns don't send people to Hell for not believing.