To guarantee the greatest amount of people are saved the best method is to never talk about Christ and the Church.
LOL... This is one of the greatest ironies of Christianity and Islam!!
I have never believed that
Evangelism (spreading the "Good News") - or
Da'wah - were about any genuine altruistic motive to 'save' their fellow man.
It's all about confirming you are right so you can feel secure and vindicated in your beliefs.
I have nothing against the majority of ordinary Christians & Muslims who practice their faith without wearing it like a badge, and who have the 'nice fluffy' view that their religion is about love, charity, compassion and being a good person. To be fair most Christians and Muslims are like this.
It's the ones who take their religion too seriously and believe it's their duty to spread it to others.
Worst of all are those who love to place other religions under the microscope, critically pulling it to pieces - yet will come up with every excuse under the sun to protect their own religion
I hate hypocrisy!