I'm an ex-Muslim. I'm married to a non Muslim, raising our two kids without religion. I have never been a practising Muslim, haven’t really prayed or fasted for the last five years.
For about 10 years, I had no problem living the way I was living and being a Muslim at the same time. But then one night last September I couldn't reconcile the way I was living my life with being a Muslim. I had to choose between my life and a religion although I believed in, I did not agree with. I chose my life, I couldn't destroy my family, cover my head, pray five times a day, or go and live in a sharia governed country.
Although in the early days I did go back to Islam and beg Allah for forgiveness, even started praying fajr, I am finally at peace with my decision to be an ex-Muslim.
Well done Lena. Your children will thank you in years to come for not brainwashing/confusing them. I find that to be one of the ugliest aspects of religion. I only have to look at the effects of Islam on my family to know, for sure, that it does more harm than good. And the hypocrisy....I grew so sick of hearing from the pious, holier than thou creeps, who after preaching to me the urgent need for my repentance, would then head off down the massage parlour.