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 Topic: Interview with ex-al-Qa'ida Member

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  • Interview with ex-al-Qa'ida Member
     OP - March 03, 2015, 11:14 AM

    The whole interview is fascinating and revealing of how the movement grew and changed from one of simply defending Muslims/fighting injustice in a particular locality - to a global war against US/UK and the forces of Kufr in general:

    Quote below - but more at:

    "There is no single process of radicalisation. Some people, it took them years to be convinced of coming to the jihad and some people it took them minutes. Some people were studying in religious seminaries - they're a minority by the way - and then decided to come and some people basically just came straight out of a night club you know while he was consuming alcohol basically to come and seek redemption there in the jihadist world."

    "So you know you see immediately that you know there isn't one single classical journey there, that there are so many journeys."

    Q: "But they all want martyrdom?"

    A: "They all want martyrdom and redemption and to various degrees. Some people will come to you and say you know I'm really tired, I want to be martyred as soon as possible. And some people will come to you and say I want to be martyred but not before I give the enemies of god hell on this earth. I want to live for as long as possible to give them as much hell as possible and then taken out by them."

    Q: "So some, some are basically suicidal to begin with, and others just have blood lust?"

    A: "Yes."
  • Interview with ex-al-Qa'ida Member
     Reply #1 - March 03, 2015, 11:20 AM


    Dean was at a training camp in Afghanistan when the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam took place in 1998. He was concerned to learn that as well as the 12 American casualties, 240 or more local people died, and 5,000 were wounded.

    "I think that is when the horror of it started to sink in. And this is when I realised that if this is the opening salvo of this war, where is the next target? Argentina, South Africa, Mozambique? Are we going to fight Americans in Africa in order to expel them from the Middle East, from the Arabian peninsula? It just didn't make sense."

    "And as a theologian, that's when I started to have doubts about the legality of the whole thing. So I started to ask questions. I went, I remember, to Abdullah al Mohaja, who was the de facto mufti of al- Qaeda… I said, "It's not that I have doubts or anything but can you please enlighten me about the religious justifications for attacking an embassy belonging to the enemy, yes, but at the same time the fact that it's surrounded by potentially huge collateral damage?"

    He said to me, "Well look, there is a fatwa issued in the 13th Century AD throughout the Muslim world, which legitimises attacking an enemy even if it means there are civilian deaths because the enemy is using them as a human shield." And he said, "This fatwa is comprehensive, it gives us justification and there is no doubt about the legality of what we have done."

    So I decided to go and look for myself, and this is when I received a big shock. The fatwas were issued in response to questions sent by Muslim cities in Central Asia, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, asking this particular question: "Look, the Mongols are invading. Every time they sack a city, they take a segment of the population from that city, a thousand or two or three, and make them push the siege towers towards the walls of the next city. So do we shoot at our fellow Muslims, who are against their wills pushing the siege towers into the walls of our city, or not?"

    And then the fatwa came: "Yes, this is a case where the Mongols are using civilian Muslims as human shields in order to achieve a military aim and if you don't shoot at them, you will end up being killed yourself if the attacks succeed."

    Now when I learned of this, I was thinking: "OK, how do I reconcile this fatwa which applies to a life-and-death situation, regarding a vicious enemy using people as human shields to sack another place and to kill every man, woman and child in that city, with what happened really in Nairobi and Tanzania?" There is no resemblance here.

    Q:And this fatwa based on siege towers from 800 years ago, that's what's used to justify all acts of jihadi terrorism?

    A:That would result in civilian casualties, yes.

    Q:So it's important?

    A:It is important but you know I'm not going to say it has shaky foundations. It has no foundations at all. It's basically castle of sand in the air.

    Q:It's nonsense?

    A:Absolutely, and two months down the line I decided that it's no longer for me and that I wanted to leave.
  • Interview with ex-al-Qa'ida Member
     Reply #2 - March 03, 2015, 11:25 AM

    ...the suggestion [came]: "What about you going back to Afghanistan and doing some more work for us?" And my answer was unequivocally, "Yes."

    ...Whatever moral misgivings I had, I have my ex-comrades to thank for driving those moral misgivings away because the more I see what they were planning - for example, I was there basically when al-Qaeda was constructing their first workable chemical device and talking about this with such glee and such deep psychopathic satisfaction… - that is when you say to yourself, "Why do I have any moral misgivings about spying on you guys?" Whatever they are doing is justifying whatever you are doing.
  • Interview with ex-al-Qa'ida Member
     Reply #3 - March 03, 2015, 11:32 AM

    Aimen Dean's life under cover came to an abrupt end when the cover was blown. An American writer disclosed his identity with details that could only be sourced to Dean. That was eight years ago.
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