^ always makes me laugh when a foreign friend, especially an american asks me how is london as opposed to the UK.. Umm dunno next time i visit the south i will let you know lol : )
Hmm wonder why Dawkings labels himself a "Cultural Christian", as an athiest, does that mean that he favours Christianity over all other religions or is he refering to the British western culture, which historically is flavoured with many cultures of all faiths, not sure what he's implying.. My girls are the same, whenever they have to fill out a form, despite never living it, they tick the muslim box when asked what their religion is, and i say but why, you don't believe in it, you don't pray or fast etc the only thing remotely Islamic you do is eat a chicken kebab every now and again, their answer is, that is what i was born with, fair enough.. But for someone like Dawkings who openly speaks out against religion i find it a bit odd to use it as a label. I don't know, i'm not sure whether it is right to label oneself a cultural muslim, hindu, christian etc unless you consider yourself to be a watered down non or partially practising follower of one of these faiths.. i'm probably wrong again lol..
It is the environment he was raised in and is surround by. He understands views of Christians, of the denomination he was in, so knows how a lot of believers think and view the world. The UK is predominately Christian thus it's culture is influenced by it.