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 Topic: The Koran and it's main message.

 (Read 2953 times)
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  • The Koran and it's main message.
     OP - March 16, 2015, 06:11 PM

    If you had to succinctly sum up the "Glorious" Koran's main message, what would you say it is? I know a lot f things it is NOT; it's not promoting peace and love as it's main message, nor is it promoting tolerance and compassion, or the advance of science, or 'save the Planet', or 'Be at peace, and as one', or 'Forgive and forget' etc - (which is kind of what one would expect from a religious text). So what is it saying - "To be free - cleanse the Earth of the kuffar'? or 'To save being burned eternally in the pit of Hell, do what this book says!"? 'Hate Jews, Love Virgins!' What do you think? I reckon Allah's marketing men have been given quite a task with the Koran as far as wholesome, snappy catch-phrases go.  yes

    Ha Ha.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #1 - March 16, 2015, 06:19 PM

    Main message? Follow god and his prophet or face ultimate damnation.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #2 - March 16, 2015, 06:27 PM

    "Main message? Follow god and his prophet or face ultimate damnation."

    Yep, that could quite easily be its subtitle.

    Ha Ha.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #3 - March 16, 2015, 06:44 PM

    everyone will go to hell

    Dogs never bite me - just humans. ~ M. Monroe

    Religions seem to cause more grief than good.

    Exmuslim Chat
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #4 - March 16, 2015, 06:48 PM

    Worship Allah alone, and believe in his coming Day of Judgment, when the wicked shall be damned and the righteous shall enter the Garden forever.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #5 - March 16, 2015, 07:27 PM

    Look at this thing. Look at this thing. Look at all this cool stuff. Obviously there is an all powerful creator (who also knows everything, and cares if you masturbate). But not more than one, that's just ridiculous. This creator is also talking to me and I can totally prove it because I can write some nice poetry that is more or less unique and it doesn't have any contradictions.

    This God tells me that he needs complete and total obedience. His commands will be made known through what I say. His commands involve putting the prophet in control of booty, allowing the prophet to marry whomever he desires, fighting for the prophet, not causing the prophet significant annoyance, and spending considerable parts of His revelation making sure that the prophet's wives behave and are not promiscuous. I work my ass off being a prophet for God and so he grants me a few nice things. It's clearly not enough that I am having all the secrets of the universe and the meaning of life being beamed directly into my head and have complete assurance that I will one day live forever in absolute paradise while others just have to take my word for it.

    You think I'm making this shit up? Well let me reasonably counter that contention by talking about how God will burn you forever for not trusting me and how those who obey my message and lose their lives fighting for me will live in absolute bliss forever. You can have no experience of these realms to verify their existence until you are safely dead and cannot warn others or enact revenge on me were I lying. I expect nothing but unwavering loyalty and obedience as this is God's absolute final word on how things are and should be. After all, moral questions are not going to become far more nuanced as technology and society evolves, so God is going to include very specific precepts about how much property females should inherit, how a women's testimony should count as half of a man's, and wise eternal punishments such as cutting off hands for stealing.

    Also, God is really gonna focus on making this good poetry rather than precise, unambiguous statements on how the world works and how you should act leading to wildly varying interpretations of the text. God's gonna write this in clear Arabic so everyone can understand it (everyone understands Arabic right?). It's not like the vast majority of the people who will learn about this religion will have no clue how to read this Arabic dialect and have to rely on translations that make this book look wholly unimpressive, repetitive, and inaccurate. When making statements about how the world works, God will use poetic statements such as "the sun's place of setting is in a murky spring" which a literal reading reflects common belief at the time, but has a far deeper poetic meaning that only God knows. Good communication isn't about clearly expressing ideas to another person. It involves flaunting the fact that you know the meaning of certain phrases that they don't.

    Oh yeah, and don't ask questions that may trouble you unless I am there to diffuse the situation. If these questions confuse you and make you wonder if this whole thing is true, God will have no choice but to horribly burn you forever. Don't make God do that.

    Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon me)

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #6 - March 16, 2015, 09:57 PM

    A bit long, Just Perusing, but it covers everything!

    I put the question to my sister ;'To me, the Koran's message is that Allah loves us so much, he sent us his book...'  Talk about easily pleased then.

    Ha Ha.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #7 - March 16, 2015, 10:39 PM

    Haha I got a bit carried away. TL; DR version: "obey Allah and (especially) his messenger"

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #8 - March 16, 2015, 11:37 PM

    Worship Allah alone, and believe in his coming Day of Judgment, when the wicked shall be damned and the righteous shall enter the Garden forever.

    Agreed totally, I would add that God has sent many messengers before this Quraan, which is written in easy-to-understand Arabic for the ease of your understanding, and that they have been giving the message which you now find in your Arabic Quraan to people since time immemorial.

    إطلب العلم ولو في الصين

    Es sitzt keine Krone so fest und so hoch,
    Der mutige Springer erreicht sie doch.

    I don't give a fuck about your war, or your President.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #9 - March 17, 2015, 07:25 AM

    Main message? Follow god and his prophet or face ultimate damnation.

    this is quite succint. Although using the word "follow" doesn't do justice to what the koran really demands of muslims. Allah and the messenger requires for you to submit, to obey, to be subservient, to bow down and be a slave.

    I reckon Allah's marketing men have been given quite a task with the Koran as far as wholesome, snappy catch-phrases go.  yes

    if i was a marketing man for the koran, i would say:

    Endless sex with countless virgins! Wine and booze! Food! Riches! All could be yours, if you just SUBMIT TO US!

    "we stand firm calling to allah all the time,
    we let them know - bang! bang! - coz it's dawah time!"
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #10 - March 17, 2015, 10:53 AM

    Are any of these tweetable?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #11 - March 17, 2015, 12:14 PM

    Tweet a link to this page.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #12 - March 17, 2015, 02:09 PM

    if i was a marketing man for the koran, i would say:

    Endless sex with countless virgins! Wine and booze! Food! Riches! All could be yours, if you just SUBMIT TO US!

    Sounds like a deal with the devil.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #13 - March 17, 2015, 02:12 PM

    I mean can we invent subtitles for the koran that are less than 140 characters!

    Or corporate mission statements!

    Raisins and virgins r us?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #14 - March 17, 2015, 09:08 PM

    al-Qur'an: Your Last Hope When The Shit HIts The Fan.

    al-Quran: I Got 99 Names and Jesus ain't one.

    al-Quran: When an angel blew into teenage Mary's vagina and other wacky tales.

    al-Qur'an: Muhammad's Unofficial Biography.

    al-Qur'an: Never has so much been read by so many and understod by so few.

    al-Qur'an: The blue & black or gold & white edition.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #15 - March 18, 2015, 01:57 AM

    "al-Qur'an: Muhammad's Unofficial Biography."

    With the possible exception of sura 33, that's the one thing it's NOT.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #16 - March 18, 2015, 02:25 AM

    al-Quran: I Got 99 Names and Jesus ain't one.

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    That's a rap just waiting to happen.
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #17 - March 18, 2015, 02:42 AM

    I saw that on the twitter page of a ginger who claimed Richard Dawkins assaulted him.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #18 - March 18, 2015, 02:56 AM

    There is no compulsion in religion. Be tolerant and give to those in need. Never instigate violence. Islam means peace.

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #19 - March 18, 2015, 02:57 AM

    "I moreover believe that any religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be a true system."
    -Thomas Paine
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #20 - March 21, 2015, 01:52 PM

    Look at this thing. Look at this thing. Look at all this cool stuff. Obviously there is an all powerful creator (who also knows everything, and cares if you masturbate). But not more than one, that's just ridiculous. This creator is also talking to me and I can totally prove it because I can write some nice poetry that is more or less unique and it doesn't have any contradictions.

    This God tells me that he needs complete and total obedience. His commands will be made known through what I say. His commands involve putting the prophet in control of booty, allowing the prophet to marry whomever he desires, fighting for the prophet, not causing the prophet significant annoyance, and spending considerable parts of His revelation making sure that the prophet's wives behave and are not promiscuous. I work my ass off being a prophet for God and so he grants me a few nice things. It's clearly not enough that I am having all the secrets of the universe and the meaning of life being beamed directly into my head and have complete assurance that I will one day live forever in absolute paradise while others just have to take my word for it.

    You think I'm making this shit up? Well let me reasonably counter that contention by talking about how God will burn you forever for not trusting me and how those who obey my message and lose their lives fighting for me will live in absolute bliss forever. You can have no experience of these realms to verify their existence until you are safely dead and cannot warn others or enact revenge on me were I lying. I expect nothing but unwavering loyalty and obedience as this is God's absolute final word on how things are and should be. After all, moral questions are not going to become far more nuanced as technology and society evolves, so God is going to include very specific precepts about how much property females should inherit, how a women's testimony should count as half of a man's, and wise eternal punishments such as cutting off hands for stealing.

    Also, God is really gonna focus on making this good poetry rather than precise, unambiguous statements on how the world works and how you should act leading to wildly varying interpretations of the text. God's gonna write this in clear Arabic so everyone can understand it (everyone understands Arabic right?). It's not like the vast majority of the people who will learn about this religion will have no clue how to read this Arabic dialect and have to rely on translations that make this book look wholly unimpressive, repetitive, and inaccurate. When making statements about how the world works, God will use poetic statements such as "the sun's place of setting is in a murky spring" which a literal reading reflects common belief at the time, but has a far deeper poetic meaning that only God knows. Good communication isn't about clearly expressing ideas to another person. It involves flaunting the fact that you know the meaning of certain phrases that they don't.

    Oh yeah, and don't ask questions that may trouble you unless I am there to diffuse the situation. If these questions confuse you and make you wonder if this whole thing is true, God will have no choice but to horribly burn you forever. Don't make God do that.

    Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon me)

    Can I just say, that was... amazing
  • The Koran and it's main message.
     Reply #21 - March 21, 2015, 06:20 PM

    "al-Qur'an: Muhammad's Unofficial Biography."

    I like that a lot, but's not just Biog material, it also serves as a living resume of things you shouldn't do to piss Mo off, sanctioned by his wing man Allah, the two of them have such similar 'issues' it seems - my very favourite one being the guidelines on what to do if ever invited round to Mo's for dinner. Upon the prophet's death however, the Koran became immediately obsolete...the sick joke being that the clowns in Daesh (not to mention the the Ummah in general), are getting down on their knees 5 times a fucking day in Psycho central, purely because they were fooled by a 7th century scam, that wasn't even intended for them. That's like impersonating someone wanted by the mafia, just so a hit-man will go after you...or something Cry

    Ha Ha.
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