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 Topic: Indonesia - public whip

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  • Indonesia - public whip
     OP - October 07, 2021, 04:09 AM


    in indonesia one part of the country agreed through voting - like I understood that there will be whip in public for each couple unmarried holding hands in the evening! I saw one public whip on video. There is a radical man who controls the sharia and alle the people are with him! How can that be? How can people agree FREELY to be controlled like this and for love being attacked like this?

    I start hating all the women in my city who wear this thing on their head....   because maybe they would also agree in such measures if they would have the power??? The people looked at the whip of the couple and screamed some of them: Next time you will die! And they took their smartphones and maked videos!

    I am sooo angry! I want to stop islam all over the world. Indonesia was known for having democratic islam. For me islam is always dangerous like you can see by this example. As soon as they get the power it is no longer free decision.
  • Indonesia - public whip
     Reply #1 - October 07, 2021, 05:53 PM

    not much reporting on it in english news media.

    Two Christian men were publicly flogged today in Indonesia’s ultra-conservative Aceh province for drinking alcohol and gambling, in a rare instance of non-Muslims facing a punishment frequently condemned by rights groups.

    THE man behind Indonesia’s flogging laws is publicly whipped HIMSELF after he was caught romping with a married woman.

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