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 Topic: The Armenian genocide a hundred years on

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  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #90 - April 27, 2015, 06:35 PM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #91 - May 06, 2015, 09:22 AM

    A very interesting article from the Ballandalus blog

    Fa’iz al-Ghusein (1883-1968): An Arab Eye-Witness to the Armenian Genovide
    “I have published this pamphlet in order to refute beforehand inventions and slanders against the faith of Islam and against Muslims generally, and I affirm that what the Armenians have suffered is to be attributed to the Committee of Union and Progress, who deal with the empire as they please; it has been due to their nationalist fanaticism and their jealousy of the Armenians, and to these alone; the Faith of Islam is innocent of their deeds” (p. 49)

    “Is it right that these people [the Young Turks] should transgress the command of God, should transgress the Qur’an, the traditions of the Prophet and humanity?! Truly they have committed an act at which Islam is revolted, as well as the Muslims and all the other people of the earth, be they Muslims, Christians, Jews, or polytheists. By God, it is a shameful deed, the like of which has not been done by any people counting themselves as civilized” (p. 15)

    “As to their preparations, the flags, bombs and the like, even assuming there to be some truth in the statement, it does not justify the annihilation of the whole people, men and women, old men and children, in a way which revolts all humanity and more especially Islam and the whole body of Muslims, as those unacquainted with the true facts might impute these deeds to Muslim fanaticism” (p. 48)

    “We knew that the Armenians have committed no act justifying the Turks in inflicting on them this horrible retribution, unprecedented even in the dark ages. What, then, was the reason which impelled the Turkish Government to kill off a whole people of whom they used to say that they were their brothers in patriotism, the principal factor in bringing about the downfall of the despotic rule of [Ottoman Sultan] Abdul-Hamid [r.1876-1909] and the introduction of the constitution, loyal to the empire, and fighting side by side with the Turks in the Balkan War? The Turks sanctioned and approved the institution of Armenian political societies, which they did not do in the case of other nationalities. It is that, previous to the proclamation of the Constitution, the Unionists [Young Turks] hated despotic rule, they preached equality, and inspired the people with hatred of the despotism of Abdul-Hamid. But as soon as they had themselves seized the reins of authority, and tasted the sweets of power, they found that despotism was the best means to confirm themselves in ease and property, and to limit to the Turks alone the rule over the Ottoman peoples. On considering these peoples, they found that the Armenian race was the only one which would resent their despotism, and fight against it as they previously fought against Abdul-Hamid. Annihilation seemed to be the sole means of deliverance; they found their opportunity in a time of war, and they proceeded to this atrocious deed, which they carried out with every circumstance of brutality — a deed which is contrary to the law of Islam…” (pp. 50–51)

    “I am of opinion that the Muslims are now under the necessity of defending themselves, for unless Europeans are made acquainted with the true facts they will regard this deed as a black stain on the history of Islam, which ages will not efface. From the Verses, Traditions, and historical instances, it is abundantly clear that the action of the Turkish Government has been in complete contradiction to the principles of the Faith of Islam; a Government which professes to be the protector of Islam, and claims to hold the Caliphate, cannot act in opposition to Islamic law; and a Government which does so act is not an Islamic Government, and has no rightful pretension to be such. It is incumbent on the Muslims to declare themselves innocent of such a Government, and not to render obedience to those who trample underfoot the Verses of the Koran and the Traditions of the Prophet, and shed the innocent blood of women, old men and infants, who have done no wrong. Otherwise they make themselves accomplices in this crime, which stands unequaled in history” (p. 51)

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #92 - May 11, 2015, 04:15 PM

    'The story of an Armenian orphanage in Istanbul tells what happened to Armenians in Turkey after 1915'
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #93 - May 17, 2015, 01:43 PM

    I affirm that what the Armenians have suffered is to be attributed to the Committee of Union and Progress, who deal with the empire as they please; it has been due to their nationalist fanaticism and their jealousy of the Armenians, and to these alone; the Faith of Islam is innocent of their deeds

    Does the mass killing of the Banu Qurayza count as sunnah? It just occurred to me that there are some similarities between how the  Banu Qurayza incident is talked about in Muslim apologetics and how the Turks try to brush off the Armenian genocide. Among them, that the Banu Qurayza were "treacherous,"  and "they had it coming." Also, by later apologists, that the numbers of dead were "exaggerated."

    Likewise, after the men were killed, the community's property was appropriated as loot, and women and children were enslaved.

    I can't say the Ottomans were "inspired" by the Banu Qurayza incident to commit their own genocide, as (fortunately) I've never heard or read anyone say that the Banu Qurayza furnishes a good example for how Muslims are supposed to treat non-Muslims. The thought occurred to me though, that if you wanted to find some "Islamic" justification for the genocide of the Armenians you can find it here. 
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #94 - May 23, 2015, 09:41 PM

    The Armenian genocide and the politics of knowledge
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #95 - May 30, 2015, 12:21 PM

    Fatma Müge Göçek - Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence against the Armenians 1789-2009

    Adolf Hitler famously (and probably) said in a speech to his military leaders "Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians?"  This remark is generally taken to suggest that future generations won't remember current atrocities, so there's no reason not to commit them.  The implication is that memory has something like an expiration date, that it fades, somewhat inevitably, of its own accord.

    At the heart of Fatma Muge Gocek's book is the claim that forgetting doesn't just happen.  Rather, forgetting (and remembering) happens in a context, with profound political and personal stakes for those involved.  And this forgetting has consequences.

    Denial of Violence:  Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence against the Armenians 1789-2009 (Oxford University Press, 2015) looks at how this process played out in Turkey in the past 200 years.  Gocek looks at both the mechanisms and the logic of forgetting.  In doing so she sets the Turkish decisions to reinterpret the Armenian genocide into a longer tale of modernization and collective violence.  And she illustrates the complicated ways in which remembering and forgetting collide.

    Listen to the podcast:

    Read the introduction:
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #96 - May 30, 2015, 01:23 PM

    A more general look at these issues

    Blocking out, turning a blind eye, shutting off, not wanting to know, wearing blinkers, seeing what we want to see ... these are all expressions of 'denial'. Alcoholics who refuse to recognize their condition, people who brush aside suspicions of their partner's infidelity, the wife who doesn't notice that her husband is abusing their daughter - are supposedly 'in denial'.

    Governments deny their responsibility for atrocities, and plan them to achieve 'maximum deniability'. Truth Commissions try to overcome the suppression and denial of past horrors. Bystander nations deny their responsibility to intervene.

    Do these phenomena have anything in common? When we deny, are we aware of what we are doing or is this an unconscious defence mechanism to protect us from unwelcome truths? Can there be cultures of denial? How do organizations like Amnesty and Oxfam try to overcome the public's apparent indifference to distant suffering and cruelty? Is denial always so bad - or do we need positive illusions to retain our sanity?

    States of Denial is the first comprehensive study of both the personal and political ways in which uncomfortable realities are avoided and evaded. It ranges from clinical studies of depression, to media images of suffering, to explanations of the 'passive bystander' and 'compassion fatigue'. The book shows how organized atrocities - the Holocaust and other genocides, torture, and political massacres - are denied by perpetrators and by bystanders, those who stand by and do nothing.

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #97 - May 30, 2015, 01:28 PM

    Interestingly, these types of issues turn up in other subject areas.

    the   troubling story of how a cadre of influential scientists have clouded public
    understanding of scientific facts to advance a political and economic agenda.

    The U.S. scientific community has long led the world in research on public health, environmental science, and other issues affecting the quality of life. Our scientists have produced landmark studies on the dangers of DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain, and global warming. But at the same time, a small yet potent subset of this community leads the world in vehement denial of these dangers.

    In their new book, Merchants of Doubt, historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway explain how a loose–knit group of high-level scientists, with extensive political connections, ran effective campaigns to mislead the public and deny well-established scientific knowledge over four decades. In seven compelling chapters addressing tobacco, acid rain, the ozone hole, global warming, and DDT, Oreskes and Conway roll back the rug on this dark corner of the American scientific community, showing how the ideology of free market fundamentalism, aided by a too-compliant media, has skewed public understanding of some of the most pressing issues of our era.

    A huge amount of time and energy is put into persuading us of the truthiness of various perspectives, like for example "there is no god blah blah..."

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #98 - August 06, 2015, 04:13 PM

    Devrim Valerian - 1915 to 2015  a century of genocide:

    An article by a Turkish left communist that makes some good points, including this:
    One of the narratives of Turkish history since the end of the First World War and the establishment of the Republic has been to distance Mustafa Kemal from the ruling Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), the official name for what was more commonly known in the West as the 'Young Turks'. The CUP was responsible for the genocides, and so the aim is to distance him from the genocide itself. The story goes that there was a major rivalry between Kemal and Enver Paşa and that there was nothing that tied Mustafa Kemal closely to the genocide. He was a senior army officer and served in Syria during the war. He was also a member of the CUP and had been since 1908 being the 232nd member to join. Despite not being a member of the inner circle it seems fanciful to presume that even if not playing an active role in the planning of the genocide that he would have been unaware of what was going on. For the Turkish state to lose the documents that might have implicated him more deeply is thus very convenient. Even without involvement in the atrocities in the East, Kemal's army's involvement in the burning of Izmir, which killed unknown thousands, and is referred to in Turkish as the 'Liberation of Izmir', would be enough for the International Criminal Court to consider him a “war criminal” today.

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #99 - September 07, 2015, 10:37 PM

    'The story of an Armenian orphanage in Istanbul tells what happened to Armenians in Turkey after 1915'

    This is happening now...
    Now mobs attack old Armenian orphanage in #Istanbul. Protected by volunteers agst demolition,not currently occupied.

    Tonight's pogrom against the Kurds also coincides with the 60th anniversary of the pogrom against Istanbul's Greek population:
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #100 - October 12, 2015, 06:01 PM

    Grew up Kurdish, forced to be Turkish, now called Armenian:
    Political prisoner Selman Gulbahce asked the judge for a translator in Turkish court on Sept. 1. Gulbahce wanted to speak in Kurdish, his mother tongue. However, the judge allegedly got very upset at the request. Based on Gulbahce’s writings after the court session, the judge said, “There is no Kurd. You have been educated in this country’s schools. You are impudent, insolent. Leave my courtroom.”

    And according to the reports, it did not end there. Justice Sevval Akkas then turned to the gendarmerie soldiers in the courtroom and said, “They are killing your comrades every day. They are killing the police. As a woman, I am battling them, and you guys are just standing there and watching. They are like the Armenians. If they are not stopped in time, God knows what will happen.”

    The alleged statement of Judge Akkas can be seen as part of a spine-chilling trend in Turkey.

    During the presidential election campaign of August 2014, then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now president, said, “Let the Turk say he is a Turk, and the Kurd say he is a Kurd in Turkey. What is wrong with that? In the past, they spread rumors about me. They said I am a Georgian. Excuse me, but they have said even uglier things. They have called me Armenian.”

    Erdogan’s words caused an uproar, as Al-Monitor columnist Cengiz Candar explained at the time. However, now we must ask why one would be offended to be called an Armenian.

    When the Kurdish-majority southern town of Cizre was under curfew in September, the police taunted over loud speakers: “Armenians are proud of you. You are all Armenians.”

    In the Sur district of Diyarbakir, an Armenian Catholic Church was targeted during another curfew in mid-September. The doors of the church were broken and the signboard showing its establishment date removed. Arat Karagozyan, chairman of the Mesopotamia Armenian Association, told the media, “On the centennial of the Armenian genocide, this is reminding us of the events of 1915 all over again. These words, ‘You are all Armenians,’ are also proof of the 1915 genocide. They are trying to portray Armenian as a bad thing. We are quite distraught.”

    In a rather mind-boggling tweet Sept. 7, presidential senior adviser Burhan Kuzu wrote, referring to Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members, “The killed terrorists’ bodies must be examined. It would be seen that most of them are not circumcised. Wake up my Kurdish brother, wake up already.” The pundits' and public’s reaction to Kuzu’s comments are noteworthy. Most of them were sarcastic and below the belt. Yet, the underlying idea was to differentiate the non-Muslims (as uncircumcised) and identify them as terrorists. The tweet was suggesting that PKK members are not Muslim, therefore, they are not our brothers. But Kurds are Muslims, hence our brothers. Kuzu was implying that Armenians, not Kurds, are the ones rebelling. And once again, "Armenian" becomes a derogatory term to justify hatred and enmity.

    Al-Monitor interviewed more than 10 Armenian and Kurdish politicians, pundits and activists to understand how this trend of branding the Kurds as Armenians is affecting society and what kind of repercussions it may have in the near term. Why do Justice and Development Party members and government employees employ such a hatred-filled rhetoric during the heated election campaign?

    Fethiye Cetin, a lawyer and friend of slain Armenian intellectual Hrant Dink, who has also discovered her own hidden Armenian roots, told Al-Monitor, “Ogun Samast [the convicted murderer of Hrant Dink] shot Hrant, he screamed 'Die Armenian!' Yet he had never known another Armenian in his life or met one before. In the court, Samast said, 'Had I known Dink had a family, had kids, I would not have killed him.' That explains how the political system is producing disposable lives. Armenian is one of those worthless lives on the list. The new generations are being taught to see Armenians not as human, but [as] an entity to be despised and destroyed, the worst enemy. And the school curriculum adds fuel to the existing fires.”

    Cetin’s explanation matches the real-life experience of Hatice Altinisik, a Kurdish Alevi, who is a member of the Central Executive Council of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). She told Al-Monitor, “For decades, the governments in Turkey tried to wipe Anatolia of any traces of Armenian identity. Murders and forced immigration were not sufficient. Names of towns, streets, even recipes were altered. Their churches became mosques. They attempted to rewrite history. Now, [they are] telling the people of Cizre, under curfew for nine days, 'You are all Armenians.' This shows us the fabricated 'one nation, one belief’ has collapsed. They have failed to destroy the Armenian ghosts of history.”

    Indeed, Altinisik has experienced firsthand verbal attacks by Veil Kucuk, a retired brigadier general, who is allegedly the founder of Gendarmerie Intelligence and Counterterrorism (JITEM), a secret anti-terror military unit. Kurds attribute several cruel acts of the 1990s to JITEM. Kucuk confronted Altinisik, calling her an “Armenian whore, Armenian bitch.” Altinisik explained to Al-Monitor that she would not let that get under her skin. She told him, “Better to be a whore of any ethnicity, than a murderer like you.”

    HDP Deputy Chairman Alp Altinors told Al-Monitor, “Since the 1990s, the official rhetoric has attempted to distance the PKK from the public by branding it as Armenian." It was common to hear slogans such as “They are not circumcised,” “Armenian seed” and “ASALA [Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia] finished as the PKK started."

    "What is new is, they used to say PKK members are Armenian, not Kurdish, but now they are calling all Kurds in the region with a blanket 'accusation' as Armenian,” Altinors said.

    Aline Ozinian is a regional analyst for the Armenian Assembly of America and an Armenian correspondent for AGOS, an Armenian daily published in Turkey. She told Al-Monitor, “HDP’s success showed that efforts to brand the HDP just as the Kurdish party failed. So to curse it now they had to find another label, and Armenian is the worse label they found. But if we think about it, do Kurds have some Armenian blood? Possibly. Just like the Turks. We know that many young Armenians were left behind, and today we hear some of their stories as secret Armenians.” Ozinian blames Turkey's dwindling Armenian population on public reaction to officials' statements. It's bad enough, she said, that the word Armenian is used as a slur, but it is not even a crime to kill an Armenian in Turkey.

    "That is why Armenian children are struggling so hard to hide their identity,” she said.

    Bedo Gesaratsi, an Armenian from Turkey, views the issue from an interesting perspective. He told Al-Monitor, “Calling one an Armenian is killing two birds with one stone nowadays. Anyone opposing the state deserves the treatment Armenians once received. Also, equating the Armenian identity with that of the PKK helps the government, since they cannot punish all Kurds for being Kurdish, simply because they cannot afford to alienate all Kurds.”

    We see that the “They are Armenian” labeling is aimed at the pious Kurds, to distance them from those who might be sympathizing with the HDP and to attract ultranationalist (Nationalist Action Party) voters by igniting fires of patriotism. That said, the longer-term effects of these populist policies are rather scary. As tensions increase in Turkey, identifying with any minority group (be it Kurd, Alevi, LGBT, Shiite, non-Muslim, Greek, Armenian or another) becomes a source of fear again, and people try to hide who they are.

    As Mari Esgici, an Armenian from Diyarbakir who owns a tavern in Istanbul, once said, “We were Armenians by birth, Kurdish while growing up and Turkish as adults.” That sentence on its own should be a source of deep concern for anyone living in Turkey.

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #101 - November 10, 2015, 05:22 PM

    Vahé Tachjian - Reconstructing Ottoman Armenian Life
    In the decades following the Armenian genocide, communities of the diaspora began to document the life of Ottoman Armenians in the towns and villages of Anatolia and publish their material in memory books aimed at preserving and transmitting Armenian histories for posterity. Largely composed in Armenian and languages of the diaspora, these books have circulated in small circles for decades as tiny fragments of a treasured but fading past. In recent years, digital outlets have created a new venue for piecing back together these fragments and sharing the history of Ottoman Armenians in a public forum. In this episode, we speak to historian Vahé Tachjian about the houshamadyan project, which since 2011 has served as a virtual space for the reconstruction and exploration of Ottoman Armenian life.

    Listen to the podcast:
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #102 - November 15, 2015, 10:25 PM

    Vicken Cheterian - Open Wounds: Armenians, Turks, and a Century of Genocide
    The assassination of the Armenian-Turkish activist Hrant Dink in 2007 raised uncomfortable questions about a historical tragedy that the leaders of the Turkish Republic would like people to forget: the Armenian genocide. In his new book Open Wounds: Armenians, Turks, and a Century of Genocide (Oxford UP, 2015), the journalist/historian Vicken Cheterian offers a scholarly, yet high readable account of this injustice and the century-long silence surrounding it. With engaging prose, he explains how and why this genocide took place, including a description of the violence that Kurds carried out against Armenians in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He also helps readers better grasp the continuities in how Sultan Abudhamid II, the Young Turks, and Mustafa Kamal's Turkish Republic employed violence to deal with their "Armenian problem" and other "internal enemies" such as Greeks, Assyrians, and the Yezidis.

    Not one to mince words, Cheterian offers a fascinating description of the Turkish efforts to delegitimize Armenian identities and silence international discussion of the genocide. He also reveals the complexities of how Armenians across the globe, including those of Armenian descent in Turkey, have struggled to raise international awareness about the genocide and make contemporary Turkish leaders confront the past. Just as important, he gives readers a "human feel" for the suffering of the Armenians by delving into the complexities of historical memory and the issue of "forced conversions." He also takes readers on a guided tour of the Middle East that makes reference to architecture and landmarks to illustrate just how far the Turks have gone to erase historical memories of Armenians.

    The continuing debates about the appropriateness of using the term "genocide" to describe the Turkish treatment of the Armenians should not overshadow Cheterian's accomplishments. He makes a strong case that Turks will not build a genuine democracy until their leaders begin to confront the past in honest ways and stop tolerating their "deep state's" ongoing war against Armenians. The recent cracks in the global silence on the Armenian genocide raise an important question: Just how much will the increased willingness of Turks to identify with their Armenian heritage and speak about the genocide influence Turkish foreign policy and domestic development in the years ahead?

    Listen to the interview:
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #103 - April 24, 2016, 10:20 AM

    Diyarbakir: seizure of churches and land alarms Armenians
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #104 - April 24, 2016, 09:30 PM

    And any criticism of Erdogan will land you in jail.
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #105 - April 26, 2016, 02:51 PM

    What Obama’s refusal to acknowledge the Armenian genocide tells us about the U.S. — and the rest of the world
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #106 - April 26, 2016, 04:45 PM

    German orchestra accuses Turks of pressure in ‘genocide’ row
    A German orchestra said on Saturday that Turkey attempted to pressure it and the EU to keep the term “genocide” out of a concert marking the massacres of Armenians by Ottoman forces during World War I.

    The controversy centers on texts that will be sung or spoken during the April 30 show in the eastern German city of Dresden, as well as the event’s program, which uses the word.

    “It’s an infringement on freedom of expression,” said Markus Rindt, director of the Dresdner Sinfoniker orchestra.
    Rindt said Turkey’s delegation to the European Union demanded the European Commission withdraw 200,000 euros ($224,500) in funding for the concert.

    The commission ultimately maintained its financial support, but asked the orchestra to not mention genocide and has removed any mention of the event from its website, Rindt said.

    “We find all of this very questionable,” he added.
    The show was first put on in 2015 to mark the 100th anniversary of the killings, and is performed by both Turks and Armenians.

    It was envisioned as an act of reconciliation by its creators

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #107 - June 02, 2016, 10:52 PM

    German MPs recognise Armenian genocide amid Turkish fury
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #108 - June 03, 2016, 01:40 AM

    That should get Erdogan going!
    (Someone ought to write a poem about it)
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #109 - September 13, 2016, 03:52 PM

    Trailer for The Promise - Hollywood takes on the Armenian genocide
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #110 - September 13, 2016, 04:35 PM

    Why is reporting about the Middle East so poor? I never see anything that shows a nuanced understanding of what is happening. Is it not impossible to report on something without some understanding of what is happening?

    The stuff in turkey now  - that has disappeared from the news, Looks like a replay of the ottoman endgame.

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #111 - September 13, 2016, 05:03 PM

    Why is reporting about the Middle East so poor?

    Language skills, or the lack of them, must come into it. How many British or American journalists can speak Turkish or Arabic? There are occasional exceptions - Brian Whitaker comes to mind for Arabic - but I can't think of many. For the European countries I know reasonably well - Greece, Spain and Portugal - I wouldn't take reporting very seriously unless it's from someone who knows the country and the language. Probably most news editors would agree, but somehow it doesn't seem to matter as much when it comes to reporting on Middle Eastern countries.
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #112 - September 14, 2016, 01:27 AM

    Countries that recongize the Armenian genocide

    What is really happening in Syria and Turkey?

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #113 - January 29, 2017, 10:31 PM
    This news story from 1921 demonstrates the US sadly has a history of turning a blind eye to refugees.

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #114 - February 20, 2017, 04:54 PM

    Remembering Knar Yemenidjian, survivor of the Armenian genocide
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #115 - October 31, 2019, 11:11 AM

    The earliest #Kurdish printed #books that we have are #Christian in #Armenian script. They show the printing of Kurdish in #Istanbul as far back as 1856, probably for Armenian Orthodox (?) #Kurds in the #Ottoman Empire, rather than as missionary tracts.

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #116 - October 31, 2019, 07:25 PM
    The descendants of the Armenians who fled to Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) from the 1915 genocide have been expelled again 104 years later. Due to the attacks of the Turkish state and allied mercenaries, about thirty Armenian families have fled from Serêkaniyê.
    Wail Oseb is one of the Armenians who left Serêkaniyê because of the Turkish invasion. His ancestors first fled to Kobanê in 1915 and later settled in Serêkaniyê. He tells: "We cannot get rid of the Ottomans. At that time one and a half million Armenians were massacred. In all the years that have passed since then, no one has called the perpetrators to account. If someone had been called to account for the crimes of the Ottomans, the Turkish state would not do the same today."

    Wail Oseb points out that hundreds of thousands of people have been driven into flight by the Turkish invasion and their possessions left behind are now being plundered by the occupying forces. "As long as the Turkish state and the gangs are in Serêkaniyê, no one will return there. The whole world knows that, but nobody does anything. We Armenians, Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs want to return our homes. We want the occupation to stop," he says.

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #117 - October 31, 2019, 07:39 PM

    Recognition of genocide by the House is good news but not only Armenians were massacred/exiled/converted by violence. Let's not forget Syriac speaking Christians, for whom the events of 1914-24 (really began in 1894) are the "Sayfo" (or sword).

  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #118 - October 31, 2019, 07:58 PM

    Secret Nation: The Hidden Armenians of Turkey
    It has long been assumed that no Armenian presence remained in eastern Turkey after the 1915 massacres. As a result of what has come to be called the Armenian Genocide, those who survived in Anatolia were assimilated as Muslims, with most losing all traces of their Christian identity.

    In fact, some did survive and together with their children managed during the last century to conceal their origins. Many of these survivors were orphans, adopted by Turks, only discovering their `true' identity late into their adult lives. Outwardly, they are Turks or Kurds and while some are practising Muslims, others continue to uphold Christian and Armenian traditions behind closed doors.   

    In recent years, a growing number of `secret Armenians' have begun to emerge from the shadows. Spurred by the bold voices of journalists like Hrant Dink, the Armenian newspaper editor murdered in Istanbul in 2007, the pull towards freedom of speech and soul-searching are taking hold across the region. Avedis Hadjian has travelled to the towns and villages once densely populated by Armenians, recording stories of survival and discovery from those who remain in a region that is deemed unsafe for the people who once lived there.

    This book takes the reader to the heart of these hidden communities for the first time, unearthing their unique heritage and identity. Revealing the lives of a peoples that have been trapped in a history of denial for more than a century, Secret Nation is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide in the very places where the events occurred.
    Interview with Avedis Hadjian, Author of ‘Secret Nation: The Hidden Armenians of Turkey’
  • The Armenian genocide a hundred years on
     Reply #119 - October 31, 2019, 10:06 PM

    I've been a vocal supporter of  @IlhanMN but no more. There was absolutely no reason for her to not vote on something that is solid historical fact and use the typical world salad of denialists. I once saw her as a human rights defender.

    The other present or no votes I care less about, because I never supported them, but this really hurt.

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