Thanks Three.
You've hit the nail on the head about my hypothetical future children. Its a real sticking point for me. I think I could get by marrying a liberal Muslim but when we have children, I would not want them circumcised, I would not teach them Islam, I wouldn't be shaving its head within 7 days etc. I just can't do it. Its these points that made my parents flip because they realised I'm serious about this and really don't believe in it.
I got about 2 hours sleep and had nightmares. They've threatened to kick me out before but its never felt this real before, it feels so scary the prospect of losing everything you know in one swoop and there's no going back. My sister is supportive and is telling me to leave as it affects mine and my parents health, trying to do this compromise stuff. I either stay and live by their rules or leave and do what I want.
I wish I had a crystal ball to see what the other side looks like if I left. Can I ever truly be happy not being with them? I will never be a part of weddings, funerals, family events etc. Is it worth me being able to eat pork and wear a short skirt if I cant have dinner with them, spend time with them, help them when they are sick. Whats the point in me having children that will never know their grandparents or aunts and uncles.... :(
Some people on this forum have been able to keep family ties, and some have not. But your health will suffer greatly if you do not take proper care of yourself. Abuse gets deep inside the mind and eventually it affects one bodily.
The point of having children is personal. It has little to do with grandparents or aunts and uncles, and nothing to do with grandparents or aunts and uncles that are not able to accept them. I am raising children without the pressure and criticism of their extended family. It's a huge relief.
Your actions do not cause your relatives to refuse your help or your presence. Their decision to shun you has to do with them, NOT WITH YOU. You have to let go of that. This is more about freedom of mind and will and future than it is about freedom to eat or dress how you want, right? Don't reduce a moral stance to trivial things like food or clothing, you deny yourself the high ground. Do not internalize that Morals=Religion garbage.
I have lost family and started over, more than once. If I can do it, so can you.
I know this is hard to accept, but conditional love is not really love. Not the kind a family should have. It is not worth salvaging that sort of damaging love. I suppose it is the sort of thing one has to realize for themselves, so think long and hard on it before you take my advice to heart.