divorce and children
Reply #80 - May 23, 2015, 11:31 PM
Dear Lightbringer!
I have read about your difficulties, and the good advices you got. Your wife sounds very much as my ex-husband, controlling, jealous, paranoid, literal interpretation of islam and so on. My ex-husband could argu about things for months, just as your wife. There was no way for me to talk to him or change his mind. Never. Some people just don't listen, don't ever change.
I was thinking for 2 years how to get out of my marriage. Finally, I took my 3 daughters and left our home (fled) to a women's shelter. But, unfortunately, some friends to my ex convinced me to let him see the Girls (they told me he had cancer!), and now they are in his home country, Libya. (The good thing is that my ex returned to Sweden and the police took him, now he is sentenced 2 years in prison. But the Girls are still in Libya, alone with relatives they hardly know).
So, actually I don't have any good advice to give you, since my own Life has become a disaster. But I understand your situation, and it is so very difficult for you, really. Best thing is to give your Children quality time, and try to teach them critical thinking, if possible. And, to take precaution, be very clever, as all the previous advices.
I wish all the best!
Best regards