Hey, new here.
OP - June 05, 2015, 03:20 PM
Hi there, I was just browsing the Web and came across this site. I had a quick look through the forums at some of the posts and it's fascinating to me as someone who wasn't raised religious at all... it's just never been an issue.
I didn't realise there were so many people who leave Islam... I know many people come to their senses and leave Christianity and Judaism etc. I suppose I thought it doesn't happen in Islam because (no offence) you (or should I say "they"?) seem very fanatical and serious about it and seem to believe the teachings absolutely... no matter how much logic, reason and evidence you show them!
Another aspect of all this that fascinates me is that a lot of you seem to be going through similar thought processes, investigations and realisations that I went through as a child. Luckily for me, when I came home from school one afternoon as an 8 year old and told my mother that my class was taken to the local chapel, she asked "...and what did you think of it?" to which I replied "boring and stupid. It doesn't make sense". So from then on I haven't been to any other religious establishment (apart from the occasional service in high school to get the free bread and soup!). The only religious learning I've taken part in is religious history, the psychology behind religion and the politics and economics regarding religion... because a lot of it ultimately boils down to economics such as not eating pork.
Anyway, this has turned into a rant. So I'll just finish by saying that reading some of the posts on here from ex-mulims genuinely made me smile with joy because your optimism and new found sense of enlightenment is infectious.
If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them. Take care and enjoy your new life's. And to those who still haven't made the transition... good luck! Grab life by the horns and run with it. You'll be just fine =).
Owen E. Smith.