The last time i visited i was quickly diagnosed with possession of the jiin lol.
.I guess muslims would feel the same about this place. It would certainly be nice.............
.............linguistically speaking, ......
I think three disclaimers is perfect.

................ poetic

.................. GoodBye
and and
Where have all the Muslims gone?
Come back Muslim brothers and sisters. We miss your cognitive dissonance, your bigotry, your circular logic and your weird science. All is forgiven.
Damn you Jinns So intelligent educated .. sooooo many Jinns together.,
How the hell any Muslim guy/girl survive among you Jinns? Impossible...
Even Preachers of Islam will either run away or become one of you Jinns...
This world of Jinns is the most dangerous world for Islam.. and That is the reason Islam made first rule how to treat Jinns and how to treat people who are possessed with JINNS LIKE YOU ..
Do You know the rules to control the Jinns? ...... Jail.. or.... Lashing.. and worst will be your heads will not be on your shoulders..