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 Topic: Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves

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  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #90 - August 09, 2015, 05:45 PM


    How is that a flaw?
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #91 - August 09, 2015, 05:47 PM

    The entire book.  you avoided the question : )

    How is the entire book a flaw. You're not making sense like most non believers.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #92 - August 09, 2015, 05:50 PM

    "Yup, just because we are not capable of doing something does not mean it is impossible. We can not make a star but that does not mean stars do not form. We can not make planets but that does not mean planets can not form."

    Sorry but you're confused. It's about whether we can use our understanding of the universe to replicate the things and phenomena we observe in the universe. It's interesting that you mention the formation of stars and planets. As I understand it the current scientific understanding is that dust in the universe came together over millions of years and form bigger bodies. We know gravity exists, we know matter exists so it's a given that this is how stars and planets formed.

    Abiogenesis has a number of theories as well. You just entertain star formation since it does not contradict your religion

    But let's take a step back and let's see how much of this is true. When you get some dust and put them together do you observe bigger and bigger bodies forming? Please do enlighten me.

    Which is my point. A human limit does not mean something does not happen. Exact replication of something is not required. Inferences is acceptable in science. Thanks for making my case for me and for showing you have no idea about actual science
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #93 - August 09, 2015, 05:50 PM

    How is that a flaw?

    Have you read it? You think this is accurate?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #94 - August 09, 2015, 05:51 PM

    I suppose now on the Day of Judgment Allah can be like, "Did we not send Ted to your forum with Our signs, but you mocked him and laughed at him and said, 'Oh Ted, we don't understand much of what you say and we think you are misguided.' Lo, Ted said, 'Wait, I too am waiting!"

    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #95 - August 09, 2015, 05:55 PM

    I see my post has been moved here.

    Also why are there two threads? Is this supposed a pointless commentary to a pointless debate?


  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #96 - August 09, 2015, 05:57 PM

    And the marital advice in Surah an Nisaa, this is not proof of flawed reasoning? To first yell, then leave the bed, then hit your wife? I assure you the verb is accurate, and not symbolic. This is the advice of an omnipotent god?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #97 - August 09, 2015, 05:59 PM

    How is the entire book a flaw. You're not making sense like most non believers.

    Don't you think that only being able to understand the logic of one religious group of humans, no matter the language, is proof of brainwashing?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #98 - August 09, 2015, 06:01 PM

    I also find it hilarious that Ted thinks since we have no figured out something within a few years we should give up and say "God did it". So not only an advocate for God but laziness, lack of effort and of giving up. It took humans centuries to figure out flight, it took us centuries to figure out the heliocentric model. Evolution is fairly young, one and a half centuries, and abiogenesis is even younger. Nevermind, lets just give up cause it fits a preconception of religion better and hard work is hard....
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #99 - August 09, 2015, 06:09 PM

    How is the entire book a flaw. You're not making sense like most non believers.

    ted..ted..ted.. common Stop being a dud... you are a logical/rational guy ., suki statement has simple logic.,

    The moment any one considers any book as word of god it will automatically becomes  either a flawed book or the fellow who says that is using flawed logic..

    but I don't think you ever said/believed that Quran is a book of god/book of allah..  did you ted??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #100 - August 09, 2015, 06:11 PM

    It doesn't specify the miracle.  Just says clear proof was given to them.

    Sounds clear.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #101 - August 09, 2015, 06:16 PM

    And the marital advice in Surah an Nisaa, this is not proof of flawed reasoning? To first yell, then leave the bed, then hit your wife? I assure you the verb is accurate, and not symbolic. This is the advice of an omnipotent god?

    To be honest I don't know arabic so you probably have a much better understanding of the words if you know the arabic.

    When I say it's symbolic I mean you can beat your wife but cause physical pain. It would be just to show. I'd like to ask you why you think not sharing you're wife's bed is punishment. I mean my wife would probably love that.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #102 - August 09, 2015, 06:34 PM

    To be honest I don't know arabic ......................

    ted.. that is  bad.. bad..bad ted.,  

    How can you understand logic behind Quran without knowing Arabic Language?

    common ted go to  some school in Saudi Arabia to understand Quran perfectly....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #103 - August 09, 2015, 06:47 PM

    I'd like to ask you why you think not sharing you're wife's bed is punishment. I mean my wife would probably love that.

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #104 - August 09, 2015, 06:50 PM

    Yes. I'm very unfamiliar with the Quran Roll Eyes

    Yes Ted - we are all unfamiliar with the Qur'an.

    Unlike you.

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #105 - August 09, 2015, 07:00 PM

    OK,Ted, since you are much more familiar with the Qur'an, perhaps you can help me with something that puzzles me:

    How many days did Allah take to create the "Heavens & Earth"?

    Was it 8?

    "Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in TWO Days... He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in FOUR Days... Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky... And He completed them as seven heavens within TWO days and inspired in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing." (41:9-12)

    Or 6?

    "Indeed, your Lord is Allah , who created the heavens and earth in six days" (7:54)

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #106 - August 09, 2015, 07:10 PM

    To be honest I don't know arabic so you probably have a much better understanding of the words if you know the arabic.

    When I say it's symbolic I mean you can beat your wife but cause physical pain. It would be just to show. I'd like to ask you why you think not sharing you're wife's bed is punishment. I mean my wife would probably love that.

    No one pretends to hit a person to make a point. The advice is clear: first you verbally admonish, then you withdraw affection and deny physical needs, then you inflict physical punishment. Hitting is painful. There is no denying that. Do you really think a man who expects obedience is going to calmly and clinically pretend to hit his wife after she has not been moved to obey him after he chastised her or kept away from her bed?
    The advice is given in steps, each step being worse than the last. It does not make sense to derive any other meaning than what is plainly said, and it is not logical to first yell, then deny physical comfort, and then stage a comedy where a man pretends to hit his wife. How would pretending to hit be worse than either admonishment or denial of affection? This is to obtain obedience from a woman by a man. There is no equality between genders in this advice, there is no consideration for the woman's well being.
    How can this be the advice of an omnipotent god, these childish strategies involving force? Shouldn't a god be wiser than this?
    Furthermore, why would a god leave anything open to interpretation like this (as you claim)? Something as important and fundamental as the relations between husband and wife? Why would not a better word be used than hit, if hitting is not meant? God just couldn't remember the correct term on that day, and condemned women for thousands of years?
    A real god could and would do better.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #107 - August 09, 2015, 07:27 PM

    Ted - watch this video I made about 8 years ago - and tell me what you think?
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #108 - August 09, 2015, 08:04 PM

    ^^ and the first two punishments are especially cruel in the earlier years of marriage.. obviously isnt the word of a god : )
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #109 - August 09, 2015, 08:08 PM

    God = Good light show and superior but unverified knowledge. Using this basis the first alien life we encounter which is more advance than us could be called God(s). Nevermind that the experience could be a delusion or hallucination. Ted does not eliminate other possibilities but goes straight to confirmation bias. He should learn from the Aztecs. At first the Aztecs thought the Spanish were Gods. However rather than accepting at face value, gullible, they tested of assumption. They used food to test the Spanish to observe the reaction of the Spanish. The Spanish reacted like a human would when they ate food with blood on it. Hence they failed to justify the assumption. Likewise when we look at the Quran we can see human reactions to events and acts. When faced with disbelievers use threats of violence. When someone leaves the religion threaten their lives. When someone disagrees with Islam they are called losers. Human reactions from a supposed God. Do not get me started on the sophistry of repeating ideas of known people, events, and knowledge as divine knowledge.

    Also the idea of withholding judgement seems foreign to Ted. One must either accept or reject any/all claims.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #110 - August 09, 2015, 08:15 PM

    ^^ and the first two punishments are especially cruel in the earlier years of marriage.. obviously isnt the word of a god : )

    I tried to be as fair as I could and give the benefit of the doubt in the favour of the most sympathetic understanding possible - so that no-one could accuse me of "twisting" things as Muslims always do.

    I wanted Muslims to see for themselves the reality without any excuse to dismiss it.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #111 - August 09, 2015, 08:16 PM

    Are you a convert Ted? Sorry I've not been following closely.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #112 - August 09, 2015, 08:25 PM

    No one pretends to hit a person to make a point. The advice is clear: first you verbally admonish, then you withdraw affection and deny physical needs, then you inflict physical punishment. Hitting is painful. There is no denying that. Do you really think a man who expects obedience is going to calmly and clinically pretend to hit his wife after she has not been moved to obey him after he chastised her or kept away from her bed?
    The advice is given in steps, each step being worse than the last. It does not make sense to derive any other meaning than what is plainly said, and it is not logical to first yell, then deny physical comfort, and then stage a comedy where a man pretends to hit his wife. How would pretending to hit be worse than either admonishment or denial of affection? This is to obtain obedience from a woman by a man. There is no equality between genders in this advice, there is no consideration for the woman's well being.
    How can this be the advice of an omnipotent god, these childish strategies involving force? Shouldn't a god be wiser than this?
    Furthermore, why would a god leave anything open to interpretation like this (as you claim)? Something as important and fundamental as the relations between husband and wife? Why would not a better word be used than hit, if hitting is not meant? God just couldn't remember the correct term on that day, and condemned women for thousands of years?
    A real god could and would do better.

    As expected you didn't answer my question. Is not sharing the bed with your wife punishment?  
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #113 - August 09, 2015, 08:27 PM

    Are you a convert Ted? Sorry I've not been following closely.

    I can see that. You don't follow the quran closely either.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #114 - August 09, 2015, 08:47 PM

    God = Good light show and superior but unverified knowledge. Using this basis the first alien life we encounter which is more advance than us could be called God(s). Nevermind that the experience could be a delusion or hallucination. Ted does not eliminate other possibilities but goes straight to confirmation bias. He should learn from the Aztecs. At first the Aztecs thought the Spanish were Gods. However rather than accepting at face value, gullible, they tested of assumption. They used food to test the Spanish to observe the reaction of the Spanish. The Spanish reacted like a human would when they ate food with blood on it. Hence they failed to justify the assumption. Likewise when we look at the Quran we can see human reactions to events and acts. When faced with disbelievers use threats of violence. When someone leaves the religion threaten their lives. When someone disagrees with Islam they are called losers. Human reactions from a supposed God. Do not get me started on the sophistry of repeating ideas of known people, events, and knowledge as divine knowledge.

    Also the idea of withholding judgement seems foreign to Ted. One must either accept or reject any/all claims.

    You make some valid points. No one should be persecuted or ridiculed or made to feel inferior or less worthy whether they decide to leave religion or join one. We all do things for different reasons. Some are mentally not well, some have psychological issues, some maybe simply bored. I don't know why some people do what they do. At the end of the day God is our judge. We are only accountable for our own actions. We all belong to God, we will all see him. What we should be is understanding and humble and patient. When people don't behave the right way they are showing what their soul is like. For believers it's something they should use to make themselves better people. Unfortunately the religion wrongly gets a bad name because of the ignorant actions of the followers. Me included. I have mocked and made sarcastic comments and I shouldn't and I am sorry to those who were offended. I can't say it won' happen again given the forum I am in but I will keep trying.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #115 - August 09, 2015, 08:49 PM

    As expected you didn't answer my question. Is not sharing the bed with your wife punishment?  

    Yes. It is.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #116 - August 09, 2015, 08:55 PM

    You make some valid points. No one should be persecuted or ridiculed or made to feel inferior or less worthy whether they decide to leave religion or join one. We all do things for different reasons. Some are mentally not well, some have psychological issues, some maybe simply bored. I don't know why some people do what they do. At the end of the day God is our judge. We are only accountable for our own actions. We all belong to God, we will all see him. What we should be is understanding and humble and patient. When people don't behave the right way they are showing what their soul is like. For believers it's something they should use to make themselves better people. Unfortunately the religion wrongly gets a bad name because of the ignorant actions of the followers. Me included. I have mocked and made sarcastic comments and I shouldn't and I am sorry to those who were offended. I can't say it won' happen again given the forum I am in but I will keep trying.

    Nice post.

    Take out the God part, and I'm with you.

  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #117 - August 09, 2015, 08:58 PM

    ted.. that is  bad.. bad..bad ted.,  

    How can you understand logic behind Quran without knowing Arabic Language?

    common ted go to  some school in Saudi Arabia to understand Quran perfectly....

    The message is simple and it's a confirmation of the Bible.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #118 - August 09, 2015, 09:06 PM

    Yes. It is.

    Punishment for who? If anything the man is punishing himself. We need a more objective test for this.
  • Ringside: Quod Sum Eris vs CallMeTed - Is there scientific evidence that proves
     Reply #119 - August 09, 2015, 09:15 PM

    You make some valid points. No one should be persecuted or ridiculed or made to feel inferior or less worthy whether they decide to leave religion or join one.


     Unfortunately the religion wrongly gets a bad name because of the ignorant actions of the followers.

    bogart was posting about testing Quran to see what it really is - human or God and then you post a text that have nothing to do with it.

    bogart said violent reaction towards apostasy is commanded by quran, and the followers who do it aren't ignorant, rather they actually follow quran + hadith.
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