Why is sexuality disgusting? There are asexual people and you are... anti-sexual I guess?
Sexuality is disgusting TO ME. I understand that hardly anyone shares my opinion. I also understand that the amount that most people like sex must be incredibly high to have overcome the tremendous consequences of sexuality that would otherwise have ended the human race, such as STDs and the high maternal mortality rate that plagued the species for thousands of years. In Roman times, the times for which we have the best written records, on average every woman who reached the age of 15 had to have 5 live births within her lifetime to maintain the population at the replacement rate because most of them would not live to see their 15th birthdays. So I can extrapolate from that information that the desire for sex must be incredibly high to have overcome those odds, even if I personally don't experience that drive.
The third step... erm even if everybody becomes a hermaphrodite, doesn't mean that they become asexual...
That's why I made "making the population asexual" step 2. After a few generations of everyone being asexual, I think they'd be able to come to a natural consensus that keeping the vestigial gender traits isn't necessary anymore.
Removing sexuality is not realistic by any means, even if we had the technology to do it. If anything, having legions of sex-bots (hypersexuality) would be closer to reality than removing sex entirely...
I understand that. It's just my idea of how to engineer a more desirable society.
And why would we need to eliminate differences between the sexes?
We don't. Like I said, it's a by-product of achieving my goals, not a goal in and of itself.
Sometimes I had wild sexual fantasies about androgynous men or intersex people but... uh why would you want just that?
I would say you put the cart before the horse but you hitched the cart to the wrong horse and I'm not even sure it's a horse. It's not that I want to adjust what everyone views as sexually attractive, it's that I don't want them to be driven by sexual attraction at all. It's not that I want to engineer them to find something attractive that is different from what they currently see as attractive, it's that I want to engineer them to not feel any kind of sexual attraction whatsoever. Just none at all. Nothing. Not towards people who look one way, not towards people who look a different way, not towards anyone. And then, once they don't feel any kind of sexuality, just adjust it so they can provide any genetic information necessary for creating the next generation. So that at that point it doesn't matter anymore whether they're providing male or female genetic components, they're just providing genetic material full stop.
Even if genders disappear we would still find out shit to hate other people with, like skin color, height, weight, etc. There will always be preferences... And there will always be bullies...
Yes. The social benefits of removing gender from consideration when it comes to how people interact is simply a by-product of removing sexuality and genders, not the goal. The goal is to eliminate sexuality and the entire concept of sexual reproduction by making it vestigial, a throwback to an earlier and more primitive form of sustaining populations. To make sexuality a thing of the past, something foreign, alien. And like I have repeatedly said, I understand that virtually no one sees this as desirable. It's just my personal preference for how to make the world a better place. Everyone has their own personal preference for how to make the world a better place and none of them are fully achievable or fully desirable. It's just that mine happens to be completely contrary to the most primitive biological drives that have been ingrained within our species by millions of years of evolution. People like me are selected out of the population by evolution after one generation due to our failure to reproduce, which means that the number of people who will agree with me about this topic at any given time is extremely low.