Ahmadiyya Muslim killed in sectarian attack in Taunsa, Pakistan says news from Land of Pure
Mr Ikramullah age 37 was shot dead in Taunsa Shareef Pakistan.
An Ahmadi Muslim man has been shot dead by four attacks on a motorbike in the Taunsa a city in the south of Punjab province of Pakistan. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Pakistan’s spokesperson Saleemuddin said that 37 year old Ahmadi Muslim Ikramullah was at his medical store in Taunsa Shareef when four gunmen on motorbikes stormed the store and opened fire. Ikramullah was shot several times and one of the bullets went through his skull. He left behind his wife, and their two children, ages 18months and 5 years.
The shooting comes after Punjab’s Ulema Board made the decision that literature against the persecuted Ahmadiyya Muslim Community does not come fall under hate speech. The Muttehda Ulema Board is part of Punjab’s Provincial Government which is headed by Governor Rafique Rajwana and Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.
fucking Ulema and their fucking literarture ..