Hello everyone,
I'm an originally western lady who converted to Islam 5 years ago. Before that I learned about the religion at university, mainly in philosophy subjects and so on. I got interested in it, and converted when I moved for studies to a country with a majority of muslims. I'm a perfectionist in a way that I paralyze myself to do any kind of action, so the idea of submission sounded very appealing.
It wasn't very long untill I was struck by the harsh reality of the ummah. Where I expected to find peace, suddenly after I did shahadat I didn't find the peacefull Islam as promised by the 'marketing-campaign', but a lack of 'customer service'. No one was ready to help me out with anything, but everyone seemed to be more than ready to judge me for everything I did wrong. I felt like they put me on a pedestal only to knock me down as soon as possible, while I just wanted to have a religion in peace.
In the end I couldn't handle it anymore and wondered why I had chosen Islam in the first place. I decided to leave. I wanted to leave quietly, but I kept running into problems since I still live in this country surrounded by muslims. So I thought this might be a good place to go for sharing