All that proves is that Islam invented Viagra.
well I don't know what it proves...
that Islam invented Viagra...?
Islamic sexual rituals/Islamic harems invented Viagra...?
Synthetic Viagra /natural Viagra invented Islam?
but please don't blame Sildenafil ....acetate??...sulfate..chloride salt., citrate slat??
it took almost 20 years to develop that chemical ..
damn wankers....... 1.93 billion U.S. dollars in one years..
According to the study [cited by the Alriyadyh Arabic language daily], ..Arab countries spend more than $10 billion on Viagra and other anti-impotence medicines ........................
Hmm... I got to get that link .
hello can someone search for that link?? ..
fit for nothing.......... lot of free time in hand IDIOTS.........