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 Topic: I need to see the big picture.

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  • I need to see the big picture.
     OP - September 09, 2015, 06:59 PM

    OK, this might be bit long. I am tired of not knowing the truth, there is currently so many misconceptions and so much mutually exclusive data/opinions pouring into my brain from literally everywhere. Maybe here, if I ask you some questions, I will get rid of some of the incorrect info and clear my view a little bit on Islam and what is currently going on in the world.

    1. What's the proportion of people buying into the fundamental teachings - Wahhabi branch of Sunni. As far as I understand, it is the Wahhabism that is the toxic one, as it does interpret Quran literally. How much has this branch influenced the thinking of Muslim people all over the world? How many Muslim people actually think that it is good that ISIS has been created, how many people genuinely believe that Islam should and will be established worldwide?
    I have just seen this article:
    which could be heavily biased as it is an internet poll. This is the sort of info that creates a lot of misconceptions for people in the west. We either get very left wing or very right wing info that is just becoming a circle-jerk for those groups - reinforcing their already established beliefs on the matter. What is the actual truth?

    2. How does the "moderate Islam" interpret things like "kill, lie to the unbeliever" in Quran? I'm referring to Muslims that have assimilated and live in the western countries and are not very orthodox. Is there really a big difference to what the official doctrine of Islam is and what is being told to people behind the closed doors, in mosques, in Arabic and is heavily underreported? To me it sounds nearly like a conspiracy, but is there any truth in that? What is the TRUE Islam, and who is "Not a real Muslim"? Or are those just the phrases that members of each branch throw at each other?

    3. Some people talk about Hijra in the context of migration to Europe and settling here, growing in numbers and then establishing Islamic law. Again, sounds like a conspiracy to me, but could it be that it is a culture-war tactics created by religious authorities, aristocracy, rulers and generally people that matter in the Islamic world? If so - again, what are the proportions.

    4. What is your opinion on current immigration crisis? I've heard and read that most of those people are actually economic migrants. On videos I see few women and children and a lot of young guys. If I was the leader of ISIS I would most definitely put my people amongst them, no questions about that. We can't be numb to the extremes like hundreds of people dying in the Mediterranean and dead children washing ashore - but to let everyone in, mostly without being really able to verify who is who - seems bit dangerous to a lot of people. I want to be very clear here - I'm thinking pragmatically. The choice seems to be:
    a. Don't let anyone in and risk humanitarian crisis, possible public uproar etc
    b. Let everyone in, helping a lot of people, but knowing that a lot of those people are not really escaping war and some might be here for malicious reasons.
    In some countries the public fear of Islamisation is so high that people only want Christian refugees to come and Slovakia officially declared it. There are also other reasons like cultural similarities as Slovakia and Poland are predominantly Christian countries. Pragmatic choice they say - and often mention Sweden and 300% increase in rape since country went Multikulti... What is your opinion? Is it naive to let this happen or naive to think that there is any reason to be afraid?

    I think generally what matters is numbers. How many Muslims are or have a potential to turn fundamental? How many of otherwise peaceful people can get intoxicated by the idea of being superior than everyone else and forcefully "show the kuffar the right way". 
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #1 - September 09, 2015, 07:26 PM

    "kill, lie to the unbeliever" in Quran?

    Specific reference, please?
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #2 - September 09, 2015, 07:48 PM

    Specific reference, please?


    Qur'an (3:28)
    Qur'an (16:106)
    Bukhari (84:64-65)


    Quran (2:191-193)
    Quran (2:216)
    Quran (3:151)

    It's the interpretation what matters, but fundamentalists take it literally.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #3 - September 09, 2015, 09:52 PM

    By heck, Varin, you've asked a lot of questions. And each one is worthy of a thread of its own.

    Just fuzzily focusing on the first question, or the first subset of questions to be closer to accurate, this was discussed eloquently by the brilliant gentleman in this thread:

    To add a little to that, and my opinion is less informed than others on this forum, I think the survey you mentioned seems at least a little overstated. In my personal experience, many Muslims from many different schools of thought (and not just the Wahabbi's) were indeed sympathetic to the implementation of an alternative to capitalism, to sharia even, and to the blossoming of the Ummah (even in the West), so that it could stand up to the perceived oppression and stifling it had been subjected to by the West, by America, by the Jews, by the Freemasons, and by every other shadowy enemy that existed out there, that made it their mission to suppress and take the sheen off the one noble and enlightening truth in the world: true Islam.

    However, from what I have seen, almost all everyday Muslims have now backtracked from this viewpoint. The process for doing this possibly started at 911. Those that were not in denial about the perpetrators at the time, and their motive for the slaughter, started to feel a little uncomfortable at the practicalities and consequences of actually being sympathetic towards returning to the golden age of Islam. This process continued, and with every awful, inhumane act, more and more Muslims shied away from holding views that were not too dissimilar to the views that young radicals held before they crossed the line of madness, that separates ordinary people from being bent and destructive killers. The emergence of the Islamic State itself has finally helped complete the process of polarising Muslims in general. The vast majority can now see, in a way that is completely undeniable to them, that the literal implementation of Sharia is completely unacceptable. They see the barbarity in IS as clearly as you see it. They see the injustice, the oppression, and the inhumanity of it all, exactly as you see it. They are therefore now dealing with their cognitive dissonance in their own individual ways, and not just grasping at the nearest conspiracy theory to help them reconcile their perfect religion with the less than perfect actions of some who are driven by it. Most therefore, in my opinion, are moving away slightly from literalism, and towards the good, spiritual, charitable and loving aspects of Islam. And the small minority that don't take this majority view: well, you see those guys on the news, so I don't need to tell you about them.

    To sum up what I intended to be a very short post: in my opinion, you have a lot less to fear than you think, from Muslims. Islam itself can obviously be dangerous in the wrong hands, but we're all hoping that it gets taken out of those hands very quickly, and into the hands of our very own lovely and spiritual family members, friends and neighbours.

  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #4 - September 10, 2015, 12:41 AM

    On the refugee issue.

    The vast majority of the people now entering Greece are refugees not economic migrants. Not that I've got anything against economic migrants. For the most part I'm in favour of people being able to travel and live where they want, whether they're refugees or not. But the clear reality is that Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans fleeing war zones are refugees by any reasonable definition.

    Migration doesn't necessarily fit with definitions of refugees. I was living in Greece when the Berlin Wall came down, the border with Albania opened up and civil war started in Yugoslavia. Hundreds of thousands of people entered Greece over a couple of years, the greatest numbers coming from Albania, Yugoslavia and Poland, I think in that order. The Albanians were fleeing from poverty and a brutalised society, but as the regime had collapsed I'm not sure if that made them refugees. Many of the Yugoslavs were avoiding conscription into one or other army, deserting, or taking time out from war. I don't think the EU saw this as any reason to grant asylum or refugee status, a position I thought and still think is absurd. The people from Poland were in Greece to work and for the novelty of being able to travel, which were obviously motivations for the Albanians and Yugoslavs as well. In hindsight Greece was doing quite well at the time and East Europeans were willing to do the jobs Greeks didn't want.

    People who came to Greece from Poland in the early 90s were economic migrants. People escaping from Assad or IS now are refugees. The difference is clear, but in any case I was in favour of freedom of movement then and I'm in favour of it now. In practice Greece wasn't and isn't in any real position to control entry so the EU's and your views on who should allowed in are a bit academic.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #5 - September 10, 2015, 02:42 AM

    Just fuzzily focusing on the first question, or the first subset of questions to be closer to accurate, this was discussed eloquently by the brilliant gentleman in this thread:

    Thanks, I have read the whole topic and it did contribute a lot to my general understanding of the situation and how people feel about it.

    To add a little to that, and my opinion is less informed than others on this forum, I think the survey you mentioned seems at least a little overstated. In my personal experience, many Muslims from many different schools of thought (and not just the Wahabbi's) were indeed sympathetic to the implementation of an alternative to capitalism, to sharia even, and to the blossoming of the Ummah (even in the West), so that it could stand up to the perceived oppression and stifling it had been subjected to by the West, by America, by the Jews, by the Freemasons, and by every other shadowy enemy that existed out there, that made it their mission to suppress and take the sheen off the one noble and enlightening truth in the world: true Islam.

    However, from what I have seen, almost all everyday Muslims have now backtracked from this viewpoint. The process for doing this possibly started at 911. Those that were not in denial about the perpetrators at the time, and their motive for the slaughter, started to feel a little uncomfortable at the practicalities and consequences of actually being sympathetic towards returning to the golden age of Islam. This process continued, and with every awful, inhumane act, more and more Muslims shied away from holding views that were not too dissimilar to the views that young radicals held before they crossed the line of madness, that separates ordinary people from being bent and destructive killers. The emergence of the Islamic State itself has finally helped complete the process of polarising Muslims in general. The vast majority can now see, in a way that is completely undeniable to them, that the literal implementation of Sharia is completely unacceptable. They see the barbarity in IS as clearly as you see it. They see the injustice, the oppression, and the inhumanity of it all, exactly as you see it. They are therefore now dealing with their cognitive dissonance in their own individual ways, and not just grasping at the nearest conspiracy theory to help them reconcile their perfect religion with the less than perfect actions of some who are driven by it. Most therefore, in my opinion, are moving away slightly from literalism, and towards the good, spiritual, charitable and loving aspects of Islam. And the small minority that don't take this majority view: well, you see those guys on the news, so I don't need to tell you about them.

    To sum up what I intended to be a very short post: in my opinion, you have a lot less to fear than you think, from Muslims. Islam itself can obviously be dangerous in the wrong hands, but we're all hoping that it gets taken out of those hands very quickly, and into the hands of our very own lovely and spiritual family members, friends and neighbours.

    What you have written here is something I suspected is happening. I can see how ISIS could be viewed as a catalyst, it will ultimately divide people into those who reject certain ideas and those who embrace them. I sometimes like to entertain two or more contradictive ideas in my head and I can see how the whole concept of Islam worldwide can be attractive to some. Especially if one is devoted to it and believes that this is what they live for, this is the ultimate truth, hovering above anything else. The question I have in mind is how small is this small minority of fundamentalists and believers in literal Quran? I guess they are the people who are most vunerable for radicalisation. All there is needed is a charismatic character that has an answer for all your questions (A. Choudary for example, who I believe would be much much bigger if he preached to people directly touched by war, in Middle East, not Brits living under democratic government)

    As always - numbers is all that matters. A silly idea with 10 believers is just silly. A silly idea with millions of believers is a real power.

    Quote from: zeca
    On the refugee issue.

    The vast majority of the people now entering Greece are refugees not economic migrants. Not that I've got anything against economic migrants. For the most part I'm in favour of people being able to travel and live where they want, whether they're refugees or not. But the clear reality is that Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans fleeing war zones are refugees by any reasonable definition.

    Migration doesn't necessarily fit with definitions of refugees. I was living in Greece when the Berlin Wall came down, the border with Albania opened up and civil war started in Yugoslavia. Hundreds of thousands of people entered Greece over a couple of years, the greatest numbers coming from Albania, Yugoslavia and Poland, I think in that order. The Albanians were fleeing from poverty and a brutalised society, but as the regime had collapsed I'm not sure if that made them refugees. Many of the Yugoslavs were avoiding conscription into one or other army, deserting, or taking time out from war. I don't think the EU saw this as any reason to grant asylum or refugee status, a position I thought and still think is absurd. The people from Poland were in Greece to work and for the novelty of being able to travel, which were obviously motivations for the Albanians and Yugoslavs as well. In hindsight Greece was doing quite well at the time and East Europeans were willing to do the jobs Greeks didn't want.

    People who came to Greece from Poland in the early 90s were economic migrants. People escaping from Assad or IS now are refugees. The difference is clear, but in any case I was in favour of freedom of movement then and I'm in favour of it now. In practice Greece wasn't and isn't in any real position to control entry so the EU's and your views on who should allowed in are a bit academic.

    Thanks for your reply. In this case, those young men who are arriving now are the ones who want to avoid conscription? Why Germany? Purely for economic reasons? Tbh, that would be my choice too if I was in that situation...

    I don't have any crystallised views on this matter as I don't have enough data, I'm basing on what I read and see and try to "unbias" all the biased crap which is everywhere online. What I see though, is that most hate towards immigration comes from ignorant or uneducated people. When it comes to common people in homogenous, Christian countries like Poland or Slovakia, Hungary - it is unavoidable. Those people have absolutely no idea what Islam is, they have not met many Muslims, the last one they saw was probably Morgan Freeman in Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves when on TV, Xmas time... My point is - all they hear and see in related to Muslim world is war, beheadings, bombings. They don't know anything about loving Muslim families, they have never met one.  I am probably exaggerating a little bit, but it is much much worse than in more western countries where most of us know someone who is Muslim. Coped with a rise of right-wing movements - it doesn't look good.

    Now, I also am for the freedom of movement, as long as you respect the culture and values of the community you are joining. I don't think this is debatable, this is just common courtesy. People in Eastern European countries fear the lack of assimilation, Sweden, France, and UK is often given as an example of a failure - whole areas, towns, districts with completely changed demography, alien culture, alien religion which most of them view as a political doctrine. It is a big deal for a country which is culturally homogenous and has no colonial history. They believe that the mainstream Islam is the fundamental Islam, and that moderate Muslims are not real Muslims. There are also economical reasons, those are not very rich countries. Here you have Polish MEP talking about it in EU's parliament:

    He's a right wing nutcase, but people are buying into this rhetoric.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #6 - September 10, 2015, 07:36 AM

    East European countries are not really quite homogenous. Poland maybe, but the other countries are not. Many countries have big gypsies communities which have a different culture than the majority. Basically xenophobia is very rooted already in these societies and one reason for this is their inability to integrate gypsies.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #7 - September 10, 2015, 07:55 AM

    It's rhetoric mixed with facts that is why it is appealing. However it is very one sided. The comparison to America is deeply flawed since America treated a lot of different people like garbage while building their "great" nation.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #8 - September 10, 2015, 08:02 AM

    OK, this might be bit long. I am tired of not knowing the truth, there is currently so many misconceptions and so much mutually exclusive data/opinions pouring into my brain from literally everywhere. Maybe here, if I ask you some questions, I will get rid of some of the incorrect info and clear my view a little bit on Islam and what is currently going on in the world.

    1. What's the proportion of people buying into the fundamental teachings - Wahhabi branch of Sunni. As far as I understand, it is the Wahhabism that is the toxic one, as it does interpret Quran literally. How much has this branch influenced the thinking of Muslim people all over the world? How many Muslim people actually think that it is good that ISIS has been created, how many people genuinely believe that Islam should and will be established worldwide?
    I have just seen this article:
    which could be heavily biased as it is an internet poll. This is the sort of info that creates a lot of misconceptions for people in the west. We either get very left wing or very right wing info that is just becoming a circle-jerk for those groups - reinforcing their already established beliefs on the matter. What is the actual truth?

    2. How does the "moderate Islam" interpret things like "kill, lie to the unbeliever" in Quran? I'm referring to Muslims that have assimilated and live in the western countries and are not very orthodox. Is there really a big difference to what the official doctrine of Islam is and what is being told to people behind the closed doors, in mosques, in Arabic and is heavily underreported? To me it sounds nearly like a conspiracy, but is there any truth in that? What is the TRUE Islam, and who is "Not a real Muslim"? Or are those just the phrases that members of each branch throw at each other?

    3. Some people talk about Hijra in the context of migration to Europe and settling here, growing in numbers and then establishing Islamic law. Again, sounds like a conspiracy to me, but could it be that it is a culture-war tactics created by religious authorities, aristocracy, rulers and generally people that matter in the Islamic world? If so - again, what are the proportions.

    4. What is your opinion on current immigration crisis? I've heard and read that most of those people are actually economic migrants. On videos I see few women and children and a lot of young guys. If I was the leader of ISIS I would most definitely put my people amongst them, no questions about that. We can't be numb to the extremes like hundreds of people dying in the Mediterranean and dead children washing ashore - but to let everyone in, mostly without being really able to verify who is who - seems bit dangerous to a lot of people. I want to be very clear here - I'm thinking pragmatically. The choice seems to be:
    a. Don't let anyone in and risk humanitarian crisis, possible public uproar etc
    b. Let everyone in, helping a lot of people, but knowing that a lot of those people are not really escaping war and some might be here for malicious reasons.
    In some countries the public fear of Islamisation is so high that people only want Christian refugees to come and Slovakia officially declared it. There are also other reasons like cultural similarities as Slovakia and Poland are predominantly Christian countries. Pragmatic choice they say - and often mention Sweden and 300% increase in rape since country went Multikulti... What is your opinion? Is it naive to let this happen or naive to think that there is any reason to be afraid?

    I think generally what matters is numbers. How many Muslims are or have a potential to turn fundamental? How many of otherwise peaceful people can get intoxicated by the idea of being superior than everyone else and forcefully "show the kuffar the right way".  

    Sounds very much like a right-wing conspiracy theory. I would not have stayed a firm Muslim for so long if we were taught to kill and lie to non-believers and that we need to settle in the West and breed to spread Islam. Furthermore most Muslims do not speak Arabic so what is said in mosques behind closed doors and in Arabic, most Muslims will not understand. What we were taught in mosques was that every verse has a context and that the verses which state that we should kill non-believers only apply to situations in which there is war. I would always use this explanation to defend the Quran and any other moderate interpretation I was given.

    Some Muslims in the West have lots of kids because that is the norm in their culture. World domination is far from their minds. I find these conspiracy theories to be mind-boggling.

    The refugee crisis is a case of human beings fleeing massacre. They would rather drown than be hit by a bomb. They are fleeing to numerous parts of the world, not just the West as is the misconception.

    The Wahhabi doctrine is definitely poisonous and plays a part in the creation of groups such as ISIS but there are multiple contributing factors. Things are not so black and white.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #9 - September 10, 2015, 10:08 AM

    Thanks for your reply. In this case, those young men who are arriving now are the ones who want to avoid conscription? Why Germany? Purely for economic reasons? Tbh, that would be my choice too if I was in that situation...

    I think avoiding conscription is a big reason for young men leaving Syria at the moment, particularly but not just from government controlled areas. That's only part of the reason for the current influx though. I guess they're expecting better treatment and opportunities in Germany and Sweden, probably rightly. I should think that very few want to end up being resettled in Eastern European countries.

    Edit: there's some discussion of conscription as a factor on this timeline:
    I think we're seeing the last hold out middle class draft avoiders of regime areas deciding they'd prefer Europe to dying for the regime.

  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #10 - September 10, 2015, 10:34 AM

    Refugees Grateful For Chance To See Europe While Being Bounced From Country To Country 

  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #11 - September 10, 2015, 05:16 PM

    East European countries are not really quite homogenous. Poland maybe, but the other countries are not. Many countries have big gypsies communities which have a different culture than the majority. Basically xenophobia is very rooted already in these societies and one reason for this is their inability to integrate gypsies.

    I think saying "their inability to integrate gypsies" implies that the fault is on the Hungarian/Slovakian side. I see it bit differently. If 10 years ago, when I came to the UK I didn't put tremendous effort to integrate, learn the norms, learn the language - I'd still live in a Polish enclave, knowing mostly Polish people. It works both ways, if I didn't meet few Brits who are now my core friends - I'd not have the opportunity to put that effort to integrate. There were sacrifices to be made, and one has to be open to change. Xenophobia - Yes, and it does hurt a lot reading about it or seeing videos like the above - that stuff just cements the beliefs of people already on the right-wing side and can convince those undecided. As always - cherry picking data, manipulating facts to present their point of view. Left also does it.

    Sounds very much like a right-wing conspiracy theory. I would not have stayed a firm Muslim for so long if we were taught to kill and lie to non-believers and that we need to settle in the West and breed to spread Islam. Furthermore most Muslims do not speak Arabic so what is said in mosques behind closed doors and in Arabic, most Muslims will not understand. What we were taught in mosques was that every verse has a context and that the verses which state that we should kill non-believers only apply to situations in which there is war. I would always use this explanation to defend the Quran and any other moderate interpretation I was given.

    That's in the west. What about places where anti-west rhetorics is widespread? I imagine it is much easier there to convince people towards fundamentalism in places touched by war, where ISIS propaganda is much stronger. If I was born in the ME and my family was killed by US airstrikes, there would be very little that could convince me that destroying the west is not a good idea. Those things are highly circumstantial.

    BTW, I know that it sounds like a right-wing conspiracy, because it probably originates there. I just want to know whether it is based completely on "out of an ass information" or are there some grounds to it?

    Some Muslims in the West have lots of kids because that is the norm in their culture. World domination is far from their minds. I find these conspiracy theories to be mind-boggling.


    I know it is a cultural thing, this exists in majority of Asia, small, detached families is mainly a western thing Smiley Family ties are much stronger and it is unthinkable to send one's parents to a care home, and I identify with it. What are those theories based on? Purely fear and hate? Right wing thinking out possible extreme interpretations of verses of the Quran in certain situations and making up a theory about it to push their propaganda?

    The refugee crisis is a case of human beings fleeing massacre. They would rather drown than be hit by a bomb. They are fleeing to numerous parts of the world, not just the West as is the misconception.

    I've seen Jordanian refugee camp pictures. Apparently Jordan took 1.5 mln people which is pretty much 1/4 of the country population. Refugee camp became 4th largest city in Jordan. Few other countries also took hundreds of thousands if not millions. Unbelievable - that should be more in the news. Gulf countries though...

    The Wahhabi doctrine is definitely poisonous and plays a part in the creation of groups such as ISIS but there are multiple contributing factors. Things are not so black and white.

    They are not black and white. Middle East is a very, very fertile ground for extreme ideologies in the last decades. Pretty much constant war, constant western engagement, Israel just over the fence, created and supported by the west and so on. Even if there was to be peace there tomorrow, the animosity will prevail for decades. It's 2015 and only the recent generations of Poles who are pretty neutral towards Germans and Russians, but you still often hear references to WW2 from people you meet, in media as some sort of proof that we shouldn't trust them. Some youngsters still have this way of thinking if their parents happened to be very xenophobic and passed it on.

    I think avoiding conscription is a big reason for young men leaving Syria at the moment, particularly but not just from government controlled areas. That's only part of the reason for the current influx though. I guess they're expecting better treatment and opportunities in Germany and Sweden, probably rightly. I should think that very few want to end up being resettled in Eastern European countries.

    Hmm, what would you do if England was at civil war, you didn't want to fight and you wanted to escape it? Go to Ireland, Scotland, France or aim for America? This is what a lot of people feel dubious about, especially in the east of Europe which is not as rich as western countries. If you are young and able, why don't you fight for your country? Why don't you go to the first place that is not at war? Why can't you appreciate that you are now safe, why demand more and go for the countries with the best welfare? Why throw away given food and water? I think you can easily imagine someone, working 2 shifts for an equivalent of 1/3 of UK wages, thinking this way. I think your views depend highly on your personal situation you are in. In addition, Poland took a lot of Ukrainian refugees (300 000) who were issued work permits and immediately started work. They don't want welfare, they integrated really quickly and they don't demand anything. There is a lot of contrast between those two waves of imigration and that influences peoples views further.
    If we are talking about 200 000 people risking it and aiming for Europe in comparison to millions that are in Jordan, Turkey, Libya then it is a small percentage of the whole number of refugees. Was their choice to aim for Europe not partially influenced by the economy?

    I'm not left or right or whatever. I'm interested in facts, statistics, ratios, not propaganda.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #12 - September 10, 2015, 08:26 PM

    I was not saying it's the fault of East European countries. By far the main problem is the gypsies culture which is bad. Where the governments and these societies did and are still doing wrong was not putting more or enough resources in educating them, but also explaining people that their culture is bad and the best way for them to get out of their misery, is to adopt the European culture and its values. And I'm not saying that because a culture is bad, it should be wiped out entirely, because every culture has also very good things related to dressing, cuisine, music, etc. But the core values of European culture should be much more promoted, advertised in schools,  in media, everywhere...

    And by saying openly and frequently that the culture is the problem, we will have less and less xenophobes. Anyways I think things are getting better,  but that because more gypsies are beginning to realise that getting rid of most of their culture is primarily in their benefit.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #13 - September 10, 2015, 09:24 PM

  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #14 - September 11, 2015, 08:00 AM

    Suki still deleting your messages? Smiley

    The problem with the gypsies culture is that it's a sort of tribal - nomadic culture. When the gypsies came from what is now Pakistan border with India, they brought their culture with them too. One of the worst thing is the practice to marry young girls aged 12-14 with boys almost the same age. The arrangement is made by their families. Girls are sold out. After marriage, the wedding pair abandon the school and you can understand yourself the consequences of this.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #15 - September 11, 2015, 11:02 AM

    Lol cheers   Afro

    I was just asking why gypsies are seen as a problem.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #16 - September 11, 2015, 11:20 AM

    Let's keep in mind you're talking about Romani gypsies, not all gypsies, and not all Romani are like that. However, it is true that a lot of gypsies of different types are closed societies and don't like marrying/mixing outside the tribe and are very resistant to outside ideas.

    I've heard that some Eastern European countries are refusing them benefits if they have a wealth of gold and jewels, which many Romani have as heritage passed down through the generations, and aren't there towns in Romania and Hungary that are actually building walls to keep gypsies segregated from the masses?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #17 - September 11, 2015, 12:35 PM

    when I came to the UK I didn't put tremendous effort to integrate, learn the norms, learn the language - I'd still live in a Polish enclave, knowing mostly Polish people. It works both ways, if I didn't meet few Brits who are now my core friends - I'd not have the opportunity to put that effort to integrate. There were sacrifices to be made, and one has to be open to change.

    Glad you did finally make the effort. You'll benefit from it, and so will Britain. There would be almost no problems with immigration if every new arrival did try to get to know the locals (patience needed of course).

    I'm an immigrant myself (to Japan) and months go by without my talking to another gaijin. I don't purposely shun 'my own kind', but it would be sad, reductive and insulting to the locals if I surrounded myself with them.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #18 - September 11, 2015, 12:45 PM

    Quod of course, but I was talking about culture and how it affects people.

    To be honest, I'm not aware about this thing with heritage in gold and jewels passed down through the generations. I find it quite unlikely, because till very recently almost all gypsies here were very poor. Until the late 19th century gypsies were slaves and they had no properties and no wealth, so from where gold? Even so, I don't think there are open discriminatory state policies, so if they are not giving benefits to gypsies because one reason, it's the same for non gypsies as well. Also please be aware that the benefits system is very different here than the UK's one. Here, you don't receive benefits doing nothing or because you have many children. You can't live on benefits here.

    About walls, there is one case in Romania that I know of. The wall is still there but the mayor has got away with it because it has some usage as well, although a very minor one. I heard in Slovakia a wall was build in a town to separate gypsies from non gypsies. But more often than not, you don't really need walls to have ethnic segregation, so...
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #19 - September 11, 2015, 01:12 PM

    You've never seen Roma women wear gold jewellery? Usually it's passed down from parent to child, the heirlooms are considered sacred.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #20 - September 11, 2015, 01:13 PM

    Gypsy Culture: Customs, Traditions & Beliefs

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #21 - September 11, 2015, 03:26 PM

    You've never seen Roma women wear gold jewellery? Usually it's passed down from parent to child, the heirlooms are considered sacred.

    I've seen but never thought that are passed down through their ancestors.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #22 - September 11, 2015, 10:15 PM

    The gypsy girls here marry older men. Not boys of the same age.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #23 - September 11, 2015, 10:20 PM

    I've seen Jordanian refugee camp pictures. Apparently Jordan took 1.5 mln people which is pretty much 1/4 of the country population. Refugee camp became 4th largest city in Jordan. Few other countries also took hundreds of thousands if not millions. Unbelievable - that should be more in the news. Gulf countries though...

    That Kuwaiti "official" is not an official. He's the head of some organization that I've never heard of before, and I'm Kuwaiti born and raised in Kuwait.

    Saudi Arabia also recently announced it has taken in 2.5 million Syrians since the start of the war. Other Gulf countries have taken in Syrians as well. Only difference is that in the Gulf they're not treated as refugees but as immigrants:

    But Gulf states say they have taken in hundreds of thousands of Syrians since the civil war there began in 2011 -- just not as refugees.

    The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) cited an official source in the foreign ministry as saying that the kingdom found it "important to clarify these efforts with facts and numbers in response to media reports, which included false and misleading accusations about the kingdom".

    The source said Saudi Arabia had received nearly 2.5 million Syrians since the conflict erupted.

    "(The kingdom) was keen to not deal with them as refugees, or to put them in refugee camps, to preserve their dignity and safety, and gave them complete freedom of movement."

    "(The kingdom) gave whoever chose to stay in the kingdom, which are in the hundreds of thousands, proper residency ... with all the rights that are included like free health care and engaging in the workforce and education."


    Also, Saudis have donated over 1 billion Saudi Riyals (over US$250 million) to Syria and over 700 million Riyals (over US$180 million) on projects.

  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #24 - September 11, 2015, 10:48 PM

    That Kuwaiti "official" is not an official. He's the head of some organization that I've never heard of before, and I'm Kuwaiti born and raised in Kuwait.

    Thanks for this, I spend an hour researching, trying to find out who he really is and there was very little apart from the page I linked too. What is the official statement of Kuwait and what is the public opinion regarding the matter if you don't mind sharing?

    Saudi Arabia also recently announced that it took in 2.5 million Syrians since the start of the war. Other Gulf countries have taken in Syrians as well. Only difference is that in the Gulf they're not treated as refugees but as immigrants:

    Wow, thanks for this as well, this is pretty underreported in western media...  Thanks for clearing that up for me, this is why I am here, to get the actual truth and base my view on that.
    I see this article was published today. What comes to mind after reading the above Reuters article and this:
    and knowing how much Saudi Wahhabis invested in spreading their sect, printing millions of copies of Quran with Wahhabi commentaries - are they using the situation to fulfill their agenda and spread their influence?
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #25 - September 12, 2015, 04:09 AM

    The Gulf countries don't recognize refugeehood. They never signed the international conventions on refugee rights. People fleeing war zones are welcome, but they will be recognized as residents. That doesn't mean they're not given exception—Kuwait has been tightening its border control yet still allowing Syrians in.

    Also, Kuwaitis have donated US$121 million to help Syrians. Source
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #26 - September 12, 2015, 04:16 AM

    Correction to my previous figure on Saudi Arabia: 2.5 million fled to Saudi, hundreds of thousands stayed, according to the government press release.

    Also, this: Saudi Arabia hosted half a million Syrians since 2011
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #27 - September 12, 2015, 05:46 AM

    The gypsy girls here marry older men. Not boys of the same age.

    In usa maybe, but not here.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #28 - September 12, 2015, 12:15 PM

    Yeah, but I am sure it varies, is the point. The culture cannot be static worldwide.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • I need to see the big picture.
     Reply #29 - September 12, 2015, 02:50 PM

    .........2. How does the "moderate Islam" interpret things like "kill, lie to the unbeliever"  ......". 

    Specific reference, please?


    Qur'an (3:28)
    Qur'an (16:106)
    Bukhari (84:64-65)


    Quran (2:191-193)
    Quran (2:216)
    Quran (3:151)

    It's the interpretation what matters, but fundamentalists take it literally.

    good..good.. well let me take those so-called killing verses/VIRUSES and  read them...

    003.028 : Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.

    002.216 : Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.

    003.151 : Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the Fire: And evil is the home of the wrong-doers!

    Hmm  interesting stuff so let me add some more to the list of  verses/viruses  from Quran of  Varin.. Mr. Varin...

    002.191 : And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

    002.244  : And fight in the way of Allah, and know that Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

    004.074  : Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value).
    004.089 : They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

    004.095: Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,

    004.104 : And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain, and you hope from Allah what they do not hope; and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

    005.033  - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

    008.015  : O ye who believe! when ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them.

    008.017 : It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah: when thou threwest (a handful of dust), it was not thy act, but Allah's: in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself: for Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)

    008.020  : O you who believe! obey Allah and His Messenger and do not turn back from Him while you hear.

    008.024  : O you who believe! answer (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allah intervenes between man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be gathered.

    008.027 : O you who believe! be not unfaithful to Allah and the Messenger, nor be unfaithful to your trusts while you know.

    008.028  : And know that your property and your children are a temptation, and that Allah is He with Whom there is a mighty reward.

    Holy grace..holy peace holy shit Holy allah doll.. I will be spending another day readin Quran .. Well Nah.. I have done that umpteen times.. So not today..

    So  dear Varin first of all my greetings and good wishes to you.. I agree that there are problems in Islam and in Quran. but don't you think such problems exist  other religions  and religious scriptures?  Suppose Muslim folks don't take such verses as Verses from Allah for all times but were restricted to the initial ties of Islam..

    If Muslim folks agree with that, Would that solve the problems between Muslims and Non-Muslim folks like you .  Would you be happy if Muslim folks say to you "Quran is NOT really word of Allah/god for all times but it was revealed(ALLEGEDLY)  for the time during Prophet's times?? "

    and I am glad to read you...+ welcome to CEMB if YOU ARE NEW AND DID NOT CHANGE YOUR USER NAME...

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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