My story
OP - October 15, 2015, 01:23 PM
My story is very long. I grew up with the quran in my hand, and I was tough a lot of Islam, learned the quran and hadith.
The short edition of my story:
. I have been through a long process of doubt and search. It started with a fight for gender equality. At first I used Islams own teksts to argue for better right for wemen, but then I realised that there is some things in Islam I don't agree with. I chose to take of my scarf ( hijab) , and felt it like a way of expressing my view about gender equality.
My family didn't all take it well. Specially my nearests friends that I grew up with, they left in an instant, without even arguing or trying to convince me.
I felt hunted and angry. And I started to search more intense in Islamic teksts, and red a lot of Islam critical articles, and slowly I started to realise that I don't agree with a lot of issues in the quran. Like human torture, young marriages, etc. And then I moved a step further to be sure of my doubts, I searched for argument that tells the quran have scientific evidence that it is the words of god, I found a lot of mistakes. Then I found many contradictions in the quran. And at least I found most of the ideas about he'll, the true god, the right religion, and all others as kufar, so unfair. Because many nonbelivers are very kind, good people and sometimes a lot better than some Muslims.
I finally left Islam.
I am not sure if I want to call my self an atheist, but I know I can't prove if their is if isn't a god, many gods, a higher power or something like that. But I can't prove their is either. So I have decided with my self, that if their is a god, it doesn't matter for him if I belive or not, if I serve or not, he/ she/ it, doesn't need me. My only goal is to reflect, think and never ever follow anyone Og anything blind. I will work on my self to be a better person, a good human. I don't need a religion to tell me what is right and wrong, I can tell my self.