Hey guys.
Imtiaz Shams runs ex muslim meetups in London. He's a well known and trusted person in the uk exmuslim community and is connected with aussie exmuslim communities as well as the american and canadian meetup groups.
If you want to go to one of their meetup groups you cant contact him here.
The UK communities started in London 2.5 years ago, and have since grown to become one of the most active Ex Muslim communities in the world. With groups in London, Leeds, Bradford, Leicester, Birmingham and Ex Muslims in every major city. You can always find someone to chat to!
The UK communities are underground, and Interfaithless’s Ex Muslim programmes is a testament to the thriving activity in these underground communities.
If you want to join email the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com or Imtiaz directly at mrpeacemeal@gmail.com.