We also took out a lot of unnecessary letters...like an "i" in aluminum, an "o" in airplane and esophagus, a "u" in tons of words like humor and labor, and like half the letters in donut. There is actually a reason for all the differences--when reading came to the masses, there was a need to standardize texts pretty quickly, and the people in America and Britain had different philosophies when it came to that. Webster, who did our dictionary, felt that education should be accessible to everyone and therefore spelling should be kept as simple as possible. Johnson, who did the British dictionary, felt that it was more important to keep with tradition and legacy and therefore used what he felt were the most historically accurate spellings.
And Canada was just like, "Eh? Are you two fighting? We'll just sit over here and speak French and hope this blows over..."
I'm working hard to keep that jester cap away from asbie