Islam must modernize and reform, or die.
OP - November 19, 2015, 02:24 PM
Islam must modernize and reform, or die.
Islam and Muslim ideology comes in many flavors. They go from right wing fundamentalism and jihadism terrorism to left wing modern and progressive.
The right wing, of the religion of peace, is a war mongering religion that demands that its ideology and tenets be accepted by all, on pain of death. All apostates and non-believers deserve death to this right wing. This right wing promotes Sharia law which is a political system. In Sharia, there is no separation of mosque and state. It is a theocracy and totalitarian regime. No civilized country should need suffer such a backward and barbaric regime on its land.
The left wing progressive Islam, if one can call an idol worshiping religion progressive, is a homophobic and misogynous religion that no longer has relevance in a world that seeks to give equality to all people.
As a Gnostic Christian, my religion has always said that Yahweh was a vile and immoral God who did not deserve respect. As a modern Gnostic Christian, my religion would say that Allah is also a vile God and that Mohamed and his tenets and ideology or no more suited to the liberty of men than Yahweh. They also do not deserve respect.
True freedom will always be denied men who live in societies and our greatest ideological rewards can only be liberty for all. Islam and its ideology are not suited to liberty for all at all. The best government will lead for honor and duty and have a benevolent side that seeks to lead with a do unto others as you would want done to you attitude. It will also have a tyrannical side that enforces the law of the land heartlessly. These laws are for the people and decided on by the people and should be stringently adhered to and enforced.
Islam and Sharia thinks they are ruling for honor and duty and it certainly has its tyrannical side but its policies and laws are not worthy of any government or religion that seeks justice for all. Justice begins with equality and as a homophobic and misogynous religion and government like Islam and Sharia fall short of knowing their duty and are not leading with honor.
Muslim men have to reform what they call honor. How they define honor today is not honorable at all. How can it be when it excludes equality for all? Islam and Sharia deny equality to gays and women?
Islam and Sharia denies people the right to choose the laws of the land. Their law comes from an imaginary God and dubious interpretations of the plagiarized words of a long dead prophet who can no longer be questioned on his distorted teachings. Muslims follow an ideology that should have reformed itself centuries ago, but because it, like Christianity, it decided to idol worship an imaginary God, it has resisted change and remains the vile and immoral religion and political system that it undeniably is.
Do you agree that Islam and Sharia must reform?
Do you agree that if it does not modernize and reform that it should be encouraged to die?
God is a cosmic consciousness.
Telepathy the key to contact.
Our next evolutionary step. No choice.