This is how Muslims look at Maryam and other Exmuslims, they don't respect you or show any mercy to reverts.
Ameen! It drives me insane sometimes how ex-muslims and atheists have this deep sympathy for muslims almost to the point where the muslims should never accept responsibility for their actions and behavior.
When it says in their texts, "Kill the apostate" and it when it says in their text, "to be harsh with the kuffar" they really do degrade ex-muslims and kuffar. They're only nice because they have to conduct some kind of manners.. But deep down they have a hatred.
When I'm harsh with them, it's for a good reason.. Yet people who don't understand say, "You shouldn't be that harsh with Muslims." It's a logical approach I'm taking. They need to be woken up.. Of course this doesn't apply with the Muslim who doesn't believe in these things or don't know any better.
Sometimes an emotional approach must be taken as well. Different people. Different scenarios.