No by all means, if you want to consider the Mu'tazilites to be Muslims, then you'd have to go against the majority of Muslims. Nothing Salafi about this at all.. Why do I say this? Because the Mu'tazilities believe that the Qur'an is created. That it is fallible. And most Muslims will just consider that outside the fold of Islam. Just stating the opinion. Not trying to upset anyone. If you want to believe what they believe, more power to you.. But be consistent and say that this is not the typical Shariah most Muslims believe.
I don't judge someone to be Muslim or not by what most Muslims believe, if someone believes what they are doing is Islamic and they call themselves Muslim then i'll call them Muslims. Heck, once upon a time most Muslims were mu'tazilites, so even from that perspective you could argue they were Muslims lol.
I never said the Mu'tazilites thought is the typical Sharia most Muslims believe, this Mu'tazilte talk is just a tangent we have gone off on.
Well, as the empires were empires, essentially run by kings, they couldn't have been following sharia to the letter obviously otherwise it would be an elected caliph. My question is, how close was the system of governance of the Islamic empires to the sharia in Sunni Islam.