You assume that because he is a British citizen, assured exception to the ban by his citizenship, that then the ban is not behind this refusal of entry?
The ban is regarding nations. Unless he was born in one of those nations the ban claim does not apply. However this does not mean the denial of entry was not based on a bias held by the agents themselves or some policy we do not know about. That is a possibility.
No as per the "If". Beside if he was born in one of the banned nations just say it outright. The lack of putting forward this claim leads me to conclude he was not born one of those nations
Why would you assume that? If there was a reason behind his refusal, any black flag, why would the British government be pursuing the issue?
I was tossing out alternative possibilities that people are not voicing as it is far more convenient to talk about the ban regardless of evidence.
For if there was a black flag, would not Britain have been informed by US authorities?
There is no way of knowing what America told the UK or what the UK itself knows. Again the US is not obligated to release such information. I was tossing out possibilities.
Why was that ACLU lawyer detained for questioning during the weeks that the ban was suspended? You cannot claim that was NOT the ban.
Again nothing to do with the ban but an agent being suspicious. Pakistan is not on the ban list. Again this could be agent bias or policy we do not know about. You are very quick to jump to a conclusion regarding the ban when by law it is not applicable in the above situations.
The EO has created a situation in which there is a battle of "power" between two branches of government between Judicial and Executive branches regarding which order to follow. There are divisions at a middle management level as well with different supervisors dictating which orders to follow to the agents below them. More so the judicial order has zero enforcement power as the Judaical branch has no organized force to maintain it's orders. It has no military nor are the police under it's control. Hence why pro-Executive supporters are calling the hold order a power grab and following directives from their superiors which are part of the Executive branch. Likewise some that see the hold order as part of the American system of government, thus valid, maintaining the hold order. Far too many within these agencies have been left to their own devices while many agency leaders are being indecisive or refusing to place themselves at risk.