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 Topic: Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America

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  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #180 - August 17, 2016, 04:08 PM

    Sam Harris on Dump...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #181 - August 17, 2016, 08:11 PM

     Cheesy Cheesy
    Windsor deli serves Trump sandwich, full of bologna with wall of Mexican chips

    (Note: Americans pronounce it BALONEY)

    A deli in Windsor, Ont., is selling Trump Sandwiches in order to mock Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.

    The Windsor Sandwich Shop creation is quite simple. It includes, two slices of white bread, full of bologna with a side of Russian dressing and little pickle, all surrounded by "a wall of Mexican chips," the deli's Facebook post says.

    Windsor Sandwich Shop owner Lawrence Lavender is the man behind the idea.

    He doesn't support Trump. He disagrees with the billionaire's policies and called him a "danger to the world."

    "I'm certainly not a fan of his. He's dangerous. He has a thin skin. He's all fluff, no substance," Lavender said.

    Lavender is a dual citizen, who has lived in Canada for 10 years and has the right to vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. He intends to cast a ballot.

    Lavender says he "always has and always will" vote.

    "It's important," he said.

    Lavender can vote in Florida, which he called "the mother of all swing states."

    "Whoever is the president of the United States has an effect globally. We are literally right across the water from them," he said of living in Windsor, right across from Detroit. "In addition to that, I'm a dual citizen and I do actually care about what happens in my other country, as well."

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #182 - August 18, 2016, 11:51 PM

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #183 - August 19, 2016, 03:54 PM

    Trump says he regrets comments that may have caused pain    says news

    so nuggets under that news are

    1). : ......, the GOP nominee said that he recognised that his comments — which have angered minorities and alienated large swaths of the general election electorate — may have been ill-advised.

    "Sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that," the GOP nominee, reading from prepared text, said at a rally in Charlotte, NC. "And believe it or not, I regret it — and I do regret it — particularly where it may have caused personal pain."


    2).   He added that, "Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues." As the crowd cheered, Trump pledged to "always tell you the truth". he was running to be the "voice for every forgotten part of this country that has been waiting and hoping for a better future” and for those who “don't hear anyone speaking for them".

    3).   "I will not rest until children of every colour in this country are fully included in the American Dream," Trump told his audience, again accusing Democratic Hillary Clinton of "bigotry".

    Clinton, he claimed, "sees communities of colour only as votes and not as human beings worthy of a better future". He urged African-American voters to give him a chance, saying: "What do you have to lose by trying something new?"

    4).   "It takes a lot of strength to say, 'I'm sorry', to admit — not that he was wrong, but he wished he hadn't done it," said Cindy Ammons, 70, a Trump supporter from Spindale, North Carolina,

    "I think he's evolving," she said.

    well those are the nuggets.,,   and all that more you can red at that link

    So in short DUMP says ..

    1). He always tells the truth.,   but I wonder why he is regretting  on what he said .."The Truth"

    2)..   And the 70 yer old lady says  ""I think he's evolving," she said  .. Oh I agree with her .. everyone evolves .,  even baboons   are   evolving  by looking at human beings.. but orangutans are bit lazy species and  arrogant.,  so they   may take more time to evolve..  

    well that is the news on American Politics that indeed shaped and shaken the world in this 21st century..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #184 - August 19, 2016, 05:49 PM

    ... he didn't even formally apologize.. all he said was he regrets it.. and how can he possibly say everything he says is the truth when non-partisan research says otherwise..

    What an odd man and what an odd campaign.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #185 - August 21, 2016, 10:12 AM

    Daniel Rowe   ....  Hmm the hero . The DUMP supporter

    In politics when leaders talk and act like that and such people get elected couple of terms continuously then sure AMRIKA will turn in to a        HELL HOLE   with in 20 years.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #186 - August 21, 2016, 12:57 PM

    From the horses mouth:

    , ‘Yeah, I stabbed them. I’m a white supremacist,'”

    Is this a surprise to anyone? When you stir up race in a country then idiots will come out and stir things up and take things to extremes...

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #187 - September 29, 2016, 01:03 PM

    Just seen the first debate between Trump and Clinton. What a waste of time... Not gonna lose my time watching these two muppets.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #188 - November 06, 2016, 10:20 AM

    Dr Zakir Naik .,  Donald trump 2016 and Islam .,

    Sure Dr Zakir Naik will be leader of 1.0 billion Muslims (IF NOT ALL MUSLIMS) in the  next 4 years or so.,    if AMRIKA elects Dump as their president

    Published on Oct 19, 2016

    Zakir Naik is an Indian based Scholar of comparative religions. He was born on 18 Oct 1965 in Mumbai India. He has been called an authority on comparative religions yet he calls himself as student. He has openly rejected the sects in Islam. He is the Presedent and founder of Islamic Research foundation IRF.

    He has also started a TV channel name Peace TV through which reportedly he reaches 100 Million viewers all over the world. Before becoming a public speaker he was trained as medical doctor. He has published booklets on Comparative religions. Moreover he has been awarded with King Faisal Award which is the biggest award of Muslims

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #189 - November 09, 2016, 08:26 AM

    President Trump

    How did that happen?
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #190 - November 09, 2016, 08:29 AM

    Democracy!  Cheesy
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #191 - November 09, 2016, 11:15 AM

    President Trump

    How did that happen?

    Politicians disengaged with people more than ever(same as in UK case), politicians and media(especially leftish) doing nothing good and selling illusions to people who want none of it, democrats choosing an insider and a bad candidate, etc.
    It seems the center is shrinking more than ever and these elections and the polls in Europe show in what profound decline the Western societies are.

    I hope at least this is a good thing for Syrian people and Trump will keep his promise and stop funding jihadis.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #192 - November 09, 2016, 02:07 PM

    President Trump

    How did that happen?

    “In America, anyone can become president. That's the problem.”
    ― George Carlin

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #193 - November 09, 2016, 04:06 PM

    Here's a dire and depressing assessment by Anthony Sullivan in the New Yorker. I only hope it is an overstatement....  we shall have to wait and see:-

    The Republic Repeals Itself
    By Andrew Sullivan
    To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle, George Orwell famously observed. So what is it that we have just seen?

    We are witnessing the power of a massive populist movement that has now upended the two most stable democracies in the world -- and thrown both countries into a completely unknown future. In Britain, where the polls did not pick up the latent support for withdrawal from the European Union, a new prime minister is now navigating a new social contract with the indigenous middle and working classes forged by fear of immigration and globalization. In the U.S., the movement , built on anti-political politics, economic disruption, and anti-immigration fears. had something else, far more lethal, in its bag of tricks: a supremely talented demagogue who created an authoritarian cult with unapologetically neo-fascist rhetoric. Britain is reeling toward a slow economic slide. America has now jumped off a constitutional cliff. It will never be the same country again. Like Brexit, this changes the core nature of this country permanently.

    This is now Trump's America. He controls everything from here on forward. He has won this campaign in such a decisive fashion that he owes no one anything. He has destroyed the GOP and remade it in his image. He has humiliated the elites and the elite media. He has embarrassed every pollster and naysayer. He has avenged Obama. And in the coming weeks, Trump will not likely be content to bask in vindication. He will seek unforgiving revenge on those who dared to oppose him. The party apparatus will be remade in his image. The House and Senate will fail to resist anything he proposes -- and those who speak up will be primaried into oblivion. The Supreme Court may well be shifted to the far right for more than a generation to come -- with this massive victory, he can pick a new Supreme Court justice who will make Antonin Scalia seem like a milquetoast. He will have a docile, fawning Congress for at least four years. We will not have an administration so much as a court.

    Almost certainly, as in Britain, the left, already radicalized, will respond by moving ever farther left, leaving the now openly revanchist right -- far more radical than the Tory government in Britain -- with total control over the levers of power. They will not let those levers go easily. They will likely build a propaganda machine more powerful than Fox and Breitbart-- and generate pseudo-stories and big lies that, absent any authoritative or trusted media, will dominate the new centers of information, Facebook or its successors. We will be in a new political and media universe in which an authoritarian cult will thrive. This is how fascists tend to govern.

    The only sliver of hope is that his promises cannot be kept. He cannot bring millions of jobs back if he triggers a trade war. He cannot build a massive new wall across the entire southern border and get Mexico to pay for it. He cannot deport millions of illegal immigrants, without massive new funding from Congress and major civil unrest. He cannot "destroy ISIS"; his very election will empower it in ways its leaders could not possibly have hoped for. He cannot both cut taxes on the rich, fund a massive new infrastructure program, boost military spending, protect entitlements, and not tip the U.S. into levels of debt even Paul Krugman might blanch at. At some point, a few timid souls in the GOP may mention the concepts of individual liberty or due process or small government or balanced budgets. At some point even his supporters may worry or balk, and his support may fade.

    But hope fades in turn when you realize how absolute and total his support clearly is. His support is not like that of a democratic leader but of a cult leader fused with the idea of the nation. If he fails, as he will, he will blame others, as he always does. And his cult followers will take their cue from him and no one else. "In Trump We Trust," as his acolyte Ann Coulter titled her new book. And so there will have to be scapegoats -- media institutions, the Fed, the "global conspiracy" of bankers and Davos muckety-mucks he previewed in his rankly anti-Semitic closing ad, rival politicians whom he will demolish by new names of abuse, foreign countries and leaders who do not cooperate, and doubtless civilians who will be targeted by his ranks of followers and demonized from the bully pulpit itself. The man has no impulse control and massive reserves of vengeance and hatred. In time, as his failures mount, the campaigns of vilification will therefore intensify. They will have to.

    And then there will be a terror attack -- or several, as he defines the global battle against terror as one against an entire religion and breathes new life into Al Qaeda and ISIS. What he does after such an attack is utterly predictable, given his past statements, and will likely decimate what civil liberties we have left. Then there will be a clash between police and largely black protestors after another unarmed black man is shot. And he will relish a show of massive police force that will inflame this country in ways probably not seen since the 1960s. Then he will reinstate Guantanamo and capture prisoners and torture them until the truth he wants is extracted. That truth will be used to further advance the "war against Islam." He will make every Muslim American feel afraid -- and foment suspicion and hatred among their neighbors. Every single thing we have come to know about this man all but predicts each of these things will come about. All of them portend the end of the America that the world has long known and now must fear.

    I see no way to stop this at first, but some of us will have to try. And what we must seek to preserve are the core institutions that he may threaten -- the courts, first of all, even if he shifts the Supreme Court to an unprecedentedly authoritarian-friendly one. Then the laws governing the rules of war, so that war crimes do not define America as their disavowal once did. Then the free press, which he will do all he can to intimidate and, if possible, bankrupt. Then the institutions he will have to destroy to achieve what he wants -- an independent Department of Justice as one critical bulwark, what's left of the FBI that will not be an instrument of his reign of revenge, our scientific institutions, and what's left of free thought in our colleges and universities. We will need to march peacefully on the streets to face down the massive intimidation he will at times present to a truly free and open society. We have to hold our heads up high as we defend the values of the old republic, even as it crumbles into authoritarian dust. We must be prepared for nonviolent civil disobedience. We must transcend racial and religious division in a movement of resistance that is as diverse and as open as the new president's will be uniform and closed.

    And, impossible though it may be, we will have to resist partisanship. The only way back to a free society, to a country where no one need fear the president's wrath or impulses, is to unwind the factionalism that has helped destroy this country. We have to forge a new coalition on right and left to resist fascism's reach and cultic power. In a country which just elected and re-elected a black president -- whose grace feels now almost painful to recall -- it is surely possible.

    I will leave you with these words about what has now happened to America. Someone saw it coming a long time ago:

    The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.

    That was George Washington's Farewell Address.

    A country designed to resist tyranny has now embraced it. A constitution designed to prevent democracy taking over everything has now succumbed to it. A country once defined by self-government has openly, clearly, enthusiastically delivered its fate into the hands of one man to do as he sees fit. After 240 years, an idea that once inspired the world has finally repealed itself. We the people did it.

    And he didn't even touch on the environment and climate change denial.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #194 - November 09, 2016, 05:16 PM

    Not an overstatement at all in my opinion, Puzzleover. It's pretty tame and restrained in fact. I don't have the language skills to even begin to describe what level of idiocy, paranoia, misogyny, xenophobia and divisiveness this Trump dude operates on, so I won't try.

    Our world gets worse by the day, my Puzzlelove, so we must cling to one another like adjacently imprisoned lovers, who have finally been released from their separation after a lifetime of utter frustration.

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #195 - November 09, 2016, 05:24 PM

    Quote from: Gilbert Achcar
    What does Trump's victory mean for the Middle East?

    Regarding foreign policy in general and the Middle East in particular, Donald Trump, as the new president of the United States, would stand out as the most unpredictable man to have occupied this position ever since his country started deploying an overseas imperial policy in the late 19th century.

    Trump has contradicted himself and changed positions and/or tone on several issues time and again during the electoral campaign. Judging, however, by a few key themes that he persistently reiterated over the past year, here is what can be guessed at this point about the way his presidency may affect the Middle East:

    The Syrian people will be the first to suffer from his election. The doors of the United States will be slammed shut in the face of would-be Syrian refugees, with maybe an exception made for Christians as Trump's agitation against Syrian refugees has always centred around Islamophobia.

    To stop altogether the outflow of refugees from Syria, Trump has advocated the creation of a "safe zone" within the country's borders, where Syrian displaced persons would be concentrated rather than allowed to go abroad as refugees. He boasted that he would make the Arab Gulf states pay for this as he would make Mexico pay for the wall that he intends to build on the border between the two countries.

    Secondly, Trump will inaugurate a new policy of friendship and collaboration with Russian President Vladimir Putin, based on accommodating Russia's interests. In the Middle East, this includes accepting Russia's role in Syria as positive and supporting Bashar al-Assad's regime as the lesser evil.

    It would logically involve demanding from the United States' traditional allies in the region that they cease supporting the Syrian armed opposition. Washington would then co-sponsor with Moscow a Syrian "coalition government" that would include conciliationist "opposition" members. This could open the way to US collaboration with the Assad regime in the name of the "war on terror".

    Pursuing the policy of favouring "strong men" in power, which he shares with Putin, Trump will want to improve Washington's relations with both Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    He may try to mend fences between the two men and coax them into adhering to a joint effort against "terrorism" that would accept each president's definition of what he regards as terrorism in his own country.

    Since Trump is poised to antagonise Iran by revoking the nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration, he may even try to entice Saudi Arabia into joining what would emerge as a Sunni triangle of Ankara, Cairo and Riyadh backed by Washington.

    Herein lies the principal inconsistency in Trump's vision for the Middle East (whereas his hostile stance towards China is the principal inconsistency of his global vision): overcoming it requires luring both Moscow and the Assad regime into breaking with Tehran.

    Lastly, another regional "strong man" whose relations with Washington will greatly improve under Trump is Benjamin Netanyahu. Thus, another direct victim of Trump's election will be the Palestinian people as Netanyahu will be given more of a free hand in dealing with them than any Israeli prime minister has had since Ariel Sharon in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #196 - November 09, 2016, 05:31 PM

    Jihadists cheer Trump victory
    As messages congratulating President-elect Donald Trump continued to pour in Wednesday morning from such international characters as Vladimir Putin, Marine Le Pen, and former KKK leader David Duke, the news of the Republican candidate’s electoral victory over Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton was also greeted with enthusiasm by several leading lights of global jihadism.
    Not that jihadists were the only ones celebrating in the Middle East. Supporters of dictators such as Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and Egypt’s Abdel Fattah al-Sisi likewise hailed the news, apparently seeing in Trump a kindred spirit of sorts.

    “A happy and blessed morning to you,” tweeted the Iraqi cleric Ayad Jamal al-Din to his 50,000 followers. “Trump’s overwhelming victory […] is a defeat for all the proselytizers and patrons of backwardness and barbarism in the Middle East.”

    In case it was unclear what exactly he meant by that, he clarified in a follow-up tweet:

    “Trump’s win is a victory for the Arab leaders Bashar al-Assad and Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.”

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #197 - November 09, 2016, 06:01 PM

    Trump's policies on Syria
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #198 - November 09, 2016, 06:15 PM

    President Trump

    How did that happen?

    By far the best article I've seen so far, by Frank.  Most articles are circuitous ways for the writer and his followers to pat themselves on their back for recognizing their moral supremacy over a demonized class.  This article is a straightforward and cold assessment of why and how the election was lost, not in a way that validates peoples' feelings and values, but how it actually happened.

    It's easy to rant about hatred and ignorance and how foolish and evil the other side is, but this explains little about why people who voted for Obama twice have now just voted against Clinton.  It's not because they suddenly turned racist and ignorant.  It also explains little about why Sanders was so strong against Clinton.  The inability to recognize that there was a genuine set of grievances, that there may be some legitimacy to the complaints (shock, horror, unthinkable), meant that the Democrats were incapable of taking those grievances seriously.  Clinton was widely perceived, correctly, as like Obama only much more corrupt, warmongering, and beholden to banks and international capitalism.  That Trump was such a disaster caused people to overlook this terrible weakness in Clinton's candidacy, thinking that enough cries of racism would make it disappear.  She was like an awful super-establishment version of Obama, and that wasn't enough to carry the day against the worst presidential candidate of my lifetime.

    What is particularly disappointing, as the Frank article points out, is the complicity of the American media in this problem.  No serious criticism of Clinton, no serious assessment of why Trump was popular.  Cartoonish moralizing and sanctimony, wrapped up in a bubble world, with no demonstrated commitment to real people.  As if, having established their superiority, they simply couldn't fathom why the lower classes didn't recognize it.  Even now you see numerous articles posting about how Trump's win comes strictly from racist uneducated white men, as though the actual demographics were not much more complex --- women and minorities voted fairly strongly for Trump relative to prior GOP candidates, and the Left was (and so far as I can tell, remains) largely incapable of grasping that this happened or why it happened.  It's as though they have no genuine interest in apprehending empirical data that contradicts their self-image and cherished beliefs.  The other side is evil and ignorant, and that's just all there is to it. 
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #199 - November 09, 2016, 06:56 PM

    Don't know about the article yet cause I haven't read it, but your words are as informative as ever. Kudos to you for keeping your brain and giving us such an insightful post, when some of the rest of us have only screams and incredulous groans right now.

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #200 - November 09, 2016, 09:14 PM

    Another good one I think, and one that goes with my initial gut-reaction on how the impossible became reality:

    It was the rise of the Davos class that sealed America’s fate

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #201 - November 09, 2016, 09:33 PM

    Its all very depressing.  Still, maybe Trump won't be so bad as we think.  Most politicians don't live up to their election promises, hopefully Trump won't either.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #202 - November 09, 2016, 09:44 PM

    Having watched him for a good few weeks now, I think you're being optimistic Cheetah.

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #203 - November 09, 2016, 10:15 PM

    Indeed.  Not much else we can do, is there?   Cry

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #204 - November 09, 2016, 10:56 PM

    Another good one I think, and one that goes with my initial gut-reaction on how the impossible became reality:

    It was the rise of the Davos class that sealed America’s fate

    Yes Musivore,  there has to be a way of addressing the concerns of Trump voters but I don't think that Naomi has the answer.   She is Canadian. and though there may be a few people like her in the US.  It's not the Trump voters who hate free trade.  They would have no time for the Occupy Wall Street movement even though there is common ground there.     They would not trust Naomi Klein nor Noam Chomsky nor Bernie Sanders for that matter.   It's ok for Trump to like Putin, but Klein et al would be 'pinko' commies.   

    Just look at this map.  Move your cursor over the blue 'Democratic States' and click on it, you will see her support is mostly urban.

    US Democrats, especially from rural areas and especially the South, are more right than Canadian Conservatives.  Disturbingly, an Albertan politician running to take Harper's role as Cdn Conservative Party leader said this :

    Trump's message must come to Canada, Kellie Leitch says in Tory leadership bid

    There will be a lot more analyses and opinions and there will be varying levels of truth in each.  I am trying to figure it out myself.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #205 - November 09, 2016, 11:39 PM

    Good man/woman/child/puzzlelover. I currently prefer wallowing, anger, denial, depression and grief to actually sitting down and trying to figure out where this shit went wrong. But once that subsides, I'll look again at your post and try to learn something from it.

    You sound Canadian? Your accent gives you away. Or perhaps it's your measured, almost detached, reaction to all of this that smells of Canadian?

  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #206 - November 10, 2016, 12:14 AM

    It's woman,  Musivore and yes I'm from Canada.    Smiley
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #207 - November 10, 2016, 12:49 AM

    As expected, pro-ISIS accounts are pointing to the US election as a victory.
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #208 - November 10, 2016, 04:35 AM

    Honestly,I don't see any differences between Trump and Clinton. An unapologetic racist bigot and, a pseudo progressive neoliberal war hawk. No lesser evil in this. We are screwed either way

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from America
     Reply #209 - November 10, 2016, 04:38 AM

    Here's my post on why I'm not afraid of a Trump presidency in regards to LGBT rights, but most of it applies to immigration too. Basically, the president can't pass laws. The congress can't pass just any law they want, either; they can propose one, but it can be struck down by the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court would almost 100% certainly rule it unconstitutional to ban immigrants and especially refugees, probably on the basis of the "no religious test" clause or the "prohibiting the free exercise of a religion" clause. So then Trump and the Congress would need to pass a constitutional amendment, which requires 2/3 of the congress AND it needs to be ratified by 38 states (3/4 majority), and there's no way they could do that.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
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