I don't think any country can be complacent when it comes to racial problems. America has trigger happy cops shooting black people, Britain recently had a neo nazi freak who murdered an elected politician in the street. Even nice, liberal Norway had Anders Breivik.
I don't think we'll ever eliminate racism completely, tho; it seems to be a part of human nature to want to divide everything (including ourselves) into categories and dislike some of the categories. So the best we can hope to do is probably to remove it from having institutional power.
I think America's gun culture is dumb in general, we've always got people shooting other people, not just cops and not just racists, so I think that's probably why our cops are a bit jumpy all the time. I think a bigger problem in our culture in general when it comes to racism is stuff like unfair sentencing gaps, mandatory sentencing, laws that are written to discriminate in a roundabout way, and the absolutely insane three strike rule. The crack cocaine vs cocaine sentencing gap is the go-to example for this, but it's not the only one.
The reason why I think this is a bigger issue is that I don't think we can prove that the cops who shoot people are racists, and I don't think that very many of them are dyed in the wool racists who think black people are just inferiors. I think they're more likely to think of black people as criminals because they see their jails full of black people disproportion and say to themselves, even if it's on an unconscious level "well, if black people aren't criminals, why are there so many in jail?"
I also think that the importance of this issue and the long-term negative effects it has on black communities is severely underrated by the general public. It's a significant cause of fatherlessness in African American households, which causes an increased likelihood of the children's future poverty and future criminal behavior. However, the "black people getting shot by cops" thing gains a lot more attention for basically the same reason as this thought experiment: imagine a world where smoking has no negative health effects, but one cigarette in every 18,750th pack is actually dynamite. People would be losing their heads loudly and messily all over the world. However, in such a universe, there would still be the same number of people dying from cigarettes as already do in our world. It's how our brains calculate risk. Vsauce did a video on this problem:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-CK8VxMz9gSo basically, even though the actual number of black men shot by cops is very low relative to the population, it sticks out more to us and seems like a much bigger problem than African American men being taken from their homes, families, and communities for decades or for the rest of their lives by unfair laws that give them much longer sentences and by the insane 3 strike rule that gives them life sentences for minor infractions. They're still being permanently removed from their homes and families but it's in a much less dramatic way.