About "Allah and His Messenger know best"
I had this explained to me in a class that it was permissible for the companions to say this, but after the Messenger died, it was not permissible anymore. I've heard a "different opinion" among scholars that it was not permissible to say, "Allah and his messenger know best" after the Qur'an was completely revealed...
Because if we did, we would think the Prophet had certain knowledge that Allah did not have. So therefore the fatwa was explained to me that we can only say, "Allah knows best" nowadays.
In reality, the whole time Muhammad was duping his companions by allowing them to put him in high status with Allah by saying "Allah and His Messenger know best." Muhammad purposely couples "Obey Allah and Obey the messenger" many times throughout the Qur'an because it's easier to manipulate them into thinking of the high status Muhammad had with Allah.
Muhammad duped them when he put his infamous signature/seal on letters when he put "Allah" above "Rasul Muhammad." Just another tactic for people to be in awe and amazement for his "humility" when they saw that.
Contrary to how many Muslims think that the Arabian Peninsula was filled with uneducated barbarians at the time that didn't know how to read or write, it's safe to assume that Muhammad was pretty manipulative and smart.
For all practical purposes, Muhammad IS Allah. The two are virtually indistinguishable. From a Muslim’s standpoint, how would you ever know if Muhammad ever told you to do something that Allah did not want you to do? You couldn’t. They are one and the same. It was kinda like Edward Norton and Brad Pitt in Fight Club.
If you take the opinion that Muhammad was a real figure, which I do, then it is interesting to see how Muhammad merged himself with Allah. “Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah.” Verily, those who gave fealty to thee under the tree, they gave fealty to Allah. Allah’s hand was over their hands” “And obey Allah and his messenger” “And you did not throw (oh Muhammad) when you threw, but Allah threw” “They ask thee about the spoils of war, say ‘The spoils of war are for Allah and the Messenger.’” And there are countless ahadith where the companions would say “Allah and his messenger know best.”
While Allah was completely silent, MIA, away on vacation, Muhammad was the only one able to speak on his behalf. He could have said whatever he wanted, and since Allah wasn’t speaking up, no one would have had a clue.