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 Topic: How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah

 (Read 5077 times)
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  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     OP - December 25, 2015, 09:54 PM

    On last Tuesday there was a private lecture ( lesson ) by Islamic studies teachers at the school where I work in Egypt.
    The lesson was given to students at the age of 14-15 years because of the Birth of Muhammad was on the last Wednesday.
    The teachers were asked to gather in a big hall with students to listen to the faith talking and how we get the spiritual blessings.
    There was no way to quit so I had to attend by force.
    The so- called religious teachers started to speak loudly about the virtues of Islam, how fortunate you were born as a Muslim.
    Then they talked about Muhammad the prophet of mercy....etc.
    Suddenly they started to talk about USA and the Western civilisation.
    How it is a very corrupted one who destroyed humanity and people.
    They explained how the Westerns killed people and kidnapped women.
    Americans are very brutal who kidnapped and killed the German scientists after the second world war....etc.
    I was listening and suddenly I asked " what about Islam ? "
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #1 - December 26, 2015, 08:29 AM

    You asked this loudly?
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #2 - December 27, 2015, 08:31 AM

    I asked in front of All ; what about Islam? Wasn't there any killings or wars in Islam between Muslims themselves?
    He shouted that was another subject, we would talk about it later and he continued his speech.
    After the speech, the teacher called me and said why I interrupted him with my notice.
    Actually, I was afraid to express what is in my inner self so I replied I wanted to know the reply to defend Islam in front of the enemies of Allah.
    He said No it is a big issue and you can't convince them because they had hatred and envy in their selves and hearts against Islam and Muslims. They knew the truth and the light but they are closing their eyes.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #3 - December 27, 2015, 09:53 AM

    Did they cite anything to back up their claims?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #4 - December 27, 2015, 01:19 PM

    you need to stop hanging out with these people.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #5 - December 27, 2015, 09:32 PM

    Did they cite anything to back up their claims?

    Sorry can you please articulate your point?
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #6 - December 27, 2015, 09:35 PM

    you need to stop hanging out with these people.

    You are right but sometimes you need to speak to cry otherwise you got mad.
    You can't witness lies which you are %100 sure they are lairs.
    Believe me the play of Islam and Muslims is Business.
    It is Business... Business. ... Business...
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #7 - December 27, 2015, 09:37 PM

    When you are weak and afraid,

    When you have only words and tears,

    When you feel strange and alone,

    You have no hope or no future ,

    Only the wish to die is the best you can dream...
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #8 - December 27, 2015, 10:32 PM

    Free mind, do you have kids? I quite understand your feelings, sometimes I feel the same, but the kids somehow manage to pull me out, that's why I asked you.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #9 - December 27, 2015, 10:37 PM

    Yes I have three.
    Believe me sometimes I have bad ideas to poison myself and them to relieve. But after that feeling, I stayed alone and cried.
    To kill yourself is your choice but to kill others is a crime.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #10 - December 27, 2015, 11:02 PM

    I don't understand you. Why not trying to live to do the best for them? They have a better chance to emigrate with you than without you, to get a better council,  etc.  They need you.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #11 - December 27, 2015, 11:11 PM

    Let me explain something to people who were not originally Muslims.
    We are exmuslims, we abandoned Islam with our will after we used our free thinking to analyse and find the truth.

    Muslims imams and islamists divide non-Muslims into two categories:
    1- the first type is people who are naive, ignorant and are misled.
    2- the second type who are cunning and malicious people who know about the blessings of Islam but they mislead people.

    This division depends upon the bullshit implanted in their heads since their childhood that Islam is the true and best religion. Islam is the religion of God.
    You can't achieve the comfort and mercy without Islam.
    Anyone with sound heart and mind MUST be Muslims.

    That was the aim of their speech at the school.
    You are not allowed to interrupt or criticise or even analyse.
    You have to listen and obey blindly.
    WHO are you to ask and understand? They are the greatest people on the earth, they recite Quran, they have more knowledge and faith to lead.

    Who are you to criticise Muhammad and his behaviours?
    You are crazy or mad to critize e Muhammad because He is the messenger of Allah. Muhammad did all by the orders of Allah.

    This is Islam; listen and obey blindly without discussions otherwise don't blame others except yourself if you want the truth.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #12 - December 27, 2015, 11:13 PM

    I don't understand you. Why not trying to live to do the best for them? They have a better chance to emigrate with you than without you, to get a better council,  etc.  They need you.

    I keep silent and quite for them.
    I don't make any loud sound or cry for them.
    I don't want any harm or pain to them.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #13 - December 28, 2015, 12:19 AM

    free mind,  I think you're depressed because you see no way out but you have to find a way for the sake of you children. Is it possible to leave Egypt? If you can't leave, can you change your job? even if it pays lower than you current earnings it would be worth leaving those crazies. perhaps in the tourist industry? you need to make a plan. you can't give up. I feel terrible for you. I'm from a fairly liberal muslim household and I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be for you.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #14 - December 28, 2015, 03:06 PM

    I already got UK visa and made up my mind to leave Egypt.
    I'll leave because I can't bear to live in such  lies and hypocrisy more time.
    They don't want to open their eyes or hear any word against their religion.
    They are chanting about Islam and its virtues and if you argue or say any word against them, they got furious and you are a revert.
    Due to their harshness and brutality in our countries, the truth can't be disclosed. Free discussions are forbidden and buried
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #15 - December 28, 2015, 03:16 PM

    That's great Free mind. Can you take your family with you as well?
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #16 - December 28, 2015, 03:34 PM

    Today I had a discussion with the teacher of Islamic studies at the school.
    He was that person who gave speech at the school last week about Islam and Muslims. He came to ask me " Are you praying?"
    I was surprised but I controlled myself and answered not always.
    He breathed and said that was the reason. You disconnected the link between you and Allah so Allah isn't happy with you.
    He continued to show and explain the blessings of being a Muslim....etc.
    He linked good manners and behaviours to Islam; if you are a Muslim, you are the best one in the universe. If you are not a Muslim, you have no degree of good manners or humanity.
    I listened to him carefully but didn't utter any words.. Why?
    Because that person himself is quitting the school regularly during the school time and go for private teaching to get more money.
    It was him at the time of Muslim brothers ruling who claimed he to be one of them and told us many dreams that he witnessed about the victory of Islam and later we found out that he was a police agent and wrote reports against his colleagues to the security.

  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #17 - December 28, 2015, 03:36 PM

    That's great Free mind. Can you take your family with you as well?

    Unfortunately I can't.
    My wife is afraid and worried... Very worried, she can't risk.

  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #18 - December 28, 2015, 05:53 PM

    Still, it's great that your wife knows about your apostasy and support you.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #19 - December 28, 2015, 07:51 PM

  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #20 - December 28, 2015, 07:57 PM

    1- The school's name is Malala. Malala Yousafzai is applauded by Syrian refugees as she visits a school named after her in Lebanon. The school’s construction was funded by the Malala Fund and it can provide education for up to 200 girls aged 14 to 18 in the area. The story of Malala highlights the right to education, particularly of girls, but also the right to live free from fear.

    (((( UK launches new scholarship programme for top Al-Azhar students
    On Monday 28 December, the UK has launched a new programme with Al-Azhar university, the most prestigious centre of Sunni Islamic learning, that will send Al-Azhar PhD students to top British universities.
    The programme will invest in a new generation of religious leaders who are equipped to build dialogue across different cultures and religions and confront extremism. )))

    The above news was published today in UK in Egypt Facebook page.
  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #21 - December 28, 2015, 10:29 PM

    I posted above two pieces of news I got today.
    The first one is about Malala's school in Lebanon and surely we all know the story of Malala.
    The second one is the most important for me. It is a programme between Al-Azhar in Egypt and UK universities.
    Actually I don't understand the aim of the UK policy.
    Are they afraid of Islam and want Muslims to be under control?
    I have noticed recently UK has double different policies.
    They are supporting human rights and freedom but also supporting the countries which violate it such as Saudi Arabia....etc.
    It is as we love all and we support all.

    From my own personal experience, all these efforts will dissolve into nothing.
    You will never have a true Muslim who love Westerns or non Muslims because at the end you are Kaffir and will go to hell.
    I spent some time at London in the hot spot and I am aware of what I am writing. Some terrorist attacks are done by Muslims who lived in the west but no change in their hearts or minds.
    Believe me if they have the power, they won't let you to live in peace.
    My writing is not to hate or kill Muslims but to keep a down to earth eye.

  • How to kill and kidnap others by the name of Allah
     Reply #22 - December 28, 2015, 10:53 PM

    I keep reading about the history of Islam and early Muslims to understand and analyse why I don't want Islam.
    You can say May be I want to find excuses for myself.

    I read about Muhammad's marriage of Aisha. She was a child at the age of 6 or 9 when they got married. I asked myself is it acceptable to marry at that age?
    Is the big difference in age between them acceptable?
    Will I accept this marriage to one of my daughters now?
    I didn't like it and I asked the school Islamic teacher to explain it to me.
    I wanted to hear the other opinion because I want the truth.
    He said that type of marriage was acceptable at that time of early Islam. Girls were married at the age of 6 or 9 years because the girls of desert have a  more strong physical body than those in cities.

    Besides, I read about the Jewish wife Safia who married Muhammad after the killing of her family and husband.
    As a human being I didn't accept it. A woman ,who lost her husband and her family in a war, would marry the killer happily? How was her feeling?
    The teacher answered Muhammad's actions were ordered by Allah and he had to obey Allah. May be Allah wanted something that we don't know.

    I don't want to exaggerate in my writing but if you read well the history which Muslims wrote themselves, you will find many contradictions and much stuff that can't be acceptable or understood.
    However as a Muslim you MUST accept it with NO discussions because it was ordered by Allah and you have to obey Allah even you understand nothing.
    As we say in Egypt : A donkey with big ears.
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