I'm so happy that I'm free but I'm really saddened by my discovery of no afterlife. It really makes me sad that I'll never my parents and my other loved ones after I die. It really makes sense to me why people hold on to religion even when they doubt its validity.
I loved being a Muslim, it felt so good to be...................class bully (allah)
I'm happy that I realised it all to be fake. I found so many inconsistencies that i couldn't stop denying them (slavery and racism in islam in particular)
bully (allah)?? Another SomaliEx?? where is Al-Alethia?? She must be running in jungles or flying as Air Hostess on some airlines
I like that word ..Let me change it to
allahbullySo just now,
allahbully sent a revelation to yeezevee..
Ohyee.. yee... "Either Islam will change or there will be millions of Ex-ms from Somalia" ..
yee says..."my lord I am your servant . order me I will be your slave I will preach whatever you say"
Hello SomaliEx... welcome to CEMB.....
with best wishes