Why I am not a Muslim nor an ex-Muslim
OP - January 30, 2016, 03:53 AM
This is my first post on this site and I hope I am posting this correctly. First I want to thank the brave people who are supporting ex-muslims and the ex-muslims themselves. Although I may not be an ex-muslim, I understand and support your cause.
I was brought up by Muslim parents in the UK, both my parents know I am an Athiest but they don't really care (they are just glad I am not Christian, or Jewish).
I guess that is the reason I don't identify as an ex-muslim, because my family is still there for me. All they ask is I say 'Aslamalikum' to their friends and relatives. And I openly debate region with them.
Another reason I don't say I am an ex-muslim, is because in a weird way you are still under an Islamic label. I just say I am an Atheist.
I understand my experience may be in the minority, but does anybody else feel the term 'ex-muslim', is still part of some Islamic identity. It almost feels like Islam is racialised, that you can't really leave it, the label still follows you.