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 Topic: Absurdist 1 Kamil 0

 (Read 10510 times)
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  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     OP - February 10, 2016, 07:56 PM

    Oh i see you are just an ex-muslim i thougt you were a muslim with different views. Well sorry for just asking a simple question. But because you hate me or at least dislike me or i am clearly unwanted here just ignore my question. As-salamun ala man ittiba al huda.
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #1 - February 10, 2016, 08:00 PM

    This topic has nothing to do with you... Could you PLEASE just leave.... PLEASE..

    You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #2 - February 10, 2016, 08:03 PM

    Hey Kamil, we take disrupting intro threads seriously here. If you'd like to be able to continue to do your da'wah and takfir here, then stay out of intro threads. You won't get another polite warning.
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #3 - February 11, 2016, 07:41 AM

    Murtad, i was not doing da'wah. Do you truly want me to do da'wah? What i have been doing the whole time was just asking questions and offering explanations, not da'wah. You try to silence me like the Jews tried to silence Isa(AS). You can silence me, but you cannot silence Allah's signs.
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #4 - February 11, 2016, 10:07 AM

    It blows my mind that you genuinely think you're "asking questions". You're either so self-unaware that you have no idea what you're doing, or you have a problem with English comprehension, because asking a loaded rhetorical question and answering it yourself with a claim that someone is a kafir is not "asking questions". You're accusatory, disrespectful, and incredibly self-righteous. On top of that, you're anti-Semitic.

    If you want to post here, you need to respect this website as a space for ex-Muslims. No one gives a fuck about your Islam or your Allah. No one gives a fuck about your non-existent right to be self-righteous and disrespectful. Yes, we are most certainly kafir. We wear that label with pride—because of people like you. We've reclaimed that label. It's not derogatory, not insulting. It doesn't put us down. It makes us proud of who we are. We're kafir, and we hope you seethe inside that you no longer wield power over us with that word.
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #5 - February 11, 2016, 11:01 AM

    Sorry for being harsh to one's unwelcome here..
    Have you ever see yourself..??
    You are one's unwelcome here..
    but still there you are..
    you bring garbage into topics..
    you making thing here so mess,
    Just like the way you are!

    You are one likely what I always said..  but thanks to showing the ‘proof’ and thank for making up the ‘evidence’ ..

    Yes.. you are that 'signs'.. God has making a very very BIG mistakes, and because GOD has making such Defected creature, and it is just YOU... you are the cancer to the mankind.. YOU are the Defective creature which damaged the world wherever you step your unwelcome foot.

    I smell you.. perhaps you sometime need time for yourselves.. go to bathroom.  Mirror your self... that's you..
    Yes you !
    I meant that's you that DEFECTED CREATURE ! you.. you are !!

    You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #6 - February 11, 2016, 11:30 AM

    AGEO, don't worry
    It blows my mind that you genuinely think you're "asking questions". You're either so self-unaware that you have no idea what you're doing, or you have a problem with English comprehension, because asking a loaded rhetorical question and answering it yourself with a claim that someone is a kafir is not "asking questions". You're accusatory, disrespectful, and incredibly self-righteous. On top of that, you're anti-Semitic.

    If you want to post here, you need to respect this website as a space for ex-Muslims. No one gives a fuck about your Islam or your Allah. No one gives a fuck about your non-existent right to be self-righteous and disrespectful. Yes, we are most certainly kafir. We wear that label with pride—because of people like you. We've reclaimed that label. It's not derogatory, not insulting. It doesn't put us down. It makes us proud of who we are. We're kafir, and we hope you seethe inside that you no longer wield power over us with that word.

    That was beautiful.

  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #7 - February 11, 2016, 02:05 PM

    It blows my mind that you genuinely think you're "asking questions". You're either so self-unaware that you have no idea what you're doing, or you have a problem with English comprehension, because asking a loaded rhetorical question and answering it yourself with a claim that someone is a kafir is not "asking questions". You're accusatory, disrespectful, and incredibly self-righteous. On top of that, you're anti-Semitic.

    If you want to post here, you need to respect this website as a space for ex-Muslims. No one gives a fuck about your Islam or your Allah. No one gives a fuck about your non-existent right to be fuck  Yes, we are most certainly kafir. We wear that label with pride—because of people like you. We've reclaimed that label. It's not derogatory, not insulting. It doesn't put us down. It makes us proud of who we are. We're kafir, and we hope you seethe inside that you no longer wield power over us with that word.

    what???  what the hell?... what did I read there?

    fuck  ...One
    fuck  .... Two..

    Hmm.. That is it?
    only 2 fucks?  
    No Shit??.,
    how fuck works without shit??

    oh well .. wait for next post...

    Murtad, i was not doing da'wah..............

    Hellooooooooo.. Kamil how are you doing?

    Well let us do some da'wah., why not.. We must have freedoms to do that.. I will join you..  this jinn will join you...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #8 - February 12, 2016, 01:32 AM

    Yes, we are most certainly kafir. We wear that label with pride—because of people like you. We've reclaimed that label. It's not derogatory, not insulting. It doesn't put us down. It makes us proud of who we are. We're kafir, and we hope you seethe inside that you no longer wield power over us with that word.

    + 1 

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #9 - February 12, 2016, 12:24 PM

    Helain says beautiful  and TDR gives +1  to some words of Absurdist in response to Kamil
    AGEO, don't worry
    That was beautiful.


    + 1  

    what happned to you guys., if its +1post and also beautiful it should go in to that nuggets folder..  CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed

    well those words are indeed powerful and confrontational which sometimes necessary.,first let me put that post in that folder   But for that whole post I give ZERO TO KAMIL and zero to Absurdist ..  because he missed a word or two in his post and that is fakir ..

    so I am going to slightly modify his post...
    Yes, we are most certainly  kāfir, kuffār,  kāfira,  FAKIRS AND FUCKERS  and  we wear those label with pride—because of people like you. We've reclaimed that label. It's not derogatory, not insulting. It doesn't put us down. It makes us proud of who we are. We're kafir, and we hope you seethe inside that you no longer wield power over us with that word.

    That sounds good to me ... See what freedom of expression  does to us??  allows us to  change  the words from wonderful posts and allows to change the words of unknown  allahgod  words of revelations...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Absurdist 1 Kamil 0
     Reply #10 - February 12, 2016, 01:16 PM

    Hmm.. That is it?
    only 2 fucks?  
    No Shit??.,
    how fuck works without shit??

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